When Ji Wuye appeared here today, when she heard the familiar voice again, she finally had a decision in her heart.

She knew that she couldn't do anything about Ji Wuye in the end.

When she thought of Ji Wuye's power in Xinzheng now, she felt relieved.

Well, for the sake of the girls in Zilanxuan, they can only give up their resistance, and only if they give up their resistance, will the other party have a reason to let the girls of Zilanxuan go.

Well, everything is for Zi Lanxuan, everything is for those girls.

Until that slur just now, and that domineering declaration, or should it be called, confession?

The purple girl suddenly came back to her senses, why such a powerful official and scum who brought disaster to the country and the people actually left such an indelible impression in her heart.

How could I fall in love with such a scum and scum who pushed South Korea into a bottomless abyss.

The purple girl secretly smiled bitterly, is this her life?


Chapter 263 The Ancients Don't Deceive Me (For Flowers, For a Monthly Pass)

The bright moon was in the sky, the silver moonlight reflected a few feather-like clouds, and the cool breeze blew from the window.

At this time, the two people in the room were silent for a while, and the surroundings were silent, as if they could hear each other's heartbeats.


The purple girl is extremely complicated now, and she doesn't know what kind of response to give the other party.

Ji Wuye stroked Zi Nu's shoulders with both hands, and sighed, "I know what you are worrying about, if I tell you, ~ Han Fei won't come back?"


The purple girl was startled, raised her head abruptly, looked at Ji Wuye nervously, suddenly grabbed Ji Wuye's arm with both hands, and said, "Did you send someone in - Qin to assassinate Han Fei?"

Ji Wuye shook his head with a smile, let go of the purple girl, turned around, and walked towards the soft _ on the side.

"With Han Fei's character, the only way to enter Qin is to die. Do you need me to send someone to assassinate him?"

Ji Wuye casually lay down on the soft slump as if in his own mansion, put his feet on the table, and said slowly: "The current King of Qin is a hero of a generation, and this chaotic world will inevitably be affected by him. in the hands of unity.”

"You've been with Han Fei for so long, so you should understand his character. With his character, he can't really be used by King Qin."

"As long as there is a hero, there is a common problem, that is, those who cannot be used by him must not be owned by others."

"Han Fei's talent, our King Qin couldn't be more clear. In order to get Han Fei, he did not hesitate to take risks and enter Korea alone."

"Do you think that if Han Fei can't be used by him, he might let Han Fei return safely?"

Hearing this, Zi Nu's heart gradually sank to the bottom.

"Since you know the state of Qin's ambition to annex the world, and since you know the talent of the ninth son, why do you still watch the ninth son enter Qin?"

The purple girl's shoulders trembled slightly, her silver teeth clenched tightly, and she said word by word: "Does power really matter to you? You clearly know that even if you are in power in Korea, you can cover the sky with only one hand. , such days will not be long, and will eventually be destroyed under the Qin army's iron cavalry."

"You would rather destroy Korea than give Ninth Young Master a chance to change Korea?"

Seeing Ji Wuye in front of her, Zi Nu's heart gradually cooled down, and she couldn't help but feel a burst of bitterness in her heart.

Knowing that his actions will destroy Korea, for his own sake, he still excludes dissidents and framed Zhongliang as always.

Such a chaotic minister and thief, why does he still have a strange feeling in his heart, and why does he still have an unrealistic fantasy about him.

Seeing Zi Nu's look of bitterness and hatred, Ji Wuye smiled and said, "You, I thought you were a very intelligent woman, but I didn't expect you... ah... ..."

"As the saying goes, the Moon Hungarian has no brains, and the ancients will not deceive me."


A red glow flashed on the pretty face of the purple girl, and the full moon breasts undulated violently. Which ancient person said such a thing?At this time, I still think about these messy things in my mind.

The purple girl felt a burst of anger and was speechless for a while.

Ji Wuye sat up abruptly, looked at Zi Nu with a faint smile on his face, and said, "I didn't expect our Zi Nu girl to be a patriot, then I'll ask you."

"The total number of troops and horses in South Korea is added up. How many are there in total?"

"The total number of troops and horses in South Korea is added up. How many are there in total?"

Purple Girl: "..."

How could she know this kind of thing, even if her green building is not an ordinary green building, but an intelligence gathering office.

But she only knew a rough idea. She believed that she knew more than she knew. In front of others, she might be able to take out these obvious soldiers and talk about it.

But the man in front of her was the general of South Korea. If he said those things on the bright side, it would only be a joke.

Seeing that Zi Nu couldn't answer for a while, Ji Wuye smiled and said, "Let me tell you."

Ji Wuye took out an empty cup from the tray on the table, buttoned it on the table, and said, "Biancheng Shen, a hundred thousand frontier troops."

After all, he took out an empty cup from the tray and buckled it on the table.

"I compiled Bai Yifei's White Armored Army, [-]."

0 · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

"The Xinzheng Imperial Army, although the number is [-], is actually only [-]."

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