Under the sky, Chen Xiang and Chen Xin, who had contacted and gathered dozens of former Nongjia disciples in the past half month, looked at Prince Fusu who chose to read the words of Nongjia on the sky, and laughed:

"Look, Prince Fusu chose to read our words from"Farmer"!"

"And it is taught by our Master Xu himself!"

"Prince Fusu is also a disciple of our Nong family!".

"Farmers are thriving! Farmers are thriving!"

"There is hope for the prosperity of farmers!"


The laughter of dozens of disciples of the Nong family spread far and wide.

The common people and scholars who knew that they were disciples of the Nong family looked at them with a little more respect.

Some scholars even took the initiative to ask Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other disciples of the Nong family about the knowledge of the Nong family.

After all, Prince Fusu on the sky curtain was reading the words of the Nong family, so it was normal for them to learn from the Nong family.

If they hadn't found the disciples of the Mohist school, these scholars would also want to find the Mohist school.���The disciples came to ask about the Mohist knowledge.

In short, since the appearance of Prince Fusu on the sky,

Prince Fusu on the sky suddenly became the trend vane for many scholars in the world.

They followed the classics and the words of the Prince Fusu on the sky. In

Xianyang City, on the square outside the Qilin Hall, Xiang Liji glanced at Chunyu Yue and other doctors of various schools of thought, and said with a smile:

"It seems that our Mohist words are better!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince finally chose the words of our Mohist school!"

"Who will His Royal Highness the Crown Prince choose nearby to teach him the teachings of Mohism?"

"Could it be this old man?"


Xiang Liji's happy look was extremely dazzling and hateful in the eyes of other doctors of the Hundred Schools.

Some of the doctors of the Hundred Schools even began to regret entering the palace today.

If they wanted to see the sky curtain, they could see it anywhere.

They had to choose to enter the palace to see it!

As a result, Xiang Liji, the old man, had the opportunity to show off in front of them.

Moreover, this was in the palace, and in front of the First Emperor, so they couldn't even beat him up.

Thinking of this, the other doctors of the Hundred Schools looked at each other silently, then nodded in tacit understanding, and agreed with each other's thoughts at the moment.

They couldn't do it in the palace, but after leaving the palace, they joined hands, put Xiang Liji, the old man, in a bamboo basket, and beat him up to relieve their anger.

Outside the palace, the Mohist Xiangli clan was responsible for researching military equipment and the newly established six departments of the Ministry of Industry. The Mohist Xiangli clan elders quickly convened a Mohist meeting, or a clan meeting.

A group of Mohist Xiangli clan elders are ready to see if the"Xiangli Ji" on the sky is really so lucky that he can teach Prince Fusu the words of Mohism.

If he is really so lucky and can get a title like"Ji Shi" or"Xiangli Shi" from Prince Fusu on the sky.

Then they will elect Xiangli Ji to be the new leader of their branch of Mohism.

Although this"leader" can only command the disciples of their branch of Mohism, he can't command the disciples of the other two branches.

However, it is hard to say whether the disciples of the other two branches of Mohism still exist, and if so, how many disciples there are.

So even if he can command the disciples of the other two branches of Mohism, it actually doesn't mean much.

In addition to Xiangli Ji's smiling face, Li Si, who was also sitting next to him, also had a smile on his face.

He also didn't expect that"himself" on the sky curtain would be so respected by Prince Fusu. Not only did he respectfully call him"Master Li", he even said that he could be independent from the Legalists and innovate.

This can almost be said to be the highest evaluation at present!

The so-called independent school means that your thoughts and doctrines can be independent even if they are placed among a group of philosophers and can stand shoulder to shoulder with other philosophers.

In the future, when others talk about him, Li Si, they will also add a"Zi" after his name and respectfully call him"Li Sizi"!

This can be said to be Li Si's biggest life pursuit besides power, status, and wealth.

However, Li Si's current achievements in Legalist thought and academics have not yet reached this level.

At least it is still half a level away from the achievements of his junior brother Han Fei in the thoughts and academics of Legalism.

So even if Han Fei died, others would still respectfully call Han Fei"Han Feizi".

However, if he could successfully complete the reform of the Qin military merit system and replace the old military merit system with a new one.

Then his achievements in the reform would immediately help him to move to a higher level and enter the level of the various philosophers.

In this way, even if he dies in the future, others will still respectfully call him Li Sizi!

Thinking of the scene where others respectfully call him"Li Sizi", Li Si couldn't help but feel excited. He immediately did three things at once, listening to what Tianmu said, recording it on bamboo slips, and continuing to perfect the specific matters of the new law in his mind.

In fact, in the past half month, he has already come up with a prototype of a new law.

After all, Prince Fusu on Tianmu has given the direction of the new law's reform, and in the past half month, he often thought about it and couldn't sleep day and night.

In addition, he, Li Si, can indeed be regarded as the most talented person in the legal school of this era, except for his junior brother Han Fei.....

So even though it was a bit scary to say it out, he did come up with a set of new laws that could replace the military merit system, which was in line with what Prince Fusu had said before.

Although this set of new laws could not be considered perfect, the general core had been determined.

After that, as long as he continued to spend some time and energy to further improve the details of all aspects.

Then this set of new laws that were enough to replace the military merit system would be done.

Even if it was taken out and promoted now, it would not be impossible.

At most, while promoting it, we could supplement and improve the details of all aspects.

But Li Si did not take it out, nor did he tell the first emperor Ying Zheng immediately.

If there was no Prince Fusu on the sky, he would probably have taken out this new law now.

Because he was confident that no one could be better than him in the legal school, and he was also confident that no one could come up with a new law that was better than his.

So even if his new law was only a prototype at present, he would take it out openly for everyone to judge.

Then, when no one could find any mistakes or omissions, he accepted all the praises from everyone with a smile.

But with Prince Fusu, he had to be more cautious.

What if the new law proposed by Prince Fusu later was far better than the new law he was thinking of now, then he would be embarrassed.

So Li Si would continue to keep his new law, prepare to perfect it thoroughly, and wait until the First Emperor asked before presenting it.

Or after he had read the new law that Prince Fusu had brought out 1.5 pages later and determined that Prince Fusu's new law was not as good as the new law he had thought of, he would take the initiative to bring out the new law he had conceived.

The main point is to be steady and not to lose face.

After seeing that Prince Fusu chose to read the words of"Mohism" and"Agriculture" in order to research something useful for them as soon as possible, the people from all over the world praised Prince Fusu on the sky again:

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is such a nice person, he always thinks of us in everything!"

"Yes, even when reading the words of the Mohist School and the Agricultural School, His Royal Highness read them in order to be able to research something useful to us as soon as possible."

"With the help of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the six departments of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Agriculture will definitely be able to produce results faster!"

"Such a good prince must live to be a hundred years old. I am willing to pray for him day and night!"

"How can a hundred years of life be enough? In my opinion, a thousand years or ten thousand years is better!".......

Don't worry: @u_229757

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