The county magistrate looked at Bu Fu and said in the same serious tone:

"The tiger has been wreaking havoc in Ping'an County for several days and has committed serious crimes. Today, Bu Fu will capture and kill it!"

"According to Qin law, the reward is 10 taels!"

The bounty is 10 taels!"

Bu Fu was shocked when he heard it.

Although he had just traveled here for a short time, he also knew the purchasing power of money in the Qin Dynasty.

Taking the rice price in Ping'an County as an example, an adult man like Bu Fu has an annual ration of 25 dan of grain, and one dan of grain is"70 dan", which means the selling price is 70 coins.

The bounty of 10 taels is equivalent to 5765 coins, which can buy more than 80 dan of grain!

Enough for three strong men to eat for a year!

Bu Fu's family has only two men and two women!

This bounty is heavy enough!

This is the characteristic of Qin law!

No matter how big or small, it is so detailed that if someone is in distress within a hundred steps on the road and you see someone but don't save him, you will be fined to the point of bankruptcy!

This is different from the old lady in later generations who fell down for three hours and passed by for dozens of hours, but no one asked!

Another thing is that rewards and punishments are clear, and heavy penalties and rewards!

This can be seen from the verdicts of Chenmu and Bu Fu! After the onlookers dispersed, the county magistrate had already sent the bounty, but he did not give it to Bu Fu immediately.

"Bu Fu, I see that you are born with supernatural powers and are extremely brave."

"I would like to tell you one more thing"

"There are actually two options for eliminating harm to the people and killing the big insect."

"The first is to collect the reward of 10 taels!"

"The second is - to be promoted to the first level of nobility!"

When these words came out, Bu Fu was overjoyed.

As a time traveler, he naturally knew how precious the title of the Qin Dynasty was!

The title of the Qin Dynasty would be rewarded with land!

In this era, land is everything!

Bu Fu bowed without hesitation.

"Thank you for your advice, I choose to be promoted to the first level of nobility!"The county magistrate pinched his mustache and nodded with satisfaction. The county lieutenant next to him also nodded and smiled.

Bu Fu was also a smart man and understood it immediately.

It is true that you can be promoted to the first level of nobility for eliminating harm for the people, but not everyone can choose it.

At this time, the county magistrate and the county lieutenant were showing goodwill to him.

Bu Fu did not refuse. If his strength was revealed, he would naturally be favored by all parties.

The county magistrate and the county lieutenant of Ping'an County were the parents of his hometown, and it would be good to have a good relationship with them. The county magistrate was impartial and there was no need to worry. With his hometown stable and his family safe, Bu Fu was Can fearlessly kill the enemy on the battlefield!

It is easier to get things done with acquaintances, and with the green light from the county magistrate, within a few moments, Bufu's ennoblement procedure was completed.

Bufu took off the black bag on his head, black represents a soldier.

Then he changed into a brown bag, which represents a public officer!

From this moment on, Bufu is ennobled as a public officer!

After the ennoblement, the county magistrate gave a few more words of encouragement, did not stay, and returned to the county government.

The county lieutenant instructed Bufu to report to the barracks tomorrow, and Daqin needed warriors like him!

In the end, only Bufu was left, as well as the dead body of the tiger on the ground.

"Baijue didn't choose the bounty, but that doesn't mean I won't make any money this time."

Buff grinned, carried the tiger, and walked into the city gate.

As a result, when he entered the city gate, Buff was almost scared.

At least a hundred people were standing on both sides of the road, looking at Buff eagerly.

"Tiger-fighting hero!"

"Well done, you avenged everyone!"

""Tiger-killing hero!"

Everyone cheered.

In this era, a tiger blocking the road was a disaster for the people.

Killing tigers and getting rid of harm was a hero in the hearts of the people!

Wu Song in later generations also became famous for killing a tiger on Jingyang Ridge!

Compared with Wu Song, the current Bu Fu is even better.

In addition to the welcoming people, there are also various businessmen who come to talk to Bu Fu.

"Sir, how much do you want to sell this beast for?"

"My boss wants to buy this tiger skin for ten gold coins!" said a small businessman, but he was immediately squeezed out by the people next to him.

"The tiger's fur is shiny and without a single wound. It is of top quality. Do you want to get it for ten gold coins?"

"Sir, I am the butler of the Dongfang family in the east of the city."

"My master wants to buy your tiger skin."

"Offer fifteen gold!"

The other merchants also spoke up.

"I'm from the Chengnan Pharmacy, and I want to buy your tiger penis!"

"I want tiger bones too!"

"I'll take all the tiger meat!"

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