
Liu Bang raised his hand, clenched his fist, and smashed it on the table in front of him. He was so angry that he couldn’t get rid of his anger. He stood up again and kicked the table to the ground.


The table instantly broke into several pieces.

The civil and military officials around looked at each other with bitterness on their faces.

Liu Bang was in a bad mood, so were they?

Everyone heard the system prompt sound just now.

They knew what was waiting for them next.

At this moment, everyone couldn’t help but have a strange idea in their minds.

Qin Shihuang…

Is he really a tyrant?

If there were no two parallel worlds to compare, this question would be beyond doubt.

But after seeing the comparison these days, everyone began to be confused.

Because if Qin Shihuang unified the six kingdoms, there would be no trouble now, and there would be no headache at all.

“Your Majesty, lead the army to suppress the unrest. You can only use tough measures.”

“There is no other way.”

Han Xin stood up and said helplessly.

No one expected that things would turn out like this.

“”Han Xin, I’ll leave this matter to you.”

Liu Bang frowned, thought for a moment and gave the order reluctantly.

There was no other way except to fight back.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

The news that Liu Bang least wanted to hear finally happened.

Many remnants of various countries appeared in various places, spreading the news and claiming to restore their former glory.

The governors of Shu County, Hanzhong County, and Jiujiang County even stood up and announced that they had nothing to do with the Han Dynasty and wanted to rebuild a new country.

The governor of Jiuyuan County chose to join forces with the Huns to jointly attack the Han Dynasty.

The reason for this is that Qin Shihuang did not unify the six countries, which made many people lose the concept of great unification.

Without this concept, greed in the heart will prevail over reason.

In short, although the Han Dynasty still exists, no one recognizes it.

“Your Majesty, the country is in chaos and people are displaced. What should we do?”

“The troops sent out were divided into seven teams, each of which was dissatisfied with the other.”

“Although they did not betray the Han Dynasty, they are no longer as united as before.”

Xiao He came to Liu Bang’s bedroom and spoke in a hoarse voice.

In the past few days, he had not slept all night and had been dealing with various things.

His voice was a little abnormal.

“Damn it!”

Liu Bang’s face was gloomy, staring at the sky of the main world. He wished he could penetrate the sky and strangle that Ying Zheng to death.

In his opinion, it was because of Ying Zheng’s existence that he became like this.

At this time, a funny idea suddenly emerged in Liu Bang’s mind.

If there were no two worlds to compare, what would he be doing now?

I’m afraid he is still slandering Qin Shihuang……

“Maybe, this is retribution. If we hadn’t slandered Qin Shihuang in the first place, how could these things have happened?”

“I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong”

“But it is really heartbreaking to see these people displaced.”

“Fortunately, the Han Dynasty still has its base, and has already repelled the Xiongnu and Dayuezhi.”

“Although it is dangerous this time, the casualties should not be more than last time.”

There was three parts of bitterness, three parts of regret, three parts of anger, and one part of confusion in Liu Bang’s eyes.

At this moment, he suddenly didn’t know what to do.

He didn’t know how to reunite the six divided countries.

For him, all this was familiar and strange.


Tang Dynasty.

Ganlu Palace.

Li Shimin sat on the dragon throne, looking at a messenger in the hall below.

“Reporting to His Majesty, the soldiers on the front line have sent news that we have discovered the activities of soldiers from other countries on the western border.”

“These people look completely different from the people of our Tang Dynasty. They should be another race.”

“According to past news, these should be the Arabs referred to by the Persian population.”

The messenger did not dare to hesitate, and quickly told all the news he knew.

Persia seems to be far away from the Tang Dynasty, but in fact, there has been contact between them in this era.

Persia has always regarded the Tang Dynasty as its suzerain.

A few years ago, Persia was attacked by the Arabs. Persia was weak and unable to resist, so it sent a letter to the Tang Dynasty for help.

But because of the long journey, Li Shimin refused the request for help.

Therefore, Li Shimin knew the existence of Persia and the Arab Empire.

What shocked everyone was that the hand of the Arabs actually touched the Tang Dynasty.

Hearing this news, the civil and military officials felt a little complicated in their hearts.

On the one hand, they wanted to fight, but on the other hand, they couldn’t pull their hands out.

People only know that the First Emperor Ying Zheng and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Che liked to expand their territory, but they didn’t know that Li Shimin liked to fight more.

The reason why he didn’t attack Persia and the Arab Empire was because they were too far away.

Now that the Arab Empire dares to appear on the border of the Tang Dynasty, isn’t that looking for death?

If possible, everyone would naturally be happy to go to war.


Qin Shihuang did not unify the six countries, which weakened the strength of the Tang Dynasty to a certain extent.

And there was more civil strife.

“Next, there is another piece of news. Many remnants of the former countries have appeared in our Tang Dynasty.”

“These people did not choose to judge, but spread it everywhere, constantly promoting the concept of retro”

“Many people no longer believe in our Tang Dynasty comrades.”

The messenger hesitated for a moment and continued to report.

Shimin stretched out his hand and rubbed his aching temple, feeling mixed emotions.

He did not expect that all these things would happen at the same time.

As for why the Arab Empire appeared here, it was obvious that it was because Qin Shihuang did not unify the six kingdoms that caused history to deviate.

As for what happened specifically, there was no way to know.

“The Arab countries came at this time, not earlier or later.”

“They knew that there was civil unrest in the Tang Dynasty, so they wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to get a piece of the pie.”

“What should I do now?”

Li Shimin’s frown deepened, almost twisting into a Sichuan character.

But now is not a good time to go to war.

In fact, if you are not careful, you may bring disaster.

As the saying goes, you must first stabilize the country before you can resist foreign aggression.

“It’s all the fault of this shitty main world’s Ying Zheng. If it weren’t for him, I would have incorporated the Arab Empire into the Tang Dynasty in a minute.”

“Although the Arab Empire is not weak, our Tang Dynasty is stronger!”

“But… it’s really hateful!”

Li Shimin gritted his teeth, his face full of anger………………………………… ps: Thank you brothers for the flowers, ratings and comments, thank you!

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