It was simply a cloudy sky, and finally a ray of sunshine shot out and shone on his face.

Unlike Yan Dan, who was so excited that she was at a loss, at this moment, Concubine Yan's face was pale, and only she knew who this child really belonged to.

This child is not Yan Dan's at all, but a child who should not exist in this world at all.

Concubine Yan's face was bloodless, her face was pale, her eyes were staring at the roof, her body was trembling slightly, and she suddenly grabbed Yan Dan's (Qian's) sleeve with a look of expression on her face. He said in a panic, "¨"No...Dan...this...this child cannot be kept, absolutely cannot be kept!"


Chapter 147 - Concubine Yan who gave up

The heart was hot, as if Yan Dan finally saw a touch of sunshine, after hearing the words of Concubine Yan, she was instantly stunned as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water.

After a long time, Yan Dan's face gradually sank. He squinted at Concubine Yan, and said coldly: "What? Lord Concubine Yan is not willing to let go of a child who has not yet been born?"

Isn't this bullshit?His Yan Dan has already been abolished, and it is impossible to have children in the future.

However, what he didn't expect was that there was no way out of the sky, and suddenly the twists and turns made him see a glimmer of hope and picked up a child for nothing.

You actually want to erase this child. Your special feature is that you have practiced too much onmyoji, and you have ruined your brain. Think too much.

Concubine Yan's face was pale, she held Yan Dan's sleeve tightly, and said in a trembling voice: " listen to me, now you still have big things to do, this It's not the right time to have this child at all, we are still very young, there will be opportunities in the future, this child..."

"This child must be asked, if something happens to her..." Yan Dan shouted angrily, then said with a sullen face, "I will kill you myself."

He has been abolished now, and there is no future, that is to say, 213, this child is his only hope.

Now I don't know which great god was blessed to have this child. If something happened to this child, Yan Dan would be completely extinct.

So, this child must not have an accident.

No matter who it is, even his father, if he wants to harm this child, he will kill him with his own hands, not to mention Concubine Yan.

Yan Dan's eyes were blood red, and his face was suffocating. He was like a different person in peacetime, like a demon returning from hell, and his body was full of fierce energy.

Concubine Yan suddenly froze, looking at this man who was both familiar and unfamiliar in front of her, she felt very at a loss for a while.

She had never seen Yan Dan like this before. At this time, Yan Dan felt like a lunatic, which made her feel very strange.

From the terrifying expression on Yan Dan's face, Concubine Yan couldn't help feeling a chill behind her back. At this moment, she had no doubts about Yan Dan's words.

If something really happened to this child, Yan Dan might actually kill her with his own hands.

Concubine Yan suddenly felt cold, even though Yan Dan's cultivation was not as good as hers, it could even be said that if she wanted to kill Yan Dan, it would be very simple.

However, the feeling that Yan Dan gave her at this time was very terrifying.

The fierceness and suffocation in his eyes made Concubine Yan feel that Yan Dan at this time seemed not to be a person at all, but a mad beast.

But this kid...

At this moment, Concubine Yan felt the despair she had never felt before, her eyes were empty, and her mind was blank.

She betrayed the Yin and Yang family for Yan Dan's sake, but Yan Dan actually revealed a murderous intent to her today.

From Yan Dan's cold eyes, it can be seen that what Yan Dan cares about is not her at all, but the child in her womb.

From Yan Dan's cold eyes, it can be seen that what Yan Dan cares about is not her at all, but the child in her womb.

Having a child was supposed to be a happy event for her.

However, this child is a child who should not exist in this world at all.

(cjea) Concubine Yan looked at the roof in despair, thinking in despair, is this the retribution for the sins she has committed in the past?

Her hands were stained with the blood of innocent people, how could she be able to get rid of such a past if she wanted to get rid of it?

How could someone like her be worthy of living an ordinary life, and how could she be qualified to have a happy life?

Concubine Yan stared blankly at Yan Dan's icy eyes, her heart gradually sank to the bottom, and she felt a chill.

His hands slowly loosened Yan Dan's sleeves, slowly slipped down from Yan Dan's sleeves, smiled sadly, and said lightly: "Okay, since you want this child so much, then Just... give birth."

Hearing this sentence, the evil spirit on Yan Dan's body finally began to gradually dissipate, and said lightly: "You have a good rest!"

After that, Yan Dan turned around and walked out.

At this moment, Concubine Yan had completely given up on Yan Dan, and now Yan Dan is no longer the Yan Dan she knew.

How could such a person be worthy of letting her abort the child in her belly.

Concubine Yan looked at the roof in despair. Although the father of the child was not Yan Dan, the mother of the child was Concubine Yan.

After a long time, a maternal smile appeared on Concubine Yan's face, she caressed her abdomen, and said softly: "Mother's life, it may be because of her deep sin that she will have such retribution."

"Mother's life, what you may be able to have and deserve to have is only you!"

"Originally, my mother thought that Yan Dan was someone who could let her put down the past and give everything for it."

"However, in the end, I found out that it was just a ridiculous dream." Concubine Yan smiled miserably, then her face changed and she said firmly: "From now on, you are the only one for my mother, and for you, my mother can do everything for you. The world, including... Yan Dan."

Today's Concubine Yan has completely given up on Yan Dan, instead of endlessly wronging herself and changing herself for a person who is not worthy of her love at all.

It's better to put all your heart on a person who is worthy of her sacrifice, although the father of this child is a man she can't wait to kill and then hurry up.

However, this child, it is undeniable, who has no doubts is her Concubine Yan's child, a person she can truly give.

Of course, it was the only thing that belonged to her over the years. .

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