Chapter 148 Everyone Be Reasonable

At this time, Concubine Yan had already felt desperate for everything in this world. She could feel that all she had was the child in her womb.

At this time, she no longer had the idea of ​​wanting to abort the child, and even felt that the idea that she had just given birth to was very ridiculous.

At this moment, she felt that the child in her womb was her only, ~ and her only sustenance.

It was the only ray of sunshine left in her world, and if something really happened to this child, her world might turn into darkness from now on.

What yin and yang family, what Yan Dan, for the rest of her life, there is only this child, she will give this child everything she can give.

She wants this child not to have an unbearable and miserable life like her.


Xinzheng, Ji Wuye, who was eager to solve the matter of the prince, took the initiative to come to Zilan Xuan on this day.

As soon as she stepped into the door of Zilan Xuan, Zi Nu walked downstairs with a smile.

"What kind of wind is blowing today, to let General Ji come to my little Zilan Xuan? It really makes Zilan Xuan shine."

"Haha, of course it's because I miss you, but you don't know that during this time, I..."

Ji Wuye greeted Zi Nu with a smile. Just as she stretched out her hand and wanted to take advantage of it, Zi Nu suddenly turned away from Ji Wuye like she was hiding from the plague god, and stood in the distance, smiling. Yingying looked at Ji Wuye.

Ji Wuye was stunned for a moment, but didn't feel embarrassed. He changed his hand in the air, placed it on the handrail of the stairs, and said with a smile: "Okay, I won't be joking with the purple girl, Ji this time. I came here for business, take me to see Han Fei, I have something important to discuss with him."

Ji Wuye suddenly wanted to see Han Fei, which really surprised Zi Nu.

After all, Ji Wuwuye had been in control of the palace for a while, not only did he not allow anyone to enter the palace to see the king, but he himself did not see anyone.

So that Han Fei, Zhang Kaidi, Han Yu, several people wanted to ask Ji Wuye for an explanation, but they all ate a closed door at the General's Mansion.

Now, although I don't know the purpose of the other party's trip, Han Fei wants to see each other very much at this time.

Although she was a little surprised, Zi Nu said with a smile: "Then, General, please go upstairs."

After that, Zi Nu turned around and led Ji Wuye towards a room on the second floor.

When she came to the door of the room, the purple lady was about to open the door, and suddenly her body froze, and a flush of rhyme suddenly rose on her face.

The little bit of heat that came from the buttocks, don't think about it, the bastard behind him took advantage of his own unpreparedness and took advantage of him.

If you are careless, you are really careless. In front of this bastard, you should not let your guard down at any time.

Purple Girl's towering chest was ups and downs violently, although she wanted to chop the people behind her into pieces, but in order not to let a few people in the house find the difference, Purple Girl took a deep breath. He slowly opened the door and walked in on his own.

In the room, Han Fei, Zhang Liang, and Wei Zhuang saw Ji Wuye behind Zi Nu, and they were stunned. They didn't expect that Ji Wuye, who had not seen anyone in these days, would come to the door today. come and meet them.

Ji Wuye ignored everyone's differing gazes, walked straight to the desk, and sat down.

As if he didn't treat himself as an outsider, he picked up an empty cup on the table, filled it for himself, drank it all at once, and praised: "Good wine, good wine, and beautiful women. , This Zilan Xuan is really a good place, no wonder Ninth Young Master basically stays here on weekdays."

"Even Zhang Xiangguo's grandson runs here from time to time. If it's me, if the purple girl is willing to entertain for free, I will run here every day."

Han Fei was stunned for a moment, then picked up the wine glass on the table, took a sip, and said with a smile, "The fine wines and beauties in the General's Mansion should not be any worse than this Zilan Xuan."

Han Fei was stunned for a moment, then picked up the wine glass on the table, took a sip, and said with a smile, "The fine wines and beauties in the General's Mansion should not be any worse than this Zilan Xuan."

Ji Wuye shook his head with a smile, and said, "Don't you know that the ninth son, there is no reason for the fragrance of wild flowers?"

"Haha... General's words are reasonable!" Han Fei was stunned for a moment, then squinted at Ji Wuye, and said meaningfully: "However, General Ji's visit here is not just for the sake of good wine. Come with a beauty."

Ji Wuye did not deny it, on the contrary, he was too lazy to ink ink with Han Fei, so he took out a small bottle with a strange pattern engraved in his arms, threw it at Han Fei, and said straight to the point: "Ask him, this farce It's time to end."

Han Fei's expression froze when he took the medicine bottle in his hand. Although he didn't know how Ji Wuye knew about the transaction between him and Tian Ze, Han Fei was still a little surprised that the other party gave it to him so easily. he?

That's right, the small bottle Ji Wuye threw to Han Fei was what Tian Ze asked Han Fei to find in the original book.


But in the original book, Hu Meiren brought Nongyu into the palace, and Nongyu got the Gu mother only by accident.

Now that Nongyu is in the general's residence, it is naturally impossible to find such a thing for Han Fei, and without Mrs. Hu and Nongyu, Hu Meiren has no communication with Han Fei.

Han Fei really felt a headache about this during this time. Ji Wuye blocked the palace, and what Tianze wanted came from the palace.

Han Fei tried his best to send people several times, but was unable to send them to the palace. At this time, he was feeling a headache, and Ji Wuye actually sent this thing himself.

Not to mention Han Fei, even Wei Zhuang and Zhang Liang both looked different at this time, and had no idea what the other party was thinking.

Han Fei looked at the small bottle in his hand and asked suspiciously, "Is this what controls Tianze?"


Ji Wuye smiled and nodded, but did not speak, but picked up the wine glass in front of him and poured himself a drink.

Did he really give the Gu mother to Han Fei?

Of course not, even if he wanted to give it, he believed that Bai Yifei would definitely not give him that kind of thing.

He just got an empty bottle from Mrs. Pearl, and when passing by the back garden of the palace, he grabbed some soil from the pond, squeezed a mud ball and put it into the bottle.

Anyway, who would have thought that people of their identities would be able to fool people with fake things when making deals.

Of course, it can't be considered fake, can it?The bottle was genuine, the kind of bottle Tian Ze was looking for.

If I remember correctly, in the original book, Tian Ze just threw a bottle to Wei Zhuang, and did not explicitly say that he wanted a Gu mother.

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