Even if she didn't know how he wanted to help him, she also knew that this was definitely not a good thing for Qin.

Mrs. Huayang smiled softly and said: "Bengong is already a Qin woman, and now she is naturally a Qin person, so she can no longer be called a Chu person, and the affairs of the state of Chu have nothing to do with this palace. , I'm afraid I can't help you much."

Even if Mrs. Huayang refused to come up, she still looked a little gentle in her smile, she was really a woman with a soft piano like water.

Although she didn't know what Changping-Jun wanted to help him, she didn't want to know since it involved Qin and Chu.

Although she was born in Chu State, since she is married as a Qin woman, she is naturally a Qin person. Now that she is the Queen Mother of Qin State, how can she do things that are detrimental to the interests of Qin State.

Changping-jun came to take advantage of the excitement, but never thought that Mrs. Huayang didn't even ask anything, so she refused, and her face suddenly turned ugly.

In his past, Mrs. Huayang was considered a Chu native no matter what, but now the Marquis of Changxin and Qin Prime Minister Lu Buwei were about to fight each other in Xianyang, and even the current King of Qin was far away in Yongcheng, so he felt that the opportunity had come.

Mrs. Huayang was born into the royal family of Chu, so she would naturally help herself for the sake of the state of Chu.

However, I never thought that Mrs. Huayang would not care about her motherland so much.

Chang Pingjun's face was ashen, and his tone began to change a little bit badly: "The queen mother, don't forget your identity, you are from the state of Chu, this is an indisputable fact."

"Now that the state of Chu is in trouble, the opportunity is right in front of you. Why is the Queen Mother so unsympathetic and unwilling to repay the motherland? You must know that the state of Chu raised you. Without the state of Chu, how could you be today?"

Changping-jun's face became extremely ugly, and his eyes couldn't help revealing an icy chill.

Mrs. Huayang didn't care, smiled and said softly: "Qin and Chu have been married for generations. In Qin, there are countless queens and queens born in Chu."

Mrs. Huayang didn't care, smiled and said softly: "Qin and Chu have been married for generations. In Qin, there are countless queens and queens born in Chu."

"In Chu, there are countless queens and queen mothers who were born in Qin."

"Have you ever seen a queen or empress dowager between the two countries, who did something unfavorable to their own country for the sake of their former mother country?"

"The Empress Dowager Xuan was so powerful in Qin back then. How could Changping-Jun ever see Empress Dowager Xuan doing something unfavorable to Qin?"

Mrs. Huayang's smile was full of amorous feelings. Under the powerful momentum of Changping-Jun, she did not retreat at all, and her eyes revealed strength. Although she was just a girl, she also had her own perseverance and principles.

It has to be said that in this era of sound rituals and music, people place great importance on faith, especially the Queen of Qin who was born in Chu. He hated Bai Qi very much, but he still didn't use his power to get rid of or punish Bai Qi.

Although Bai Qi drowned more than [-] people of Chu State at that time, in that battle, for Qin State, he was a hero of Qin State after all, and she, the queen of Qin State, had no reason to punish Bai Qi.

The later kings of Chu, although one generation was inferior to one generation and one bastard, was undoubtedly very successful in teaching his daughters.

Every queen born in the state of Chu has excellent character and morality in every aspect.

Of course, this kind of success is only based on putting aside all the other miscellaneous things and reflecting on this daughter alone.

He is thinking about the country of Chu and worried about the people of the country of Chu, but he has his own position and will not do things that are sorry for his current national interests.

At this moment, although Changping-Jun knew in his heart that it was obviously impossible to count on Mrs. Huayang to help him.

But he didn't give up, after all, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a hundred years.

Changping Jun said: "033 Why should the queen mother be so obsessed with such small details, is the queen mother willing to live in this cold palace for the rest of her life?"

For hundreds of years, whether it is the queen of Qin who was born in the state of Chu or the queen of Chu who was born in the state of Qin, as Madam Huayang said, they have not done anything that is sorry for these two countries, even about Qin Chu. They are rarely involved in the affairs of the two countries.

Changping-jun's mother was the princess of the Qin state, and he was naturally very aware of these things, but now this golden opportunity that can make the state of Chu rise and cause great damage to the state of Qin, if you miss it, when the state of Qin recovers, the state of Chu will be far away. The day of perdition is not far away.

Such outstanding people as Changping-Jun are naturally able to clearly see the situation in the world today.

Such a great opportunity, how could he be willing to give up so easily.

Since it is difficult to persuade her with the affection of the state of Chu, she can only change direction.

When he thought about it, there should be no woman willing to live a lonely life in a cold palace.


PS: My mind is a little groggy now. If I continue to write, it is estimated that the writing will be messy again. I will go to bed early tonight and continue tomorrow. .

Chapter 251 The Rebellion in Xianyang (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

"Okay, I don't need to mention it at this time. For the sake of you and me from Chu, I will pretend that you haven't been here tonight."

Mrs. Huayang adjusted her sleeves, turned and walked towards the inner room. As she walked, she instructed: "This palace is a little tired. You send Changping-jun out of the palace, be careful, don't let anyone find out."


A little palace maid on the side gave a gift to Mrs. Huayang, turned around, and extended a hand to Jun Changping: "Jun Changping, please!"

Mrs. Huayang's determination was so firm, which was somewhat unexpected by Changping-Jun.

Seeing Mrs. Huayang's appearance like this, Changping-jun knew that he could not speak to her at the moment, so he was silent for a long time, sighed deeply, and asked the crescent moon at Mrs. Huayang's back to bow.

"In this way, the minister will not disturb the rest later."

After waiting for a long time, Mrs. Huayang did not give him any response. Helplessly, Changping-jun threw his sleeves angrily, turned around, and walked out of the hall without looking back.

Mrs. Huayang didn't care about the actions of Lord Changping. After taking Lord Changping away, Mrs. Huayang looked straight and said, "Now I don't want merit, but I want no faults. I will pass the order and be on guard."

"You just need to keep the Ganquan Palace, and before the king returns, it is strictly forbidden for anyone to enter or leave. Those who have dissent will not blame this palace for being ruthless."

Mrs. Huayang's previous laziness was swept away, her tone was cold, and the waiters who were overwhelmed by the powerful aura couldn't breathe.

This is not surprising. Although Mrs. Huayang has a mild personality on weekdays, after all, she has been the prince's favorite concubine for so many years, and her power is still there.

If King Zhaoxiang hadn't boiled her husband An Guojun to death, with the degree of her favor, she must be the queen.


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