【Xu Zi fell into deep thought again, and after a long while he said,"You said that my idea, 'Shi Jia Bu Er', was right, but my approach was wrong."】

【"So, in your opinion, what do you think is the correct approach?"】.

【Prince Fusu smiled. He had seriously thought about this question when he was studying the agricultural philosophy.】

【So when Master Xu asked, Prince Fusu answered directly:"The main reason why Master Xu proposed 'market and business are not two' is because he saw that some merchants are taking advantage of the market to buy low and sell high, hoard goods, cheat, and commit fraud."】

【"The common people were powerless to resist and could only allow these merchants to exploit them at high interest rates."】

【"So what we really need to do is to legislate against these bad behaviors of merchants and provide a legal guarantee for the people."】

【"For example, first, unify market prices"】

【"However, this unified market price is not like what Master Xu did, which is to force all the same products to be equal."】

【"Instead, the government provides a comprehensive pricing guide based on the different values behind various common commodities."】

【"For example, the current normal price of a piece of eight-foot cloth is about 11.5 liang coins."】

【"Then we can stipulate that the maximum price of a piece of eight-foot cloth is not allowed to exceed 20 half-liang coins."】

【"If it exceeds 20 half-liang coins, then it is malicious buying low and selling high."】

【"Once a commoner reports it and there is definite evidence that the merchant sold the goods for more than 20 half-liang coins,"】

【"Then we can sentence the merchant to pay ten times the selling price to the people."】

【"For example, if a merchant sold a piece of cloth to the people of Guizhou for 25 and a half coins, then we can sentence the merchant to pay 250 and a half coins to the people of Guizhou."】

【"Second, combat hoarding"】

【"If there are natural disasters or man-made disasters, and some merchants or other nobles maliciously hoard goods to seek huge profits,"】

【"If the imperial court finds out the truth, all property will be confiscated and the entire clan will be exterminated!"】

【"Third, standardize and supervise transactions"】

【"The reason why the common people are easily deceived is mainly because there is no regulation or supervision on the transactions between merchants and common people."】

【"And the common people have poor identification ability and are easily deceived."】

【"At the same time, some unscrupulous businessmen often run away after defrauding others. Even if the common people wake up later, they can no longer find anyone to take responsibility."】

【"Therefore, the imperial court could set up an official trading area to target these behaviors."】

【"For example, in Xianyang, according to the four major categories of"clothing, food, housing, and transportation", it can be divided into four markets: East, West, South, and North."】

【"The common people can enter different markets to buy goods according to their needs for clothing, food, housing and transportation."】

【"Merchants can bring their goods to the corresponding market for sale."】

【"However, before entering the market to sell, merchants need to first have their goods inspected by an official official of the imperial court to prevent inferior goods from being passed off as good ones."】

【"At the same time, the court officials also had to give a rough price based on the items sold by the merchants."】

【"Merchants do not have to sell at this approximate selling price, but they must display the official approximate selling price in front of them as a reference for ordinary people when purchasing."】

【"Furthermore, if the merchant sold a large number of goods, or the price was extremely high, the merchant would also have to pay a certain amount of deposit to the official clerk in charge of managing the market."】

【"If there is no accident during the transaction, the deposit will be returned to the merchant after the transaction is completed."】

【"In addition, the corresponding merchants are given certain sales vouchers. Every time the people of Guizhou buy something from the merchants, the merchants need to give the people of Guizhou a corresponding purchase voucher."】

【"If there is a problem with the goods purchased by the common people later, they can go back to the market and find the corresponding merchants to discuss and deal with it with the corresponding purchase receipts."】

【"If the merchants refuse to deal with it, or if the merchants' handling of the matter makes the people dissatisfied,"】

【"Then the common people can use this evidence to find the official who manages the market and bring the matter to him for judgment."】

【"If the official clerk also thinks that the merchant's handling method is inappropriate, then he can be ordered to reconsider the handling method for the people, or the compensation issue."】

【"If the merchant refuses to perform, the official can deduct a portion of the deposit as compensation to the common people, and then return the remaining deposit to the merchant."】

【"Finally, the merchant is forced to withdraw from the market and is not allowed to trade again for a certain period of time."】

【"Of course, these are not all requirements for merchants, but also for ordinary people."】

【"For example, it is forbidden to frame merchants, to seek judgment from officials at will, to commit reverse fraud, etc."】

【"In short, through the form of law, official regulatory supervision is carried out on the transactions between merchants and the common people, to protect the fairness and justice between merchants and the common people as much as possible, so that both parties are not deceived!"】

【"What does Master Xu think of this"market and business are the same"?"】

【Xu Zi lowered his head and thought for a long time before he looked up at Crown Prince Fusu and nodded slightly, saying,"That's great! It's better than I thought!"】

【"If we can achieve the goal of unifying market prices, cracking down on hoarding, and establishing a standardized trading market under official supervision,"】

【"Then the common people can avoid being deceived by illegal merchants to the greatest extent."】

【At the same time, Xu Zi also decided to modify and improve the farmer's idea of "market and business are the only two" according to what Prince Fusu said.】

【In this way, if the Crown Prince Fusu implements the above policies and systems in the future, it can be said that he adopts the agriculturalist ideology of governing the country.】

【As a result, farmers can occupy a more important position in Qin's governance ideology.】

【Moreover, he is not wrong to say so】

【After all, Prince Fusu also agreed with their peasant family's idea of "one business and one merchant", but he felt that their actual practice of"one business and one merchant" was wrong.】

【Prince Fusu, who was recognized by Xu Zi, also said modestly:"This is just a general idea. If we want to really implement it, we probably have to compile a"Shang Law" first.""】

【"In this way, the officials who are responsible for managing the transactions of merchants in local official markets can have laws to follow."】

【"However, before this, there seemed to be no independent, special law that made detailed provisions on buying and selling.》"】

【"If you want to compile a truly useful"Commercial Law" and establish standardized trading markets for merchants in various places, it will probably take a long time to prepare."】

【"However, if this"Commercial Law" can be formulated and the supervision and regulation of official trading markets in various places can be done well,"】

【"Then the business of Qin State should also be stimulated and developed to a certain extent."】

【"After all, the previous buying low and selling high, hoarding, cheating, and fraudulent trading methods, to put it bluntly, are ultimately a way of trading that exhausts the resources."】

【"In the short term, you may make a lot of profit, but you can't do it for a long time."】

【"Although this standardized way of buying and selling is subject to many constraints, it is a long-term and sustainable way of buying and selling."】

【"As long as merchants really want to do long-term business, after careful consideration, most of them will accept this kind of standardized business under official supervision of the court."】

【"The court officials can also use this to further strengthen their control over merchants, and at the same time further increase commercial tax revenue, thereby increasing treasury revenue."】

【"In general, for the Qin State, for the common people, and for merchants who want to do legitimate and long-term business, it should be considered to kill three birds with one stone."】

【Xu Zi nodded slightly to show his agreement】

【Meanwhile, the King of Qin, Ying Zheng, was preparing to go back and discuss with Li Si and other ministers to see if the Commercial Law proposed by Crown Prince Fusu and the establishment of a market under official supervision of the court were feasible.】

【If it is feasible, he is ready to proceed and implement it as Prince Fusu said.】

【After all, the Qin State needed to consume a lot of money, grain and materials in order to unify the country.】

【If this method can increase commercial taxes and increase the treasury revenue of the court, then Qin King Ying Zheng will naturally not let it go. 】The

"Qin King Ying Zheng" on the sky curtain thought so, and the Qin Emperor Ying Zheng under the sky curtain also thought so.

"My Lords, is what the Crown Prince said feasible?"

Emperor Ying Zheng of Qin turned his head and looked at the left prime minister Wei Zhuang, the right prime minister Wang Wan, the court judge Li Si and other ministers behind him and asked.

After thinking for a while, the right prime minister Wang Wan replied:"This should be feasible!"

"If this law can be implemented, it will help unify the chaotic commodity trading in various parts of the country and reduce the deception and losses suffered by the common people due to illegal merchants."

"By then, the common people will benefit greatly from this, and will be grateful to the court, which will help the court win the hearts of the people."

Left Prime Minister Wei Zhuang also said:"This move involves the interests of all the major merchants in the world. If it is implemented rashly, I am afraid they will complain and be dissatisfied."

"Maybe they will collude and unite with each other to disrupt the world's trade in order to protect their own interests."

"It is even possible that they secretly colluded with the remnants of the six kingdoms to cause trouble."

"By then, the common people in the world will not have experienced the benefits of the court's unified market prices, but will have experienced the disadvantages of volatile trading first, which may be detrimental to the court's winning over the people."

"I suggest that the court first stockpile a lot of supplies to ensure that even if merchants from all over the world collude to raise prices, the people will not be greatly affected, and then really start to implement this law."

The court judge Li Si shook his head and said,"If merchants from all over the world really collude with each other and raise prices, it will prove that merchants from all over the world are on the way to death!"

"Under the laws of the imperial court, they dared to collude with each other and raise prices, causing resentment among the people. How was this any different from shaking the Qin state?"

"If there are merchants who really act in this way, then they should be confiscated and their families should be exterminated, and most of the confiscated materials should be sold to the people at a low price to appease the people's grievances and promote the implementation of the law!"

Then the Shangqing Meng Yi, the Neishi Meng Tian and other ministers also expressed their opinions.

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng listened for a while, then looked up at the sky that had changed again, and immediately made a ruling:

"How to implement this matter can be discussed later, but Li Qing can prepare for the compilation of the"Shang Law" first."

The implication is that if this matter is feasible, then he must do it.

How to do it specifically can be discussed later, but Li Si can prepare the compilation of the"Shang Law" first.

The left prime minister Wei Zhuang, the right prime minister Wang Wan, the court judge Li Si and other ministers responded in unison:

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

At the same time, Li Si did not feel that his workload was heavy at all. Instead, he looked up with pride.���The Legalists want to replace them, but they are just dreaming.

Look at the"Shang Law", it is the work of the Legalists.

If there were no Legalists, which of the hundreds of schools of thought could be responsible for the compilation of the"Shang Law"!

: @u_229757

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