Half an hour later.

Bu Fu was finally free.

The tiger on his shoulder was also sold out.

Apart from the tiger skin, which was sold for fifteen gold coins, Bu Fu never expected that the most valuable thing left was the tiger whip!

It was taken away by a housekeeper of the Zhang family at a cost of ten gold coins!

Tiger whip is not tiger tail!

It can only be said that the saying of the descendants of Yan and Huang that like cures like has existed since ancient times!

The rest of the tiger bones and tiger meat, added together, sold for a total of five gold coins and a few more.

In the end, Bu Fu's hands were heavy, a full thirty gold coins!

With money, you have to spend it!

But it was late at night today, and the market in Qin State was closed.

Bu Fu had to find a restaurant, ordered a meal, ate and drank enough, and slept for a night.

Although there was a brothel next to it, which was the brothel in later generations.

But Bu Fu was not interested.

He took a look from a distance and saw that those women were simply vulgar and daunting.

Besides, there was a tender and delicious little child bride at home, so Bufu still had some moral integrity.

The next day, Bufu slept until noon and went directly to the market, which was a closed place.

The merchants of Qin State, the scholars, farmers, merchants and artisans, had a very low status and could not even dress better than ordinary people!

Entering the market, there were stalls everywhere, all kinds of farm tools and bamboo baskets were neatly arranged.

Bufu walked around and quickly bought what he needed.

A complete set of winter clothes inside and out.

A total of 300 coins were spent!

Then he added a quilt for his old mother at home, and bought a brand new set of carpenter tools for his eldest brother, Choufu!

This cost another 700 coins!

Finally, Bufu spent 300 coins to buy a plain dress for Youniang, and specially spent 30 coins to pick a plum blossom hairpin.

After buying everything, Bufu changed into new clothes, packed the rest into a big package, and carried it to the post station in Ping'an County.

The post station is similar to the post station, belonging to the express delivery department of the Qin State. Every few days, there will be a special person to deliver these things to various villages.

Bu Fu spent another 3 coins to buy paper and pen, wrote a letter home, and sent it to his old mother and eldest brother respectively. The eldest brother knows a little and can barely read the letter.

As for You Niang, Bu Fu naturally didn't want his whispers to her to be read by his eldest brother.

So he simply didn't write, but drew a picture.

A picture of mandarin ducks playing in the water.

I guess the meaning of this picture couldn't be clearer.

Finally, Bu Fu hesitated for a moment and decided to take ten gold back.

It's not that he doesn't worry about the post station. The post station is also a minor official. He is strictly bound by the Qin law. Even delays will be punished, not to mention stealing money, which is a felony! What

Bu Fu considered was that his family was poor, and ten golds were enough to greatly improve it!

Moreover, his old mother and eldest brother are both low-key characters. If they get ten golds, they won't spread it around and cause unnecessary trouble.

But if it's more, it's inevitable that it will be a bit ostentatious.

The remaining twenty golds, Bu Fu carried with him.

Anyway, with his strength of more than 100 points, carrying 30 gold is like carrying a feather! After sorting out everything, Bu Fu finally arrived at the parade ground in the east of Ping'an County in the evening!

This is the place where new soldiers serve. If nothing unexpected happens, Bu Fu will serve here for the next month.

After a month, he will become a militiaman and can return home, but he must be ready to obey military orders at any time.

When the military order comes, he must unconditionally go to the battlefield and kill the enemy!

The eldest brother, Choufu, came here to serve for one month every year for three consecutive years.

The second brother, Mangfu, was directly conscripted when he was serving in the second year when the Qin State sent troops to attack Han. There has been no news since then.

"Daze Township, Chaoyangli, Gongshi Bufu, come to report!"

At the parade ground, Bufu handed over a brand new pass and the previous handbook to report.

"Are you Buff?"

"The Bufu who killed the tiger?"

The two veterans in charge of identity verification saw the word Bufu and exclaimed, and immediately looked at Bufu.

A black-faced general not far away also looked sideways and walked over.

"That's right!" Buff said proudly.

"Born with supernatural power, a tiger-fighting boy, not bad! You are assigned to the seventh squad."

The black-faced general smiled, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

He even patted Bu Fu on the shoulder and personally sent Bu Fu to the seventh squad.

But before taking him away, he whispered

"Bufu, you have to be careful of General Zhao"

"He is Zhao Ming's cousin."

After saying that, the black-faced general left.

But Bu Fu's heart shuddered.

Zhao Ming's cousin is here too, and he is a general!

The Qin army is generally divided into six levels.

Five people form a squad, with a squad leader.

Two squads form a platoon, with a platoon leader.

Five platoons form a garrison, with a garrison leader.

Two garrisons form a hundred, with a hundred general!

Going up, there is a five hundred master, and a two-five hundred master!

If it is wartime, there is a larger-scale military system, with thousands of people in a unit, and there are captains and generals in command!

Zhao Ming's cousin is a general, and Er Bu Fu is just an ordinary soldier!

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