【After deciding to study the words of the Agricultural School and the Mohist School, Prince Fusu first went to tell his father about his decision.】

【King Ying Zheng of Qin was also a little surprised by this. He thought that Prince Fusu would choose to study the words of the Legalists first.】

【However, he knew that his eldest son and crown prince was naturally intelligent and had his own decisions.】

【Even if you have read the words of"Nongjia" and"Mojia", you will know what content you can listen to seriously and what content you can just listen to.】

【Therefore, King Ying Zheng of Qin, who was very confident in Prince Fusu, thought about it for a while and then agreed directly.】.

【Prince Fusu, who had obtained the consent of King Ying Zheng of Qin, chose to first follow Xu Zixi of the Nong family to read the words of Nongjia.】

【When Xu Zi heard that Prince Fusu wanted to follow him to learn"Nongjia", he was also delighted.】

【In recent years, he has led a group of disciples from the Nong family to travel around the countries. He also has his own views on the situation of the princes and countries.】

【Among the seven states today, only Qin is as powerful as���The strongest, his will is the most resolute, his ambition is the broadest, and his actions are the most fierce!】

【Moreover, he saw that King Qin Ying Zheng was also a monarch with great talent and ambition.】

【In addition, there is a prince named Fusu who is naturally intelligent, calm, caring for the people, and has extraordinary ambitions as his successor.】

【If any of the seven kingdoms could eventually conquer the world and unify it,】

【Then in Xu Zi's opinion, probably only the Qin State has this possibility.】

【After all, the other six countries, whether it is the princes of this generation, or the princes of the previous generation, or the crown prince of the next generation】

【No one can compare with the father and son, Qin Wang Ying Zheng and Prince Fusu. It can even be said that they are far behind.】

【In the case of 04, Xu Zi estimated that the six kingdoms would either perish at the hands of Qin King Ying Zheng or at the hands of Crown Prince Fusu.】

【In other words, if the words of"Nongjia" he represented could be valued and promoted by Prince Fusu】

【Then the words of the Agricultural School will be like the words of the Confucian School and the words of the Mohist School.》、《As the words of"Legalism" say, it has truly become a prominent school of thought in the world!】

【It is not impossible that it will even replace Confucianism, Legalism, and Mohism and become the mainstream ideology of Qin in the future.】

【After all, the future of the Seven Kingdoms may be in the hands of Qin King Ying Zheng】

【But after King Ying Zheng of Qin, the vast Qin Empire would eventually be handed over to the hands of Prince Fusu.】

【Therefore, in order for the words of"Nongjia" to flourish in Qin in the future, Xu Zi was also very serious in teaching Prince Fusu.】

【In the process of teaching Prince Fusu, Prince Fusu's performance also shocked Xu Zi again and again.】

【Even at the end of the teaching, Xu Zi gradually became numb to the incredible intelligence of Prince Fusu that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.】

【In just half a year, Prince Fusu collected the twenty chapters of Shennong written by Xu Zi, as well as the seventeen chapters of Ye Lao and Zai Shi written by other agricultural sages.】

【There is also the"Di Yuan" in"Guan Zi"》、《Pastoralists》、《Quan Xiu》、《Gosuke》、《The Eight Views and other chapters related to the thoughts of farmers have been read and understood.】

【It can be said that after reading these"Nongjia" classics and digesting, absorbing and understanding them according to his own ideas, Prince Fusu】

【Contemporary theories and understanding of farmers' thoughts, as well as the mastery and research of theoretical knowledge on various farming aspects】

【Apart from Xu Zi in front of him, there are probably no others who can compare with him.】

【And Xu Zi also truly experienced what it means to have one's own knowledge hollowed out during the six months of teaching Prince Fusu. 】

Under the sky, all the doctors of the Hundred Schools who saw this scene couldn't help but twitch their mouths.

You know, the farmer"Xu Zi" in the sky taught Prince Fusu more than 60 classic words of"Nongjia".

And Prince Fusu only studied with the farmer"Xu Zi" for a short six months.

In other words, the average time that Prince Fusu needs to learn a classic word of"Nongjia" is only about two to three days. The whole learning process is basically the morning of the first day, when the farmer"Xu Zi" selects a classic word of"Nongjia".

Then he explains the meaning of it word by word to Prince Fusu, and then leads Prince Fusu to recite it in rhyme through oral transmission.

Finally,"Xu Zi" tells again his understanding of the thoughts contained in the classic words of"Nongjia".

In the afternoon,"Xu Zi" will be busy with his own things, letting Prince Fusu continue to study first.

Then the next day,"Xu Zi" will come to test what was taught yesterday.

Then, Prince Fusu will perfectly repeat what"Xu Zi" taught him yesterday.

When"Xu Zi" saw Prince Fusu's terrifying talent of photographic memory and hearing memory for the first time, he was also greatly shocked.

He originally thought that even if Prince Fusu was born smart, it would take at least three, five, or seven days to read through a classic of"Nongjia".

And this time is the result of"Xu Zi" treating Prince Fusu as a genius boy.

After all, if you want to read through a classic, you must at least be able to distinguish the meaning of this classic.

The so-called"distinguishing the classic" refers to the separation of the text and sentences, that is, the punctuation;"distinguishing the meaning" refers to the interpretation of the content of the sentence.

In other words,"distinguishing the classic" means that you have to be able to read a classical Chinese text that has almost no punctuation throughout the text.

Then, according to the teacher's teachings, or your own understanding, you can make the corresponding correct pauses and punctuations.

And when someone casually asks about a sentence in this classical Chinese text, you should also be able to explain the meaning of this classical Chinese text in plain language.

Finally, it is not necessary to recite the whole text, not to mention reciting it backwards.

Only by doing the above three points can you say that you have read through an article.

And a normal scholar wants to do this.

It will take half a month to a month if it is fast, and several months or even a year if it is slow.

Those who can do this within seven days can basically be called geniuses.

As for the person who only took one day to do this, before Prince Fusu,"Xu Zi" had never seen it in his life.

Even Prince Fusu not only did a general reading, but he was also able to put forward some of his own unique insights on the original basis.

Some of these insights are shallow, and he can answer them casually; but there are also some insights that he will think deeply about even after listening to them.

It can be said that the best description of Prince Fusu is that he has a photographic memory, an ear-study memory, and can draw inferences from one instance.

Even compared to this description, Prince Fusu's performance is even better.

So on the second day, after testing Prince Fusu's familiarity and understanding of the classic words of"Nongjia" taught yesterday,

""Xu Zi" could either continue to discuss with Prince Fusu the ideas contained in this"Farmer's" classic, and then teach Prince Fusu a new"Farmer's" classic on the third day.

Or he could start teaching Prince Fusu a new"Farmer's" classic the next day.

But there was nothing he could do about it. After all, Prince Fusu was extremely talented, and his study in one day was far better than that of an ordinary person in a month or even a year. In this case, if he continued to teach Prince Fusu the original"Farmer's" classic, then there would be no other meaning except wasting time by repeating the same words over and over again dozens or hundreds of times.

So afterwards,"Xu Zi" and Prince Fusu basically taught and learned a"Farmer's" classic in about two to three days.

With such a fast teaching and learning efficiency, not to mention that the farmers themselves don’t have many classics. Even if there are more classics, they can’t withstand Prince Fusu’s learning.

So in just half a year,"Xu Zi" suddenly found that he could not teach Prince Fusu except for some practical experiences that could not be taught through oral language and must be obtained through real farming.

All other agricultural thoughts, theories, etc. that he had spent decades summarizing have been taught to Prince Fusu.

He has nothing to teach!

This is simply outrageous!

In the first half of his life, he also accepted many disciples from the farmers. The shortest ones followed him to study for three, five, seven, or eight years, and the longest ones followed him to study for even longer. It took more than ten or twenty years.

But when facing any other disciples of the Nong family, he did not have a feeling from the bottom of his heart that there was nothing he could teach like when he faced Prince Fusu.

And this is the case with"Xu Zi" on the sky, not to mention the doctors of hundreds of schools under the sky.

"Xu Zi" on the sky was at least proficient in more than 60 classics of the Nong family, and was able to teach Prince Fusu for half a year before he fell into the situation of not being able to teach anymore.

If it were them who went up, they might not even last three months and would fall into the same situation of not being able to teach anymore.

After all, apart from the major schools of Confucianism, Mohism, Legalism, and Taoism, the classics of other schools of thought may not be as many as those of the Nong family. Even if the number of classics of their own school can exceed that of the Nong family, it is not enough. It does not mean that the number of classics they have mastered can exceed that of"Xu Zi".

After all, the books of this era were recorded in the form of bamboo slips, and the subject of knowledge was monopolized by the aristocracy. If it were not for entering Qin, being granted the title of doctor by the First Emperor, and relying on the big tree of the national court, they could freely read the collection of books in Qin.

Then even these doctors of the Hundred Schools would not have read more than dozens of classics of various schools!

Even for the scholars of this era, it is normal to read and study a classic over and over again for a lifetime.

It's not that they don't want to read more classics of the Hundred Schools, but that they don't have them.

Or in other words, with their ordinary status, they can't get more classic books of the Hundred Schools.

So they can only read a book slowly, savor it carefully, and understand it word by word.

Otherwise, they read too fast, and there are no other books to read in their homes.: @u_229757

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