In any case, after 12 o'clock tomorrow night, I will no longer care about Zhao Ji's problems and continue the plot directly. .

Chapter 249 The Storm Is Coming (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

In the eighth year of King Qin’s administration, Ying Zheng was already twenty-one years old. Feng Chang had already counted the auspicious day at the beginning of the year. At the beginning of April, Ying Zheng set off for Yongcheng, the old capital of the Qin state, for a tour of the crown. present.

It is now the end of March, and people in the entire Xianyang city are starting to get busy.

On this day, Ying Zheng left Meng Ao to guard Xianyang, and he took Li Si and Wang Jian with him, along with [-] men and horses under Wang Jian.

This move was in line with Ai's wishes. As soon as Ying Zhengfang left Xianyang, Ai and his confidants immediately took control of the palace's forbidden army, and conspired with Zhao Ji to transfer Meng Ao with the seal of the king of Qin and the empress dowager.

Secretly, they introduced [-] horses of Rong and Di into Xianyang City, and they were ambushed everywhere.

Lu Buwei's actions were all in Lu Buwei's eyes.

This kind of information does not need Ying Zheng to secretly send someone to reveal it to Lu Buwei.

After all, Lu Buwei is a famous figure in the history of the Qin state, and he has been operating in Xianyang for so long. How can he be compared with a local ruffian.

On the second day of the conspiracy between Emu and his confidant, news spread to Lu Buwei's ears, Lu Buwei sneered twice, and the thought of getting rid of Emu was even more in his heart, but his face remained calm.

Lu Buwei contacted Meng Ao, Li Xin and others privately, and privately passed Ying Zheng's oral decree, so that they could use it for his own use.

Meng Ao, Li Xin and others have already received Ying Zheng's face-to-face instruction, and Ying Zheng kept Meng Ao, Li Xin and other military leaders for this reason.

Therefore, when Lu Buwei falsely conveyed Ying Zheng's will in front of Meng Ao, Li Xin and others, Meng Ao and Li Xin were also extremely cooperative.

However, Lu Buwei only thought that he was still powerful, and he was even more proud of him at the moment.

The form in Xianyang City, Meng Ao secretly sent someone to pass it on to Ying Zheng who was already on the road to Yongcheng every few days.

In order to prevent anyone from tipping off the news, Ai Yu ordered his confidants to block the city gates. In the Marquis of Changxin’s mansion, Ai Yu’s face was full of excitement. At this time, he had already replaced the body of servants to serve, and changed into a black color symbolizing power. With golden royal robes.

Eunuch's confidants all had excitement and excitement on their faces, and there was a little bit of fear in them. Zhao Ji was holding a baby in her arms and stood beside Eunuch.

Beside her, a child of a few years old stood by, looking at both Ao Su and Zhao Ji, not daring to make a sound.

Concubine was in high spirits at this moment, and she learned from her confidant that Xianyang had been roughly in his hands these days.

Now, only Lu Buwei is left. As long as Lu Buwei and some of his henchmen are killed, the whole of Xianyang will be completely in his hands.

Now, only Lu Buwei is left. As long as Lu Buwei and some of his henchmen are killed, the whole of Xianyang will be completely in his hands.

It has to be said that even though Auntie is now the Marquis of Changxin and covers the sky with only one hand in the courtroom of Daqin, he is still just a rogue in the market who is difficult to get into the courtroom.

I don't know which one of his muscles is wrong, which will make him have the illusion that he controls Xianyang and controls the entire Daqin.

Not to mention whether he can win Xianyang from Lu Buwei's hands, even if he can kill Lu Buwei and a group of courtiers who oppose him, and completely control Xianyang in his own hands, so what?

Ying Zheng, the Qin King, is now away, and although he cannot return to Xianyang, he can still use the name of the Qin King to mobilize the Qin army from all over the world to come to the Qin King.

Not to mention the frontier army, the [-] Qin army in Lantian Camp, which was only a stone's throw away from Xianyang, was not something that could compete with the few troops in the hands of Lao Di.

Taking [-] steps back, even if Ying Zheng died, would his concubine's son be able to take over the throne?

Yes, his son was indeed born by the Queen Mother Zhao Ji, but this is not a matriarchal society.

Ying Zheng's father died a long time ago, and the son that the queen mother has now produced is obviously not qualified to succeed the throne. As long as the Ying family does not die, it will not be his turn to succeed the son of his concubine as the king of Daqin..

Even if the royal family of the Ying clan were dead, his concubine would not have the prestige and strength to convince the public. Among them, he was forced to call himself Zhongfu, and there was no reason to usurp the throne.

If the situation does not reach the point where the dynasty can be changed, the king of Daqin can only be seated by the Ying clan.

In the past dynasties, usurping the throne is not a simple matter of getting rid of a king and sitting in that position.

Wang Mang will not mention it. Wu Zetian, a woman with means and intrigue, usurped the Tang Dynasty and wanted to change the dynasty. Even when she was in power, she had a state that almost made the Tang's strength reach its peak. So what? overturned.

If you are not in the right position, even if you get away with it, it will leave a huge hidden danger.

And now Xianyang still has Lu Buwei, a shrewd and shrewd figure, and famous generals of the Warring States period such as Meng Ao and Li Xin. How can it be an easy task to control Xianyang.

It was night, and the entire Xianyang City was filled with tension and anxiety. The sky above the entire Xianyang City was filled with a kind of wind and rain that was about to come, and the pressured people could not breathe.

The people in Xianyang City seemed to realize something at this moment, closing their doors one by one, not even daring to take a step.

Before the sun had set, the four gates of Xianyang City had already put down their gates, and a group of soldiers who came out of nowhere took over the gates. The animal skin, at first glance, is not a person in the gate, and the people of Xianyang City feel extremely uneasy in their hearts.

Xianyang City is like depression and tension on the eve of the storm. Just when Aoyu and Lu Buwei are gearing up to fight each other, some people are excited about it. Xiong Qi, the ruler of Changping, disguised himself overnight and infiltrated the palace. .

Chapter 250 Changping Jun (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

Mrs. Huayang's face at this time had long since lost the tender look on her face. When she heard the maid's announcement that Huayang-jun asked to see her, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

She couldn't figure it out. At this sensitive moment, Changping Jun Xiong Qi didn't stay in his mansion, what was he doing here.

Although he was a little puzzled by the appearance of Changping-Jun, he still ordered someone to bring Changping-Jun in.

After Changping Jun stepped into the palace, he stretched out his hands, leaned over and gave Mrs. Huayang a salute.

"My minister, Xiong Qi, Lord of Changping, pays a visit to the Empress Dowager Huayang."

Mrs. Huayang smiled bitterly and said, "Get up, the situation is so chaotic now, I'm afraid it's difficult for Ben Gong to protect himself. Are you really dying to come here at this time?"

Mrs. Huayang was born in the state of Chu, and Mr. Changping was born in the royal family of Chu, so Mrs. Huayang was naturally very kind to Mr. Changping.

Changping Jun got up quickly, with a look of excitement on his face, and said: "The Empress Dowager, now the Marquis of Changxin is causing trouble in Xianyang, it is a golden opportunity for my Chu country, and I hope the Empress Dowager Huayang sees that you are also born into the royal family of Chu. For the sake of it, I will help the minister with the power of 02."

A hint of surprise flashed in Mrs. Huayang's eyes, she never thought that Lord Changping would go to the palace so late at night to ask him to see him, because it was actually the State of Chu.

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