Xunzi, with white beard and white hair, was full of surprise.

Just now, he actually felt a sense of crisis in the dark.

Since he became a semi-holy, he has never had such a sense of crisis.

He frowned slightly, thinking in his heart: "Who is thinking about me? Which one is the master? The venerable Yin Yang family? Or the most mysterious Guiguzi?"


Great Qin Northern Xinjiang, Xiongnu Khanate.

Inside the huge tent.

The burly and tall head Man Shanyu, Da Ma Jindao sat on a chair made of tiger bones.

Holding a roasted wolf's leg in one hand, he ate a mouth full of oil while looking at the person opposite: "The Great Qin Guoshi wants to sacrifice to the sky and pray for rain? Why am I going to join in the fun?"

Opposite him is a man in a white robe, wearing a mask, his tone is relaxed: "If the rain fails, isn't it a chance for Shanyu?"

"Shame is thrown in front of Shan Yu, and Da Qin's reputation will definitely be severely hit. At that time, the anti-Qin forces will surely rise up, and Da Qin will not be able to take care of the border. Can't Shan Yu use his troops in a big way to seize the border?"

Touman Shanyu's pair of tiger eyes suddenly flashed a bright light.

He threw down the roasted wolf's legs, his eyes were sharp as knives, staring at the person in front of him: "Why should I trust you?"

The white-robed man chuckled: "It doesn't matter whether you trust me or not, the opportunity is right in front of you, it depends on whether Chanyu wants to seize it."

"If you fail to pray for rain, Chanyu is the last straw that crushes the camel. This Daqin will definitely collapse."

Touman Shanyu still stared at the man and asked, "What if praying for the rain succeeded?"

The white-robed man smiled: "The sage can't do it, but Chanyu thinks that the only [-]-year-old national teacher in Daqin can do it?"

Touman Shanyu suddenly burst out laughing.

He nodded and said, "You're right, I really don't believe a [-]-year-old kid can do it!"

"Okay, since the opportunity is at hand, I, Xiongnu, will not let it go, and I will send someone to go there in person!"

The white-robed man smiled and said, "Then I'll congratulate Shan Yu on great success first."

Touman Shanyu stared at him: "Who are you? You are obviously from Daqin, why do you want to help me?"

The man in the white robe glowed under his feet and said, "My power has its own purpose, but Shan Yuke can rest assured that this time, our interests are the same."


Clear light flickered under his feet, and the figure disappeared instantly.

Touman Shanyu squinted his eyes, and immediately said, "Go and call Zuo Wang over."


Twenty miles away from the Huns' tent, a bright light suddenly flickered.

The man in white just appeared from here.

He glanced back, made sure no one was chasing after him, and let out a long breath.

"Little Junior Brother is testing me. If I showed a little bit of strangeness just now, I would definitely die."

This person took off his mask. It wasn't that Guowei Wei Liao, but who was he?

Wei Liao was ordered by Han Xu to come to the Xiongnu in northern Xinjiang, and told Touman about praying for rain, so that the Xiongnu would take action.

Now, his mission is complete.

However, Wei Liao was still worried: "Can praying for rain really succeed?"

"If it doesn't work, the Xiongnu will also come, but it really can't end..."



Han Xu placed another piece on the chessboard.

He chuckled lightly: "The Huns have also entered the game."*

Chapter 5 The Method of Recruiting Confucianism! ([-] more!)

"National Division."

At this time, a man dressed in white walked up to the Qunxingtai and said, "Lang Zhong ordered Zhao Gao to see the national teacher."

Han Xu calmly looked at the pieces on the chessboard and said lightly, "Tell him, I don't care about the party disputes in the court, but don't get in my way."

"Otherwise, I will clean up the garbage blocking the road."

The man in white is the manpower that Ying Zheng specially assigned to Han Xu, and he is currently in charge of guarding the Tianji Pavilion and sending orders.

After being in contact with Han Xu for a few days, he deeply admired Han Xu and had no hesitation in his orders.


He nodded and turned to leave quickly.

Han Xu held a chess piece in his fingers and said softly to himself, "Zhao Gao is considered a scum of Da Qin."

"But scum also has the purpose of scum. If the First Emperor is here, and I am here, he can't make any waves."

"On the contrary, if you can make good use of him, scum..."


A chess piece falls on the chessboard: "It can also be used for magic!"


The man in white walked out of the Tianji Pavilion, Zhao Gao hurriedly greeted him, and asked hopefully, "Will the national teacher want to see me?"

The man in white sternly repeated Han Xu's words word for word.

"...Otherwise, I will clean up the garbage blocking the road."

He looked at Zhao Gao and said, "This is the original words of the national teacher."

Zhao Gao's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face suddenly paled.

His eyes kept flickering, as if he was thinking about the meaning of Han Xu's words.

After a while, Zhao Gao took a deep breath, raised his head rather fearfully, and looked at the figure in white at the highest point.

Zhao Gao swallowed and spit. Facing Han Xu's unceremonious words, he didn't dare to refute a word. He just bowed and saluted, then turned around and hurriedly left.

From beginning to end, he didn't dare to say a word.

Han Xu didn't take a look at Zhao Gao. When Zhao Gao was used, Zhao Gao was a pawn. When he didn't use it, Zhao Gao was not qualified to be noticed by him.

He looked into the distance.

In his sight, the world is full of colorful colors.

These colors represent the power of all beings, the power of thought, the power of the strong, and the different fortunes of the various schools of thought.

At this moment, some deep colors are slowly approaching Xianyang.

Han Xu knew that some of the people representing the hundreds of families had already set off.

Xianyang is about to meet the situation and become the focus of the world!

At this time, Han Xu squeezed out another piece from the chessboard and said loudly, "Go and invite Prime Minister Li Si to see me."

The voice spread throughout the Tianji Pavilion, and it rang in the ears of the man in white at the bottom.

"Here." The man in white responded.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Li Si's carriage stopped in front of Tianji Pavilion.

After getting off the carriage, Li Si looked up at Tianji Pavilion, his eyes couldn't hide his shock.

Although the Tianji Pavilion has been established for a few days, no one can find out the details of Han Xu now, plus Han Xu's supreme merit and Ying Zheng's importance, even Li Si dare not come rashly.

Otherwise, like that Zhao Gao, he would run into a wall and walk away.

Zhao Gao and the others had a lot of power in the imperial court, but in Han Xu's eyes, they were nothing.

So this is Li Si's first time here.

Li Si took a deep breath, and without daring to look at it, he entered the Tianji Pavilion.

Through the teleportation array, go directly to the Qunxingtai.

After seeing Han Xu, Li Si hurriedly bowed and saluted: "I have seen the national teacher."

Han Xu nodded slightly: "Sit down."

Only then did Li Si sit across from Han Xu.

Li Si hesitated for a moment, and immediately went straight to the point without greeting, and said, "I don't know why the national teacher asked me to come here, why?"

Han Xu raised his eyes to look at Li Si. His eyes were very deep. When he saw him, Li Si only felt that his soul seemed to be seen through.

This made him slightly startled, and he quickly looked away, not daring to look at Han Xu.

Han Xu smiled: "The prime minister is a student of Xunzi, right?"

Li Si's expression changed slightly when he heard this topic.

This is a secret among ordinary people, but it is nothing among the upper echelons.

Everyone knows that Li Si came from Confucianism and studied under the half-sage Xunzi, but halfway through the process, Li Si converted to Legalism, believing that Legalism is the foundation of true governance.

In other words, he was considered a second-fifth boy who was disloyal to Confucianism.

Of course, Li Si thinks that he is a master of both Confucianism and Dharma.

Han Xu's questioning was like exposing Li Si's shortcomings.

If anyone else asked this, Li Si would definitely lift the table.

But facing Han Xu, he pondered for a moment and felt that he might be cracked by the car after flipping the table, so he chose to follow his heart.

"Yes, when I was young, I studied under Xunzi."

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