On one side is Lu Buwei, who has already sunset, and on the other side is King Qin who is now rising. Which side should he stand on?

Changping-jun coughed lightly and said slowly: "I think what Mr. Wang said is reasonable. The king ordered me to wait for three days to hear the case, so naturally he trusted me for three days. Marquis Wenxin is so excited about the opportunity for the prisoner to speak, could it be that there is really something hidden in it?".

Chapter 256 The End (For Flowers, For a Monthly Pass)

Looking at Wang Wan, then at Changping-Jun, and looking at the way these two are doing now, Lu Buwei knows that, today is probably doomed.

He didn't expect Ying Zheng's offensive to come so quickly, and now he doesn't expect to be able to retreat completely.

Lu Buwei snorted coldly, turned his head, and shouted angrily at his concubine: "You still dare to frame the truth when you are about to die. You said that everything you did was instructed by the truth, is there any evidence?"

Seeing that Lu Buwei had given in, Wang Wan turned around with a smile, and shouted at her, "You heard it too, you said that Marquis Wenxin ordered you to do all this, what evidence might you come up with?"

"Marquis Wenxin is the prime minister of my Great Qin, and it is a big crime to frame the prime minister."


With a maddened look on her face, Aoyu laughed loudly, and said loudly, "I have even done things like rebellion, so are you afraid of anything else?"

Speaking of this, Concubine said loudly, "It was all arranged by Lu Buwei when I entered the palace with fake corruption. Both the queen mother and the judges in the palace can testify, and the adults will find out after checking."

"You... how dare you spit out blood." Lu Buwei roared at Concubine with a livid face.

Seeing Lu Buwei's wrathful appearance, Ai smiled contemptuously, and continued: "Lu Buwei wanted to raise troops by himself, but he was too timid, so he handed over the token to the empress dowager for safekeeping, and then hinted that my empress dowager had a token there that could be used for Transfer the Xianyang defenders away..."

Auntie slowly revealed to the court what she had memorized in her cell for the past two days.

It turned out that just two days ago, Li Si suddenly came to the cell and found Empress.

Li Si hinted that Ai Su would bite Lu Buwei back. Originally, Ai Su did not intend to cooperate with Ying Zheng. After all, what he committed was the crime of raiding his house and destroying his family. Even if he cooperated, there was no chance of life, but he couldn't stand Li Si's deceit.

On second thought, what Li Si said was right, how could it be that Lu Buwei did not create his current state?

If he was a gangster, if it wasn't for Lu Buwei, he would never have gotten to where he is today.

Although he may have never enjoyed such glory and wealth, Li Si also said that in his Li Si's view, he is also a very capable person.

Even without Lu Buwei, a capable person like his concubine would not be buried in the marketplace. Even if his gold was buried in the sand sea, it would still shine one day.

If it weren't for Lu Buwei, he might have become a rich man through his own efforts now, and he is surrounded by beautiful wives and concubines, and maybe he has several children.

If it wasn't for Lu Buwei, he would never have gotten to where he is today.

I have to say that Li Si is really good at talking. In the end, Ao Yu also feels that she is a great talent who lives in seclusion in the market. If there is no Lu Buwei, her current life may be really similar to what Li Si said.

The hatred towards Lu Buwei gradually deepened in his heart. In addition, if Lu Buwei, an old dog, had not interfered with him in the past two days, he might have succeeded now, and his sons might have become the king of Qin.

This Lu Buwei really hurt himself a lot. Not only did he 'destroy' his 'original good life', but he also opposed himself many times during the court period. In the end, he also destroyed his own affairs and made him step by step to today. to this point.

Li Si said all the good things, and threatened, if he is willing to cooperate, then give him a pleasure, if he is not willing to cooperate, then let him die.

With the hatred for Lu Buwei in her heart, Aiyu thought about it, she was dead anyway, so she might as well take less pain. If she could bring Lu Buwei as her companion, she would not be lonely on the road to Huangquan.

As a result, what he did was instructed by Lu Buwei, and even the words he said were written and supervised by Li Si himself, so that he could memorize them.

As a result, what he did was instructed by Lu Buwei, and even the words he said were written and supervised by Li Si himself, so that he could memorize them.

Lu Buwei's face was ashen, and he looked at Auntu in shock and anger. His hands were trembling slightly. He wanted to explain, but his lips trembled a few times, but he couldn't say anything.

To this day, he has no way to argue.

It is true that he arranged to enter the palace, so far, let alone the truth, even if he has never done this, I am afraid that there are many witnesses and evidence waiting for him behind.

To this day, there is no point in making any excuses. Ying Zheng is determined to get rid of him.

If you want to add sin, there is nothing to worry about, not to mention that he is not so clean.

I really didn't expect that a child who thought he could be played with applause by himself has grown to this point.

Looking at the man in the hall, Lu Buwei seemed to be behind him and saw the shadow of Ying Zheng. Gradually, the figure changed, and he turned into Li Si, the one who used to block his bike frame at night.

Lu Buwei gritted his teeth and spat out two words from his mouth: "` ¨Li Si.々!"

Thinking back carefully, Ying Zheng suddenly went to Yongcheng in advance to hold the crown ceremony. The day after the rebellion ended, he should have been in Yongcheng. No matter how slow the driving was, even if he did not reach Yongcheng, he should still be on the road to Yongcheng. Ying Zheng suddenly appeared in Xianyang miraculously.

Meng Ao and Li Xin, these two warriors who were tepid to themselves on weekdays, actually succumbed to their own threats and obeyed their own orders that night.

Now that I think about it, I have already reminded myself of all this.

However, he was suddenly overwhelmed, and was blinded by a maid, thinking that after getting rid of the maid, Da Qin would be able to return to his control.

It's really ridiculous, it seems that because of the smooth sailing these years, I have made myself a little carried away.

Although Ying Zheng is deeply thoughtful, he definitely does not have such a strategy. It seems that he was able to carefully plan such a strategy to kill two birds with one stone and get rid of himself and his wife at the same time. Li Si's hand.

It seems that he is old, and now is not his time.

After a long time, Lu Buwei lowered his arms weakly and let out a long sigh, as if he had aged a lot all of a sudden.

Up to now, there is no need for any further excuses. If he is Li Si, there are naturally many back moves that can lead to his death. Since it is a lore that can come out, it is impossible to leave a trace for the other party. The possibility of a turnaround.

Now, I just hope that Ying Zheng can let go of the whole family of his Lu family because he has been assisting him for so many years.

Lu Buwei sighed and said weakly, "I want to see the king."

Both Changping-Jun and Wang Wan on the side could see that the current Lu Buwei was already at the end of a hero.

Wang Wan nodded with a look of emotion.

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