"Bring Marquis Wenxin into the palace."


Chapter 257 What is your merit in Qin (for flowers, ask for a monthly ticket)

In the Xianyang Palace, the gray-haired Lu Buwei knelt on the ground, Ying Zheng sat on the high throne, and looked down at Lu Buwei, who was kneeling under the hall, with cold eyes.

In the hall, there was a dead silence. All the maids and eunuchs were dispersed by Ying Zheng. In the empty hall, only Lu Buwei and Ying Zheng were left.

After a long time, Ying Zheng said indifferently, "Lu Aiqing, what else do you have to say to the widow?"

Looking at Lu Buwei kneeling on the ground, Ying Zheng's heart was indescribably happy, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but slowly rise.

I finally waited for this day. Over the years, Ying Zheng has been thinking about this day all the time, and even dreamed that he wanted to trample Lu Buwei under his feet.

He Ying Zheng, the dignified king of the Qin state, when he saw Lu Buwei, he couldn't help but salute and respectfully call him 'Zhongfu'.

He Lu Buwei was just a courtier. Not only was he arrogant in front of him, the King of Qin, but he even went to the palace to sleep with his mother, the Queen Mother, when he had nothing to do.

And after the 250s, the aunt was even sent to the palace.

What a humiliation this was for the King of Qin, and how could he bear it with Ying Zheng's character.

It can be said that such absurd things have never happened in the history of the Great Qin Kingdom.

Because of him Lu Buwei, his doctor Ying Zheng will bear this shameful black spot.

Over the years, Ying Zheng could not wait to eat Lu Buwei raw.

And now, finally the day has come.

On weekdays, Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his color, and Ying Zheng always had a calm expression on his face. At this moment, looking at Lu Buwei kneeling on the ground, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with madness and joy.

Ying Zheng's cold, emotionless voice even revealed a voice of infinite hatred, causing Lu Buwei, who was kneeling under the hall, to tremble involuntarily.

Lu Buwei slowly raised his head: "Over the years, the old minister has devoted himself to the great Qin Dynasty. First, he devoted his entire clan to help the former king return to Qin, and when he was appointed as Qin prime minister, he also attacked the lands of Zhou, Zhao, and Wei, and established Sanchuan. , Taiyuan, Dongjun's achievements."

"Lady committed troubles, and is also an old minister, so he was able to keep Xianyang from losing."

"The old minister asks himself that he is worthy of Qin and his king. Why did the king put his ministers to death today? Isn't he afraid that the world will be cold?"

Lu Buwei raised his head and looked directly at Ying Zheng, with a tragic expression on his face, and his words were impassioned, like a loyal minister who was wronged.


Hearing this, Ying Zheng sneered at first, and then laughed up to the sky as if he had heard some funny joke.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng sneered at first, and then laughed up to the sky as if he had heard some funny joke.

After a long time, the laughter stopped abruptly, Ying Zheng's face turned cold, his eyes were cloudy, he stood up suddenly, and stared at Lu Buwei under the hall with a cold light.

"A good one is worthy of Da Qin and worthy of widows."

Ying Zheng showed sarcasm, and said coldly, "Why did the late king die, and why did Concubine enter the palace? Don't you know what Lu Buwei has in mind?"

"Are you really a widow who doesn't know what happened between you and the Queen Mother?"

"Over the years, you have formed a party for personal gain, excluded dissidents, controlled the government, and played the widow with applause. This is what you call (acfb) worthy of Da Qin and worthy of widow?"

Ying Zheng's series of questions made Lu Buwei's face stiff, and his eyes were full of dead gray.

From the hatred towards him in Ying Zheng's tone, he knew that he would die today.

He couldn't understand, Ying Zheng was just a child with a yellow mouth. Under his advice, he never gave him any opportunity to grow up. It can be said that since childhood, Ying Zheng was surrounded by Lu Buwei's people.

Even, from time to time, he would order people to give Ying Zheng a lot of beauties and various pleasures. He really couldn't figure out why Ying Zheng could still grow to the point where he is today.

Lu Buwei glanced blankly at Ying Zheng, who was standing above the main hall. He really underestimated this yellow-mouthed child. After all the calculations, he never thought that Ying Zheng's mind would be so rock-solid.

At this time, Lu Buwei had lost most of his three souls and seven souls, and his whole person had become a little bit restless. He really couldn't understand how he could be defeated in the hands of such a yellow-mouthed child.

Ying Zheng walked slowly to the front of the hall, staring at Lu Buwei under the hall with a cold light, and asked in a cold voice, "What is your contribution to Qin? Make the widow call you Zhongfu?"

Lu Buwei's body trembled, his face was ashen, and he stared blankly at Ying Zheng above the hall.

Over the years, Ying Zheng had a deep hatred for Lu Buwei, and he even thought of cutting Lu Buwei into pieces with his own hands.

But today, when his dream could finally come true, looking at Lu Buwei with gray hair and the appearance of a defeated dog under the hall, Ying Zheng's heart no longer had the deep-rooted hatred he once had.

Such a defeated dog could actually ride on his head for so many years, so that he, the monarch of a country, had to swallow his voice in front of him.

Ying Zheng chuckled sarcastically, turned around, waved his hand, and said indifferently, "Nian, over the years, you have worked hard for the Qin country for many years, and you have helped the widow to ascend to the throne. The Lu family has moved to Shu. Earth, never return to Xianyang."


PS: There are some temporary things in the past few days. I went out for a trip and only came back today. I'm sorry, gentlemen. .

Chapter 258: One Emperor Through the Ages (For Flowers, For a Monthly Pass)

At this moment, Ying Zheng, who is only in his twenties, is full of loneliness and vicissitudes in his back.

Although Ying Zheng was an emperor through the ages, he was the loneliest emperor in the world in history.

Although all emperors are lonely, but there is no emperor in history like Ying Zheng, whose parents didn't treat him very much since childhood, and even her biological mother thought about the emperor who wanted his life. .

Not to mention that he was born into a royal family, even a child of a common people's family is seldom in such a situation.

King Zhaoxiang of Qin was born in Handan in the first month of the forty-eighth year. As soon as he landed, he began to cry. When he was tired, he closed his eyes in his mother's arms and fell asleep.

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