
Li Shimin kept breathing in and out, and after half an hour, he finally suppressed the anger in his heart.

An opportunity to surpass Qin Shihuang was in front of him, but he was about to miss it.

How could he not be angry!

“What is the situation of the rebellion in our Tang Dynasty? How long will it take to suppress it?”

Li Shimin asked slowly.

“Reporting to Your Majesty, rumors are spreading all over the country, and people are in a panic.”

“These people did not confront us head-on, but secretly spread rumors in an attempt to undermine the unity of the people of the Tang Dynasty.”

“A large number of people already want to go out on their own.”

Someone stood up and said with a wry smile.

If it was just the enemy’s rebellion, it would be easy to suppress.

The difficulty lies in the people’s hearts.

It would take a lot of manpower and a long time.

“Although it is a little difficult, it must be done. Pass on my order, at all costs, you must quell the unrest.”

“Since Qin Shi Huang was able to unify the six kingdoms, I can do the same.”

Li Shimin said with a cold face.

From the beginning to the end, he did not think that he���Ying Zheng wanted to take this opportunity to let future generations know that he was the greatest emperor of all time.

In the next few days, officials of the Tang Dynasty began to go to various counties in person to try to make the people settle down.

Just when Li Shimin thought that everything was going well, two days later, an accident suddenly happened.

“Your Majesty, the Turks and Goguryeo suddenly sent a large army to the border, demanding that the Tang Dynasty hand over half of its territory, otherwise there would be war.”

Du Ruhui stood beside Li Shimin’s study, holding the secret letter that Li Jing had sent back in an urgent manner after traveling 8800 miles, and spoke tremblingly, his eyes full of solemnity.

The Abe Empire, the Turks, Goguryeo, and the internal conflicts of the Tang Dynasty…

Any of these things, taken separately, is nothing.

But they appeared at the same time.

That’s a problem.

Even the powerful Tang Dynasty couldn’t help but have a headache.

Li Shimin frowned, did not speak, his face uncertain.

Thinking about how to solve this problem.

The Tang Dynasty had many soldiers, but some of them were resisting Goguryeo, some were resisting the Turks, and the rest were responsible for guarding the stability of various parts of the Tang Dynasty.

“Now, we still need at least 100,000 soldiers to resist the Arab Empire.”

“Although we only found their spies, they will come to kill us eventually, and we will never miss such an opportunity to take advantage of their misfortune.”

Li Shimin narrowed his eyes and thought about where to find such a group of people.

No matter how hard he thought, he couldn’t think of it.

All the soldiers have been used to the extreme.

There is no way to withdraw more.

“Your Majesty, I have two solutions…….”

Du Ruhui, who was standing next to him, hesitated for a moment and spoke carefully.


Li Shimin raised his eyebrows.

He told him to speak whatever he wanted.

Du Ruhui was an old minister who had followed him for many years.

He would never betray him.

“Your Majesty, this first method requires……I’ll let you down for a bit.”

Du Ruhui’s face was full of entanglement.

He spoke incoherently.

For some reason, he suddenly regretted saying this.

“There is no such thing as grievance or not. For the sake of the Tang Empire, I am willing to sacrifice everything. Tell me, what is the solution?”

Li Shimin waved his hand impatiently, indicating that he should not waste time.

“Your Majesty, when you ascended the throne, the Five Surnames and Seven Families were quite dissatisfied with you, so they rejected the royal family’s request for marriage.”

“After that, you repeatedly suppressed the Five Surnames and Seven Families, causing the two forces to be as hostile as fire and water.”

“I believe that if you condescend, the Five Surnames and Seven Families will certainly reconcile with the royal family, and then they will naturally send people to the border to resist the Arabs.……”

Du Ruhui gritted his teeth and spoke carefully.

As soon as he said this,

Li Shimin’s face suddenly darkened.

“Impossible, absolutely impossible. You want me to bow to the Five Surnames and Seven Families? What a joke!”

“”I am the Son of Heaven and the ruler of a country. Who in this world is qualified to let me put aside my past grudges?”

Li Shimin’s face was full of coldness, and his eyes were full of anger.

He still can’t forget the contemptuous look of the Five Surnames and Seven Families. If there is anyone in this world who dares to mention the Xuanwu Gate Incident, it must be the Five Surnames and Seven Families.

Even in his dreams, Li Shimin wants to uproot these people.

But what can he do?

These big families are deeply rooted in the Central Plains and have a long heritage.

Once they are moved, the foundation of the Tang Dynasty may be shaken.

The place where the Five Surnames and Seven Families are.

The roads are built by the Five Surnames and Seven Families, the meals are given by the Five Surnames and Seven Families, and the jobs are found by the Five Surnames and Seven Families…

Once Li Shimin dares to send troops, the people will definitely stop him.

Who knows how many people will die then.

This is why Li Shimin has not sent troops even though he is angry.

Now let him put aside his past grudges and condescend to find the Five Surnames and Seven Families, is it possible?

“Didn’t you say there is a second way? Tell me, what is the second way?”

Li Shimin glared at Du Ruhui and asked.

The person who was speaking was Du Ruhui, who had followed him for many years.

If it were anyone else, he would have been dragged out and chopped to death in a minute.

Who in the world doesn’t know that Li Shimin cares about face the most?

Even if he is killed, his reputation cannot be damaged!

“Your Majesty, the second solution is to gather all the small countries around us and let them form a coalition to resist the Arab Empire.”

“Don’t forget that you are the Khan of Heaven and the Tang Dynasty is the suzerain state.”

“However, these forces are weak and have no ability to resist the Arab countries. We must provide them with equipment, military tactics, food and other supplies.”

“But doing so would be like aiding the enemy.”

“If these small countries bite us back in the future……”

Du Ruhui deliberately dragged out his words and did not finish.

Obviously, he was afraid of the wolfish ambitions of these small countries.

The Qin Dynasty is helping these small countries now, but these small countries may not be grateful in the future.

It is even possible that they will pick up the butcher knife and chop down the Tang Dynasty.

“Although there are indeed risks, let’s do it”

“As the Khan of Heaven, I issue an order to Ryukyu, Japan, Silla and other forces to immediately send troops to the border of our Tang Dynasty to resist the Arabs.”

“Tell them that I will reward them generously after this war is over.”

“You go find Fang Xuanling and take out the equipment stored in the treasury and distribute it to these people.”

“Then teach them the papermaking and iron smelting techniques, so that they can have a taste of the benefits first.”

After thinking for a while, Li Shimin gave the order.

In his opinion, the second method is dozens of times better than the first method.

Aiding the enemy?

Sorry, no matter how much these forces develop, they are definitely not the opponent of the Tang Dynasty!

He did not take these forces seriously.

“As you command.”

Du Ruhui wanted to say something else, but when he saw the cold eyes of His Majesty, he swallowed his words and said nothing more.

He turned around and left to carry out the order……………………………… ps: Thank you brothers for the flowers, ratings and comments, thank you!

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