【After listening to Prince Fusu's suggestion on"the market and business are the same", Xu Zi also looked at Prince Fusu and continued to test him:"Then what do you think about the three points of following the will of the people, being loyal to the people, being cautious and prudent, and providing relief from famines, and agriculture being the basis and commerce being the end?"】

【Prince Fusu thought for a while and said,"First, let's talk about cultivating famine and relieving disasters. This is the idea of the farmers, and I completely agree with it."】

【"In my opinion, the most fundamental, urgent and unshakable needs of the people of Qianshou can be summed up in ten words:"to survive, to have enough food, and not to be bullied."’!"】

【"Among them, survival is the prerequisite for all people and things!"】.

【"At the same time, it is the most humble request of the people of Guizhou"】

【"If a country and its monarch cannot guarantee the most humble, basic, and most important life of the common people,"】

【"Then what qualifications do this country and its monarch have to ask the common people to love and support it?"】

【"I think I am not qualified!"】

【"Just as I said before,"Those who work with their minds and those who work with their hands each have their own responsibilities and obligations." As a monarch who works with his mind, his responsibility is to lead his subjects to live well, and then live better."】

【"Only after the September 10th Incident has fulfilled this responsibility, will the common people, as"laborers", also have the obligation to support this country and uphold this monarch."】

【"This is an unspoken contract signed by the monarch and the common people, the upper and the lower, since the establishment of the ancient country!"】

【"If the country and the monarch violate this unspoken contract and make the common people unable to survive,"】

【"Then even the most humble, insignificant, and insignificant common people would raise their heads and roar at the monarch:"When will the day come when both you and I will perish?"’!"】

【"So after allowing the common people to survive, is this enough?"】

【"I think this is still not enough. The people of Guizhou need to live."】

【"However, the common people cannot live like the walking dead, nor can they live with pale faces and skinny bodies all day long and without enough to eat!"】

【"Because no one comes to this world to live a good life, just to starve themselves!"】

【"Therefore, being able to have enough food for two meals a day is the second most humble and important requirement for the common people, after"surviving"."】

【"At the same time, this is also a requirement that a country and a monarch should strive to achieve!"】

【"As long as the common people can live well and have enough food for two meals a day, then they can be considered as a human being!"】

【"But is that enough?"】

【"I think this is still not enough, because at this time, the common people are just considered as one person, not a real person."】

【"In order to make the common people become real people, the third point must be achieved: not to be bullied!"】

【"The so-called"not being bullied" means that as a Qin citizen, he can walk upright in the land of the six kingdoms, and even in the land of the barbarians in all directions, without any fear."】

【"Because he knew that behind him was the powerful motherland, Qin, protecting him."】

【"Anyone who dares to bully him will suffer the wrath of Qin!"】

【"Similarly, when he traveled around the Qin State, he could walk past any nobles, officials, and powerful people with his head held high without any worries."】

【"Because he knew that as long as he did not violate the Qin law system and did not take the initiative to offend the nobles, officials and powerful people,"】

【"Even if the nobles, officials and powerful people are of higher status than him, they cannot imprison him at will, let alone deceive him without reason."】

【"As a commoner of the Qin State, he can live safely and with dignity on the land of Qin. This is called"not being bullied". This is a real man who is capable of standing tall and proud!"】

【"However, it is still difficult to achieve the third point of"not being bullied" at present."】

【"Because Qin has not yet conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world, the third point can be put aside for the time being."】

【"However, the first point of staying alive and the second point of having enough food are two requirements that a country and a monarch must meet at all times!"】

【"The occurrence of famine and disasters will seriously affect the country and the monarch's ability to achieve the above two requirements, and it is very easy for the people to go hungry and die."】

【"Therefore, no matter when, once famine and disaster occur, disaster rescue and relief, and doing everything possible to keep the people alive, is the most important task for a country and a monarch!"】

【"At the same time, the daily construction of various water conservancy facilities to prevent disasters or improve the farming of the people is also one of the important matters that a country and the monarch need to consider and deal with from time to time."】

As the words of Prince Fusu fell from the sky, the voices of response from the common people all over the world suddenly rose:

"Understand us"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince understands us"

"His Royal Highness really understands us"

"His Highness Fusu has spoken what we truly desire!"

"We just want to live well, have enough food to eat, and not be bullied."

"As long as Qin can achieve these three points, then even if His Majesty the First Emperor asks me to do something, I will be willing to do it."

"Even if I don't have enough for two meals, I can eat one meal and then eat another."

"As long as my family can live well, without having to go to the battlefield or experience war again, then I will be satisfied."

"Your Majesty the First Emperor, please listen to the voice of Crown Prince Fusu and the voice of our common people!"

"Please, let us live well, Your Majesty the First Emperor!"

"I kowtow to you! Our whole family kowtows to you!"......

At this moment, the people of Qianshou from all over the world were excited, happy, laughing and crying.

There were even many people of Qianshou who kowtowed to Prince Fusu on the sky curtain or to the First Emperor in the direction of Xianyang City.

Because since the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, someone has finally spoken out the simplest, most sincere and most desired wishes in their hearts on behalf of the people of Qianshou.

That is: to survive, to have enough food and not to be bullied, that's all.

So they are extremely grateful to Prince Fusu for speaking on behalf of the people of Qianshou and expressing their wishes.

At this moment, the only way for them to express their strong gratitude is to offer the simplest and most sincere praise and kowtow to Prince Fusu on the sky curtain.

At the same time, they also hope that His Majesty the First Emperor, who is high in Xianyang City, can listen to the words of Prince Fusu and allow their whole family to live well, have enough food and not be bullied in the future!

The only thing they could do now was to offer their simplest and most sincere kowtow and prayers to His Majesty the First Emperor in Xianyang City.....

In Xianyang City, under the sky, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng listened to the words of Prince Fusu and questioned himself in his heart: Did he do all the three points that Prince Fusu said on the sky: let the people of Qian live, have enough food, and not be bullied?

The first point is to let the people of Qian live, which is a must.

He is not a fool, and it is absolutely impossible for him to do something that makes the people of Qian unable to survive.

But the second point is to let the people of Qian have enough food. Has he done it?

It seems not yet!

According to the observations and records of the news sent back by the princes and princesses who visited the world and comforted the lonely elderly in the past half a month.

At present, even the old Qin people in Qin State can really provide two meals for their own family.

There are not many old Qin people who are still in a state of hunger and fullness until now.

And the old Qin people in Qin State are like this, so the people of Qian in the original six countries must not be much better.

If the second point is not achieved, then there is no need to talk about the third point.

Maybe in the Qin native land, where the Qin Law is strictly implemented, it can probably prevent the people from being bullied.

But in other places, especially in the six countries that have just been conquered, it can be said to be very difficult to do this.

However, no matter how difficult it is, he has to do it!

Because he is the first emperor Ying Zheng!

He doesn't believe that it will be more difficult to achieve these three points than to conquer the six countries!

And more importantly, from the last glimpse of the future picture content played on the sky curtain, the future Prince Fusu should have done it.

And since Prince Fusu can do it, there is no reason why he can't do it!

Since he thought in his heart that the Qin State in this world collapsed in his hands, and the Qin State in another world prospered in the hands of Prince Fusu.

Now whenever he encounters something, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng will almost subconsciously compare himself with Prince Fusu on the sky curtain.

Whatever Prince Fusu can do, he must do it.

This was not only to prove that he was not"inferior" to his son, the Crown Prince Fusu, but also to save the Qin State, which was in great danger of collapse!

With this thought in mind, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng looked up at the court judge Li Si behind him and asked:

"Where are the disciples of the Nong family now?"

Let's not talk about the third point for now. First, call all the disciples of the Nong family and let them find a way to solve the second point, so that the people can have two meals a day.

When Li Si heard the question from the First Emperor, he immediately stepped forward and answered:

"According to the news sent back by Qin Li, a group of disciples of the Nong family appeared in the Nanyang County area."

"Now these peasant disciples are contacting and gathering other peasant disciples, so the speed of entering Xianyang is a little slow."

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng immediately ordered:

"After the sky fell, he immediately ordered a group of disciples and sons of farmers to go to Xianyang to take up positions in the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture!"

"As for the other disciples of the Farmers' School who have not yet been contacted and summoned, the Qin government will issue an order to spread it to the world, so that the other disciples of the Farmers' School in the world can come to Xianyang upon hearing the order!"

Li Si nodded and bowed in response:


I obey your order!": @u_229757

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