Prince Fusu's words about compiling the"Shang Law" and establishing official supervision and trading markets have not only aroused discussion among the kings and ministers of Qin, but also among the great merchants of the world.

In Ba County, Ba Qing, a widow over 60 years old, is watching the sky curtain surrounded by her family's nephews and nieces.

"Master, if the First Emperor really established the Commercial Law, wouldn't it impose many restrictions on our business?".

"You see, should we tell the First Emperor our opinions?"

A young nephew of the Ba family standing in front of Widow Qing said cautiously to his own head Ba Qing.

The other nephews and grandchildren of the Ba family also looked at Ba Qing with reverence in their eyes.

For them, Ba Qing was a legend in their family.

After her husband passed away, she not only took over the family business as a woman, but also the family business became more prosperous and stronger under her leadership.

It turned out that their Ba family was only one of the five major families in Zhi County, and even in terms of power, it was the last of the five major families in the area.

And in After decades of management by Ba Qing, the Ba family is now definitely the largest family in Zhi County.

The total population of Zhi County is only about 50,000 people, but the number of servants who depend on the Ba family for a living exceeds 10,000.

If we also count the families of these servants, then to put it bluntly, at least half of the population of Zhi County depends on the Ba family for food. Even if there is a disagreement

, the Ba family can easily raise two or three local gangs in Zhi County. A thousand-strong armed guard team.

After all, if you are doing business in this day and age without a certain amount of armed force to protect yourself, then you will not only have to deal with the bandits in the wild, but you will also have to deal with the wolves, tigers and leopards in the wild.

In addition, Ba Qing had a unique vision. After she took over the family business, she directly made friends with the State of Qin.

Not only did she often provide the State of Qin with various military supplies at low prices, but sometimes she even took on part of the task of helping the State of Qin to gather information about enemy countries.

So under such circumstances, the State of Qin still had a very good impression of their Ba family, and the First Emperor Ba Qing was also treated with courtesy.

Therefore, other merchants may not have a say in the official level of the Qin State, but Ba Qing can speak at the official level of the Qin State, and can even speak directly to the First Emperor.

Therefore, if Ba Qing has any opinions on the"Shang Law", then after she speaks, the Qin State and the First Emperor will more or less consider her contributions.

Although Ba Qing is over 60 years old, she is still in very good spirits. Her eyes swept across the family nephews and nieces in front of her, and her voice was gentle but unquestionable:

"First, no matter where you are, even if you are alone in your own room on your bed, when you address someone, you must always address me as Your Majesty!"

"Don't think that the mountains are high and the road is long, so Mr. Ba can get carried away and be disrespectful to that person!"

"If this is true, then the Ba family will destroy themselves sooner or later!"

"Do you understand?"

Upon hearing this, the young nephew Ba Quan, who had just spoken, bowed his head and admitted his mistake:

"Yes, Patriarch, I was wrong!"

The other nephews of the Ba family also spoke up:

"heard it"



After seeing that all the nephews and younger generations had listened to what she said, Ba Qing nodded and continued:

"Second, regarding the Shang Law, no matter what the regulations are, unless you speak out of public interest for the good of Qin and the Emperor,"

"Any other suggestions that are beneficial to our Ba family, or beneficial to merchants, but detrimental to the Qin State or His Majesty the First Emperor, are not allowed to be spoken out!"

"I, the Ba family, will fully support and agree with the Qin State and His Majesty the First Emperor to compile the"Shang Law" to restrain merchants and regulate and supervise trading transactions!"

As soon as these words came out, all the descendants of the Ba family looked at the head of the family, Ba Qing, in shock.

Looking at the puzzled expressions of the descendants, Ba Qing sighed and said:

"If you don't understand why I made this decision, then let me ask you, if the Qin State really decided to compile and implement the"Shang Law" to restrict merchants,"

"Then, can we, the Ba family, oppose and resist it alone?"When the descendants of the Ba family heard this, they all looked thoughtful.

After a long while, the young nephew Ba Quan, who had spoken earlier, looked at the head of the family, Ba Qing, hesitantly.

Ba Qing glanced at him and knew what he was thinking, but she also let him speak out:

"Just say whatever you want to say. Today's words are only known to everyone in the courtyard. Anyone who spreads them will be punished according to the clan rules and regulations."

After getting Ba Qing's permission, Ba Quan continued:

"It is not enough to rely on the wealthy merchants of my Ba family alone. What if we contact other wealthy merchants from all over the world?"

"If we form a large merchant alliance and control the logistics and trade of the world, then even His Majesty the First Emperor will pay more attention to us, right?"

Ba Qing showed an expression of as expected, looked at Ba Quan, and sighed deeply:

"Quan'er, I'm wondering if beating you to death now can save the Ba family from a disaster of extinction?"

Ba Quan immediately knelt down, his face horrified, and said:

"I wonder what my nephew did wrong?"

Ba Qing said in a sad tone:

"You haven't done anything wrong now, but I'm worried that you will do something wrong in the future!"

"You said that we would form a large alliance of wealthy merchants to control the logistics and trade of the world. Do you want His Majesty the First Emperor to value us more?"

"Or do you want to use this to threaten His Majesty the First Emperor?"

Ba Quan raised his head and immediately tried to explain:


However, he was interrupted by Ba Qing shaking his head:

"You don't need to tell me what your original intention is. I just want to ask you one question. Even if you can form a great merchant alliance, can your great merchant alliance be more powerful than the six countries in the past?"

"However, as powerful as the six kingdoms were in the past, they eventually fell to the Qin State and the elite soldiers of Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi!"

"The princes of the six kingdoms could not stop Qin and His Majesty the First Emperor, and the great merchant alliance you formed is even more powerful than South Korea, the weakest of the six kingdoms!"

"Why do you think that the combined power of the world's wealthy merchants can make His Majesty the First Emperor look upon you with favor?"

"Not to mention that it can threaten the Qin State and His Majesty the First Emperor!"

At this point, Ba Qing's eyebrows also flashed a trace of fatigue:

"Merchants are merchants after all. Maybe our Ba family used to be very powerful in Zhi County, and even had a guard team of thousands of people. It looked very majestic, which gave you some wrong illusions."

"However, when the Qin State destroyed the Chu State in the past, it directly dispatched an army of 600,000!"

"How long do you think our Ba clan's guards can hold out against the Qin army?"

"Even if you were allowed to connect with wealthy merchants from all over the world, and even win over the remnants of the six kingdoms, how many troops could you mobilize to fight against the Qin State and the First Emperor?"

"Is it 6,000 people? Or 60,000 people?"

"But even if you were allowed to mobilize 100,000 people, you would not be able to make the First Emperor retreat a bit. It would only make the First Emperor more determined to use all the power of the whole country to destroy you!"

"By then, the final fate of the Ba family will be nothing more than being implicated by you to the point where their property is confiscated and their family is exterminated, leaving no trace of their bodies!" With every word Ba Qing said, Ba Quan, who was kneeling on the ground, turned a little paler.

The Ba family members around him looked at Ba Quan with increasing dissatisfaction.

For them, they just wanted to do business and make money, and then enjoy life, but they didn't want to confront the Qin State and the First Emperor at all, and they didn't want to be confiscated and exterminated by the Qin State and the First Emperor.

Ba Qing shook his head and sighed:

"Get up, I will only say these words once, and I will only remind you this time"

"If you don't listen, and let me or other members of the tribe find out that you have the intention of colluding with other merchants, then all of you in your family will be treated as traitors!"

"Do you understand?"

Ba Quan bowed his head heavily and replied:

"I understand!"

Ba Qing nodded:

"Now that you understand, then stand up."

Ba Quan bowed his head again and nodded in response:

"Yes, Patriarch."

Then, Ba Quan stood up with a pale face.

Then, Ba Qing looked up at Prince Fusu on the sky again and said in a leisurely tone:

"Moreover, compiling the Commercial Law and regulating and supervising the trading of merchants is also an opportunity for our Ba family."

"After all, in order to compile the Commercial Law and regulate and supervise the business of merchants, it is necessary to have people who are proficient in the business of merchants."

"When it comes to business and trade, how many people in the world are more knowledgeable than me, Ba?"

"Doing business is ultimately not as good as being in power!"

"If I, the Ba family, want to pass on my legacy better, then I cannot just do business, I must go one step further and serve as an official in Xianyang!"

"Only by being an official in power can I better protect my Ba family!"

"So after the curtain fell, I went to Xianyang to meet His Majesty the First Emperor and see if I could earn an opportunity for my Ba family to remain powerful for generations!"

"And during this period of time, all of you must memorize the Qin Law by heart!"

"Did you hear that?"

The descendants of the Ba family all around bowed and said:

"Yes, Master!"

In addition to Ba Qing, another wealthy merchant in Qin State, Wu Shiluo, who was good at animal husbandry, also had similar ideas.

In this ancient land, power has always been the basis since ancient times!

........ 0 0

People with power may not be rich, but after they have power, if they want to be rich, they can definitely be rich.

But on the other hand, rich people may not be powerful, and after they have money, even if they want to be powerful, they may not necessarily be powerful.

It is even possible that they will be eaten by the powerful because they are too rich.

Therefore, as long as the merchants who really have a long-term vision, after their wealth has accumulated to a certain extent, they will begin to seek the realization between money and power.

For example, using money to pave the way for their own power, so that they can walk more smoothly in their official career.

For example, directly choosing to rely on and hang on the name of a powerful person, although they do not really have power, they can also borrow some power under the pretext of the tiger.

However, there are also some big merchants who do not have such a long-term vision, or they are big merchants who are hostile to the Qin State.

At this moment, they are looking at the"Shang Law" and the regulation of supervising the business of merchants mentioned by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain with a face full of resistance.

For example, the Kong family of Wan County, whose ancestors were from Liang State, made iron smelting as their profession.

After Qin attacked Wei, the Kong family was moved to Nanyang.

After that, the Kong family of Wan County began to operate the smelting industry on a large scale, and planned to open fish ponds to raise fish, with groups of carriages and horses.

And they often visited the princes to take advantage of the convenience of doing business and making money, and even won the reputation of being a free and easy man who is generous and generous.

But now this free and easy man is looking up at the sky with an ugly face.

For example, the Zhuo family in Shu, whose ancestors were from Zhao, also made a fortune by smelting iron.

When Qin defeated Zhao and moved the Zhuo family, the Zhuo family was plundered, and only the couple pushed the cart to the place of migration.

Other people who were moved at the same time, if they had a little extra money, would compete to give it to the officials in charge, begging to move to a nearby place, which was in Jiameng County.

Only Zhuo said:"Jiameng is a small place with poor soil. I heard that there are fertile fields under Wenshan, with big taro growing in the fields, shaped like crouching owls, and people will never starve until they die. The people there are good at trading and easy to do business."

So he asked to move to a distant place, and was moved to Linqiong. He was very happy. He smelted iron and cast weapons in the mountains with iron mines. He carefully planned and calculated, and overwhelmed the residents of Yunnan and Shu with his wealth, so that he was rich enough to have as many as a thousand slaves.

He enjoyed hunting and playing in the fields and ponds, and his wealth was comparable to that of the king.

However, Zhuo, whose wealth was comparable to that of the king of a country, frowned deeply at this moment. There were also other big merchants from all over the world, such as Wan Kong, Cao Bing, Li, etc., looking at the information revealed by the sky, thinking about the possible reactions and actions of the person who was high up in Xianyang City. Or try to see if they can take advantage of the opportunity to make a profit, or try to see if they can find an excuse to stop it, etc.

: @u_229757

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