Liszt deliberately added the word "young".

Han Xu smiled and didn't care about Li Si's details.

He said, "Then you must know Xunzi very well."

Lis nodded.

Han Xu didn't write any ink, he cut to the chase and said, "Then, if I ask you, I want Confucianism to help Daqin educate the people and teach scholars, what do you think Xunzi will do?"

Li Si's face became serious, and he realized that the national teacher did not deliberately expose his shortcomings.

He pondered for a moment, and then said solemnly: "Xunzi will be very literate and scolded the national teacher for daydreaming."

Han Xu laughed.

He picked up the teacup, took a sip of the tea, and said, "You know a lot about Confucianism. How do you think I can get Confucianism to help Daqin?"

Li Si pondered for a while this time, his brows furrowed, as if he couldn't find a way.

He said: "Mencius gave scholars a dignified and upright body, and Confucius gave scholars an unyielding arrogance. Confucianism cannot be oppressed by violence."

"If you want Confucianism to help Da Qin, there are only two ways."

Han Xu asked, "Which two methods?"

Li Si said: "First, let His Majesty admit his mistake, and cancel the decree of 'Shutongwen', and restore the culture and writing of the six kingdoms."

Han Xu sneered and said, "Do you deliberately leave a loophole to split future generations?"

Li Si only felt that the temperature around his body was like winter, and his scalp was a little numb. He lowered his head and did not dare to look at Han Xu.

In Han Xu's view, the reason why Ying Zheng can be called the first emperor through the ages is that his greatest contribution is not in the unification of the six kingdoms, but in the "books and texts".

Because of "books and texts", Chinese thought is extremely unified, and Chinese culture is immortal!

Compared to the Roman Empire, how powerful was the Roman Empire that spanned three continents?

But after the split, they could no longer be unified, and they split forever!


That is, the cultures are not unified. Each has its own language and culture. If they do not treat each other as one family, how can they be unified?

Therefore, Han Xu was very much in agreement with the "Book with the same text", and wanted Ying Zheng to cancel this great decree, Han Xu was the first to disagree.

He put down the teacup and said lightly, "The second way."

Only then did Li Si feel the suffocation subside.

He took a deep breath and said: "The second method is to enter the "Analects of Confucius" left by Confucius, discuss Taoism with Xunzi, Confucius approves, and Xunzi is defeated, then Confucianism can be at peace."


PS: Starting from tomorrow, the major forces will arrive, and the real good show will begin. Continue to hope that everyone will support!

Flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, etc., please support it if you have it. If you don’t have it, cheer up in the book review area. For the author, it is also a source of power like chicken blood! *

Chapter 1 The Yin-Yang Family Arrives! ([-] more!)

After half a column of incense.

Li Si left in a carriage.

Sitting in the carriage, his hands were trembling faintly, and his calm face showed a hint of horror at this moment.

He pursed his lips, unable to calm the tremor in his heart for a long time.

No one but him knew what he had just heard.

After a while, he stabilized the turbulence in his heart. He exhaled a long breath and slowly said to himself: "Either he is a lunatic, or his strength is unfathomable. The national teacher is definitely not a lunatic, then... He is strong after all. To what extent?"

A gust of wind blew the curtain of the car, and Li Si looked out of the car, watching countless people and Jing Xiang swept back, he once again spit out the turbid air that was pressing in his heart, and said, "Confucianism, it seems that there is really a good show to watch."


In the Tianji Pavilion, the stars shine on the star stage.

Han Xu was still sitting there lazily, the chess pieces beating at his fingertips, like a living elf.

"The Analects? The strongest magic weapon left by Confucius? Represents the strongest will of Confucius?"

Han Xu clenched his fingers, and the Tianji Pavilion shone brightly.

After a while, the light of Tianji Pavilion dimmed, and Han Xu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It is impossible to predict the future in the "Analects". It is worthy of being a Confucian cauldron. It seems that Kong Sheng has really left an incredible thing for Confucianism."

Han Xu smiled lightly, but he was not angry or surprised.

After all, Confucius is a real sage. If such a person has no special trump card, it will be really surprising.

And because of this, Han Xu became more and more interested in the Analects.

The foreseeable future is too boring.

What he likes is this unpredictable future.

It's like changing the fate of Da Qin against the sky. In the future that everyone foresees, it is Qin Zang, but he wants to reverse the future!

Han Xu twitched his fingers, and the wine in the jug flew out automatically. He opened his mouth lightly and drank the cold jug of wine with ease.

Youyou said: "The chess game has been set up, and the next step is to wait for the arrival of the chess pieces."


Time flies, three days later.

On this day, Ying Zheng came to Tianji Pavilion again.

He didn't climb the stairs one by one like the first time, and his heart was really unbearable.

Can only watch, can not grab, too tormented.

He used the teleportation formation method to come directly to the top-level Qunxingtai.

Han Xu stood up and bowed: "Your Majesty."

Ying Zheng waved his hand slightly, sat opposite Han Xu, and said, "Don't be too polite."

Han Xu also sat down.

Ying Zheng saw that there was a chessboard in front of Han Xu, and there were already many pieces on the chessboard.

Heizi and Baizi are criss-crossed, and although they haven't reached the mid-table, they have already revealed their murderous intentions step by step.

Ying Zheng looked away, looked at Han Xu, and said solemnly, "They are about to arrive in Xianyang."

Without explanation, Han Xu understood what Ying Zheng meant.

He nodded slightly and chuckled: "The fish has entered the net, and the plan can begin."

Ying Zheng's eyes flashed, and his eyes were bright and divine.

He said, "What will be the arrangements after they arrive in Xianyang?"

Han Xu swayed his feather fan lightly, and a piece of cloth flew out and landed in front of Ying Zheng.

He said, "Your Majesty can make arrangements accordingly."

Ying Zheng hurriedly picked up the cloth.

Looking up, he was slightly startled.

I saw that on this cloth, the names of the various forces were written, as well as the places where their residences were arranged.

Ying Zheng said unexpectedly, "Sir already knows who will come and who won't?"

Han Xu said lightly, "If you don't even know this, how can you play this game of chess well?"

Ying Zheng's heart is calm.

He smiled heartily and said, "With Mr. here, it really makes the widow feel at ease!"

"The widow has an intelligence network that spreads all over the world. Only by this can we know the movements of some forces, but the gentleman has not stepped out of the Tianji Pavilion, but he knows it more clearly than the widow."

Han Xu picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea, not being modest.

Ying Zheng didn't care either. In his opinion, it is right for a person with ability to be humble.

He carefully glanced at the content on the cloth, moved inwardly, and said, "Mr. deliberately put contradictory forces together, do you want them to collide and consume each other?"

Han Xu said lightly: "As long as they are not stupid, they will not fall out in Xianyang, but open and secret fights are still indispensable."

"It's not a bad thing to have them pay more attention to each other and less attention to us."

Ying Zheng nodded in approval.

"This method is feasible, and the widows will arrange them according to the law of the master."

At this time, Ying Zheng seemed to feel something, suddenly raised his head and looked towards the city gate, his eyes sank a little.

Han Xu put down the teacup and said lightly, "Come on."

"what is that!?"

Suddenly, the people in the city shouted loudly.

Many people subconsciously followed the prestige, and then all of them widened their eyes and looked shocked.

The defenders at the gate of the city are also clenching their weapons at this moment, their expressions are solemn, as if they are facing a great enemy!

Everyone is tense, their eyes are sharp, as if they are ready to fight at any time!

And they, everyone's eyes, are looking at the sky in the distance.

Then I saw that the sky was different at this moment.

The azure blue sky that was originally cloudless suddenly turned into black and white at this moment.

Half dark, half pale.

Black and white split the sky in half.

And under that black and white, there is a flying boat in the air, going against the wind.

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