"Respecting the people, respecting and loving the people, is this your way of being a monarch?"

"Or is this the way of a farmer's monarch that you have comprehended from the farmer's thoughts?"

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng looked at Prince Fusu on the sky and whispered softly.

But no matter the former or the latter, with such an understanding, Prince Fusu will be qualified as a monarch in the future.

No, not only qualified, but even excellent.

But unfortunately, such an excellent Prince Fusu is not his real son.

When he thought of this, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng once again felt envious and jealous of"himself" on the sky.

And then this envy and jealousy turned into a deep sigh again.

"I hope that Fusu can make real progress after his tour of the country this time!"

After all, if the sky curtain really doesn't give him the elixir of immortality, and he can't find the elixir of immortality from other places.

Then the huge Qin Empire, after him, must have an heir.

And among all the princes, even including the princesses, picking the tallest among the short ones, Prince Fusu is still a little taller and more capable.

And Prince Fusu, who was placed with high hopes by Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, was stopping the large army on the side of the road at this moment. He looked up at the sky curtain and copied the words of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain with an extremely excited expression.

If it is said that last time, Prince Fusu felt that Prince Fusu on the sky curtain was just a child of someone else's family who was praised by their father.

Although he had no ill feelings towards him, it was also difficult to resonate with him.

Then after traveling around the world, comforting many lonely elderly people, and truly witnessing the sufferings of some of the people in this world with his own eyes.

Prince Fusu was very concerned about the Confucian teachings he had in the past."々`"Benevolence" also has a new and different view.

The"benevolence" taught to him by Confucianism in the past was too cliché and meaningless.

He needs a more practical, meaningful, and truly practical"benevolence" that can help many people!

Although he thought of what kind of"benevolence" he really needed, he was limited by his experience, insights, vision, knowledge, etc., and he could not clearly summarize what he thought in his heart.

Now, after reading the classic words of the farmers, and bringing forth new ideas and ideas from the old, Prince Fusu, who has his own unique ideas and thoughts, has said what he thinks.

Prince Fusu suddenly had only one feeling, that is, Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, is indeed another"self"!

What Prince Fusu said is exactly what he thought before!

And now with Prince Fusu, an extremely accurate mouth substitute, Prince Fusu only wants to say:

"Let the people of Qianshou live, have enough food to eat and not be bullied!"

"We must practice prudence and rescue people from disasters at all times and in all places!"

"We must value the people’s hearts and respect and love the people!"

"This is the monarch I imagined, and this is the way of being a monarch I want to pursue!"

At this moment, Prince Fusu finally realized the joy of being carried away by another"self".

The questions that he had thought about, imagined, and puzzled about in the past, finally another"self" told him the correct answers in his heart.

The joy of finding the path that he really wants to pursue and practice is simply indescribable.

In addition to Prince Fusu's feelings, the disciples and children of the farmers on the other side also had the same idea.

"What His Royal Highness Crown Prince Fusu said is truly brilliant, thought-provoking and beyond words!"

"With the Prince Fusu's innovation in the agricultural thought, we only need to sort out the content of the debate between Master Xu and the Prince."

"Then we can summarize and conclude our new ideas and propositions as farmers!"

"By then, my family's thoughts on governing the country will be more competitive than those of other schools of thought."

"In the future, there will be more students in the world who will be willing to learn my family’s philosophy of governing the country!"

"My previous guess was right. The Nong family will indeed prosper, and it will surely prosper thanks to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Fusu!"

"Now is the time for the fulfillment!"

Chen Xiangxi couldn't help dancing with joy.

The dozens or even hundreds of disciples of the Farmer's Family around him were equally excited and happy.

Although these disciples of the Farmer's Family are not for fame or fortune, in addition to fame and fortune, they also hope that the teachings of the Farmer's Family can truly flourish in the world.

After all, as disciples of the Farmer's Family, they always have to consider the inheritance of the Farmer's family's doctrines and thoughts.

Now that Prince Fusu has brought forth new ideas to the Farmer's Family, they probably don't have to worry about whether the inheritance of the Farmer's family's thoughts will be cut off.

After all, good theories and thoughts are like gold.

Even if you throw it in the mountains, maybe no one will pay attention to it for a while, but as time goes by, someone will eventually find this piece of gold and pick it up. By the same token, even if no one is around now, After realizing the excellence of the (King's) agricultural thought of governing the country through innovation, but after others failed to govern the country using the thoughts of other schools of thought.

In the end, others will eventually turn their attention back to the agricultural thought of governing the country and try to govern the country with the agricultural thought of governing the country.

And as long as there is such an attempt, they dare to guarantee that the new agricultural thought of governing the country will never disappoint those who use it to govern the country.

What's more, their agricultural thought now has such an attractive signboard as Prince Fusu!

Compared with other schools of thought, it is obvious that their agricultural thought with Prince Fusu is more attractive.

To put it bluntly, with Prince Fusu standing on the side of our agricultural family, do they still have to worry about the inheritance of agricultural thought? Of course not.

: @u_229757

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