【After silently digesting Prince Fusu's words about"valuing the people's hearts and respecting and loving the people", Xu Zi looked at Prince Fusu's final test and asked,"Then what is your different opinion on the final 'agriculture as the basis and commerce as the end'?"】

【Prince Fusu nodded and replied:"The idea of 'agriculture as the basis and business as the end' advocated by the agricultural school can be understood separately from the two aspects of 'agriculture as the basis' and 'business as the end'."】

【"Let's talk about"agriculture-based" first. First of all, agriculture is the basic means to ensure the survival of the people!"】

【"The country should take the people as its root, and the people should take grain as their life."】

【"If the people have no grain, the country will lose its foundation."】

【"Therefore, the state and the monarch must place the development of agricultural production in an important position."】

【"Pearls, jade, gold, silver and other things can neither be eaten nor worn as clothes, and are of no value to the people who are still hungry and cold."】.

【"Secondly, a strong army is the fundamental guarantee for national stability!"】

【"The most important thing for the army is sufficient food and a stable source of soldiers, both of which need to be provided by developing agriculture."】

【"Again, agriculture is the premise and guarantee of moral education!"】

【"Encouraging the people to farm will make the people simple and honest, and they will be easier for the rulers to use and enslave."】

【"Encouraging people to farm would also make the common people behave properly, reduce the chances of forming cliques for personal gain and plotting rebellion, and tie the common people to the land, preventing them from migrating at will."】

【"Finally, ensure the implementation of government orders and reduce social instability factors"】

【"Therefore, based on the above benefits and needs, agriculture needs to be placed at the fundamental position of a country's development."】

【"But business is different. In the minds of farmers, business is the root cause of destruction and loss of social wealth!"】

【"Merchants do not create wealth, they just take other people's products, buy cheap and sell expensive, and then profit from it."】

【"At the same time, merchants do not engage in farming and production, but still need to eat and wear clothes, and they have to consume a large amount of grain and cloth produced by the common people."】

【"Moreover, the common people work hard but gain little, while the merchants pay less but gain more. This contrast will cause the loss of agricultural labor."】

【"The loss of agricultural labor will affect the normal cultivation of agriculture."】

【"If farming is affected, the country's grain harvest will be affected."】

【"If the country's grain harvest is affected, or even grain production is insufficient, it is very likely to cause famine and unrest among the people, which is not conducive to the stability of the country."】

【"Therefore, it is necessary to put commerce at the bottom of a country's development, requiring the state and the monarch to actively narrow and control the scope of commercial activities so that they will not become an obstacle to agricultural activities."】

【"This is what farmers advocate, 'Agriculture first, Commerce last'. I wonder if my understanding is wrong?"】

【Xu Zi nodded and said affirmatively:"There is nothing wrong with your understanding!"】

【"But just as you said, is there anything wrong with what you said?"】

【Even in Xu Zi's opinion, when Prince Fusu was able to understand and realize these contents, he should not have a different opinion on"agriculture is the basis and commerce is the end", but should fully agree with"agriculture is the basis and commerce is the end".】

【Prince Fusu shook his head and said,"First of all, 'agriculture first' is right. We must ensure that the people of Qianshou can have enough food to eat."】

【"If we can't even feed the people, then there's no point in talking about anything else."】

【"But what if we can ensure that all the people have enough food to eat in the future?"】

【"What if the current per capita yield of three dan per mu (0.69 g/mu is 84 jin per mu) can be increased to four dan per mu (0.69 g/mu is 112 jin per mu) or even five dan per mu (0.69 g/mu is 140 jin per mu)?"】

【"So at this time, should we continue to focus on agriculture?"】

【"In other words, while focusing on agriculture, is it possible to vigorously develop other industries at the same time?"】

【"For example, giving equal importance to agriculture and industry?"】

【"Or should we give equal importance to agriculture and commerce?"】

【"Or, what about the coexistence of scholars, farmers, workers and merchants?"】

【"The way changes with time, nothing is permanent."】

【"In other words, the only thing that never changes is change."】

【"So 'Nongben’、‘"Giving priority to agriculture" is right now, but I don't think it will be right in the future. We need to leave room for change, migration and modification in the future."】

【Hearing what Prince Fusu said, Xu Zi couldn't help but interrupt and said,"Do you really think that you can achieve a yield of four or even five dan per mu in the future?"】

【To be honest, although Prince Fusu has invested a lot of manpower, material resources and other resources in their farm during the past six months】

【However, the numerous studies conducted by farmers have only just begun.】

【After all, the various researches of the farmers would take at least half a year to a year before any clues could be found.】

【If you want to verify, check, and confirm repeatedly, it will take several years, or even more than ten years, to come up with a result.】

【Therefore, regarding the four and five shi per mu yield mentioned by Prince Fusu, Xu Zi hoped that such a high yield per mu could be achieved.】

【However, Xu Zi was afraid that he and others would waste countless manpower and material resources, and end up with nothing.】

【Prince Fusu smiled and affirmed:"Even if Master Xu doesn't believe what I say, he should believe in the down-to-earth research of other peasant children."】

【"Even if Master Xu doesn't believe in the research of other farm students, he should at least believe in me."】

【"In the past six months, in addition to learning various farming techniques from Master Xu, I have also learned a lot about various farming methods."】

【"As for farming, I also have some ideas of my own that have not yet been put into practice."】

【"If it is proven feasible, it should be able to increase the per-acre yield of some grains."】

【Hearing what Prince Fusu said, not only was Xu Zi excited, but even the King of Qin Ying Zheng's eyes lit up.】

【"Let’s go to the Sixth Department of the Ministry of Agriculture now!"】

【As he said that, Xu Zi stood up and prepared to take Prince Fusu to the Sixth Department of the Ministry of Agriculture to verify Prince Fusu's idea.】

【During the six months of teaching Prince Fusu, he knew exactly how smart Prince Fusu was.】

【Even though it was not clear before, Prince Fusu's in-depth understanding of the various ideological propositions of the agricultural family】

【And the various reasonable and different opinions he put forward after a deep understanding are enough to prove the wisdom of Prince Fusu again.】

【If such intelligence were applied to the current farming methods, Xu Zi would not dare to imagine to what extent Prince Fusu could improve the current farming methods!】

【Maybe what Prince Fusu said about producing four or five shi per mu can really be achieved!】

【Prince Fusu, who was sitting opposite Xu Zi, also showed a look of not knowing whether to laugh or cry and said,"Master Xu, I haven't finished yet!"】

【Xu Zi waved his hands and said excitedly:"The rest are not important!"】

【"Hey, you should have told me earlier that you have ideas for improving the current farming methods!"】

【"If you had told me earlier, I wouldn't have wasted my time testing you on this and that."】

【For Xu Zi, nothing is more important than farming.】

【This is also true for new farming ideas, as well as new farming methods that may increase grain yields per mu!】

【Prince Fusu looked even more helpless and said,"There is no rush for this moment, there is really no rush for this moment!"】

【"There is only a little left. Please listen to me first, Master Xu."】

【Prince Fusu has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. If he hadn't mentioned the agricultural philosophy at the beginning, it would have been fine if we had studied the new farming method he came up with first.】

【But now that we have talked about peasant thought, and there is only a little left】

【Therefore, Prince Fusu had to finish talking about it thoroughly before he could let it go and discuss the new farming method with Master Xu and others.】

【Hearing this, Xu Zi sat down next to Crown Prince Fusu and urged him,"Then hurry up and tell us, and then we'll go to the Sixth Department of the Ministry of Agriculture!"】

【Seeing this, Prince Fusu could only helplessly say:"We just talked about 'agriculture first', and then we talked about 'the end of the Shang Dynasty'.’"】

【"Farmers believe that"merchants do not create wealth, they just take other people's products, buy cheap and sell expensive, and then profit from it." I think this is right and wrong"】

【"Just as I mentioned before that there is a distinction between"those who work with their minds" and"those who work with their hands", businessmen are also"those who work with their minds" in another sense.’"】

【"After all, it is not easy to figure out what materials are lacking in what places, what materials to transport to sell, and at what price to sell them in order to earn the highest profit."】

【"Merchants also need to conduct research beforehand, and then make careful calculations before they can decide how to buy cheap and sell expensive."】

【"This behavior is also a kind of"labor"."】

【"In addition, although merchants buy low and sell high to make a profit, in this process, they also bear the responsibility of balancing the operation of excess or scarce materials in various places."】

【"For example, a place has a good harvest, so the wheat harvest this year can not only meet the food and drink of the whole family for the next year, but also have a lot of surplus."】

【"At this time, merchants can buy up the surplus wheat in the area and then transport it to other areas where wheat is in short supply for sale."】

【"In this process, local wheat farmers can sell their excess wheat and use the money and materials they earn to buy other daily necessities."】

【"This is a beneficial behavior for local farmers."】

【"Merchants then transport the excess wheat to other areas where wheat is in short supply and sell it at a higher price."】

【"In this process, merchants earned a certain amount of profit."

【"Areas that were short of wheat also received extra wheat, so that local people could eat wheat."】

【"This is also a good thing for merchants and local people who are short of wheat."】

【"Therefore, as long as it is properly controlled, unscrupulous merchants are not allowed to suppress the price too much for farmers with a good wheat harvest, and unscrupulous merchants are not allowed to maliciously raise the price of wheat when selling."】

【"Then the whole buying and selling process is an act in which all three parties benefit."】

【"To a certain extent, I think support is needed for such behavior."】

【"Secondly, the farmers believe that"merchants do not engage in farming and production, but still need to eat and wear clothes, and consume a large amount of grain and cloth produced by the common people." I also think this is right and wrong."】

【"Although merchants do not engage in farming and production, they still need to eat and wear clothes, and consume a large amount of grain and cloth produced by the common people. However, this consumption process is also a process that promotes production."】

【"Because there is a demand for consumption, it will prompt people to increase production."】

【"To increase production, more manpower is needed."】

【"And more manpower is needed, which means more people can make a living from this."】

【"If more people can make a living from this, then these people will have a permanent job and perseverance."】

【"Finally, the common people will live peacefully and will not become a source of unrest in the country and society."】

【"In addition, during the consumption and trading process of merchants, the state can also collect taxes and also earn a considerable amount of income."】

【"Therefore, I believe that before commerce exceeds a certain level, the buying, selling and consumption of merchants are also beneficial to the country and the people."】

【"Finally, the farmers believe that"the common people work hard but gain little, while the merchants pay less and gain more. This contrast and comparison will cause the loss of agricultural labor." I also think this is right and wrong."】

【"At first, there must be many common people who thought that businessmen paid little but gained much, and out of envy, they chose to become merchants instead of farming."】

【"But it is not so easy to do business and make a profit from it."】

【"If you want to be a businessman, you must first know the art of numerology."】

【"If you don't even know numerology, how can you engage in business and make accurate profits from it instead of losing money?"】

【"And how many people among the common people are good at numerology?"】

【"After learning the art of divination, you also need to have a certain vision, to be able to see what is lacking in what place, and what to transport and sell so that you can make money from it."】

【"This is more difficult than requiring numerology."】

【"Even if the first two points are met, there is still the risk of the third point of unsuccessful trading."】

【"For example, when transporting supplies, you may encounter wolves, tigers, leopards, or bandits."】

【"Can ordinary people in Guizhou protect their supplies from being lost or looted in such a situation?"】

【"Can you even save your life under the circumstances mentioned above?"】

【"Even if they saved their lives, all the transported supplies were lost. Could ordinary people afford such a loss?"】

【"Even during the transportation process, the materials were smoothly delivered to the place of sale."】

【"But because we went there too late, some colleagues had already sold them there, or the local people no longer needed them."】

【"This will result in them being unable to sell their products and thus suffering a loss. Can ordinary people afford such a loss?"】

【"Moreover, a large number of ordinary people have flocked into commerce, but there is only so much business that can be done and the profits that can be earned."】

【"If ten merchants are engaged in the same type of business, then perhaps all ten merchants can still make some money."】

【"But if a hundred merchants, or even a thousand merchants are involved in the same type of business, can all of these thousand merchants really make a profit?"】

【"��It must be impossible!"】

【"Therefore, in the end, at least nine hundred merchants will not be able to earn any financial profit from it. What should these nine hundred merchants who cannot earn any financial profit do?"】

【"In the end, most of these 900 merchants will return to farming."】

【"Because they could not make money from business, if they did not farm, their whole family would starve to death."】

【"Therefore, I believe that the state and the monarch need to exercise certain control over merchants and commercial transactions, but there is no need to suppress or restrict them excessively."】

【"Because of the various prerequisites and risks inherent in business transactions, most people would be discouraged from doing so."】.

Don't worry: @u_229757

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