At this time, three empty cups have been buckled side by side on the table. Speaking of this, Ji Wuye slowly raised his head and said, "These are just what you know."

"There are also things you don't know, or in other words, things you haven't counted, county soldiers."

"All over the country, all the county soldiers together, there are about [-] people. Of course, these are all registered in the register."

The purple girl stared at the empty cup on the table, not understanding what Ji Wuye wanted to express for a while.

Ji Wuye looked at the purple girl with a smile, and said, "These are all the soldiers and horses of my South Korea.


Ji Wuye continued, "Now that you know how many troops I have in Korea, I'll ask you another question. Do you know how many troops there are in the other five countries in Shandong?"

This made it even more difficult for the purple girl. She didn't even know how many soldiers and horses her own country had in total, so how could she know how many soldiers and horses in the other five countries.

Perhaps knowing that Zi Nu could not know, Ji Wuye did not ask Zi Nu to wait any longer, but continued: "The other five countries, Wei, Chu, and Qi, even if there are more than my South Korea, it is not much, even if it counts. If they go up to their county soldiers, they will only survive around [-]."

"As for the two countries of Yan and Zhao, let's not mention it, the country of Yan has few citizens in the bitter and cold land, and has been invaded by foreign barbarians for a long time, and suffered civil strife more than ten years ago. , the casualties were heavy, and so far I have not recovered."

"Zhao Kingdom, all the men in Zhao Kingdom died in Changping. You should know the current state of Zhao Kingdom without me telling you."

"With all the soldiers and horses of our six countries, there are more than one million, do you think it is a lot?"

"But you know, how many of these seemingly more than one million soldiers and horses can be mobilized at will?"

"The county soldiers must maintain law and order in various places, the forbidden army must defend the capital, the northern borders of Yan and Zhao should be stationed with heavy troops to prevent the invasion of the Hu people, and the southern part of the Chu country should be stationed with heavy troops to prevent the South Vietnamese rebellion."

"After calculating this, how many soldiers of the Six Nations are left?".

Chapter 264 Can You Understand My Mind? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

Looking at the purple girl who was already dumbfounded at this time, Ji Wuye smiled and said, "After we have finished talking about the six countries in Shandong, let's talk about Qin."

"Qin State, not counting the soldiers from all over the country, there are more than one million soldiers in battle."

"The land is vast and the resources are abundant, and there is also Bashu, the country of abundance, as a granary, and what are our six countries in Shandong?"

"Years of war have left the people without clothing and food."

"In war, in addition to military strength, it is also national strength."

"We can even completely ignore factors such as the combat power of soldiers from various countries, and only look at the two factors of national strength and military strength."

"And Qin, how do you fight?"

Ji Wuye let out a long sigh, "Nine sixty three", and slowly turned the two empty cups on the table, lifted the jug beside him, and filled the two empty cups.

He stretched out his hand to signal to the purple girl, and then he took one of the cups for himself, raised his head, and drank one.

Wiping the remaining drink in the corner of his mouth, Ji Wuye continued: "Yes, Han Fei is indeed the rare master of Korea in the past [-] years. I also believe that if he is the king of Han, the future will be greatly improved. It will definitely make Korea better and better.”

"However, if you want to change South Korea, it will not happen overnight. Even if Han Fei can ascend to the throne, even if South Korea all support Han Fei's decision, it will take at least a hundred years."

"Can the current form of the world give South Korea such a long time?"

"Frozen three feet, not a day's cold, the Qin state has gone from a remote corner to now swallowing the whole world. It has experienced six generations, and six generations of Mingjun have been born in a row, and then the Qin state is today."

Speaking of this, Ji Wuye shook his head with a wry smile. This Qin state was almost like a hang-up. Mingjun came out one by one, except that Yingzhu was boiled by his Laozi, King Zhaoxiang, and he did it for three days. The King of Qin died, and it was impossible to tell whether it was the King of Qin who was a dazed ruler or a bright ruler.

Even the old man of Ying Zheng, Qin Yiren, was a wise man.

Immediately after he ascended the throne, Shi Debu gave an amnesty to the people. In the same year, he ordered Mengao to attack Korea and Korea and was forced to cede Chenggao and Gong.

In the second and third years of his ascension to the throne, he successively ordered Meng Ao to attack Zhao State.

In March of the same year, Meng Ao attacked Gaodu of Wei State and Ji Wangyi attacked Shangdang County and established Taiyuan County.

Look at these political achievements during his reign, the reason why Qin Yiren is not famous in later generations is not that he has no outstanding political achievements as a king of Qin, but that he was completely defeated by the kings of Qin in front of him, and his son Ying Zheng. The light was obscured.

It can be said that from the rise to the end of the Qin state, there was also a prodigal such as Qin Ershi Hu Hai.

Perhaps it was because so many successive generations of Ming Jun had exhausted Qin's fortunes, so in the end, such a prodigal thing as Hu Hai came out.

Perhaps it was because so many successive generations of Ming Jun had exhausted Qin's fortunes, so in the end, such a prodigal thing as Hu Hai came out.

Sometimes Ji Wuye even thinks, maybe even God can't stand Qin State's unreasonable play, so he finally sent Zhao Gao and Li Si, killed Fusu, and put Hu Hai on the throne. .

Back then, when the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period were juxtaposed, Zhao Wuling, the king of Zhao State, only made Zhao State powerful for a while, but in the end, he could not escape the fate of being unified by Qin.

In today's South Korea, even if there is a Han Fei, and even Zhang Liang, so what?

Putting Han Fei in the top position is nothing more than a dying struggle, which only increases casualties.

Not to mention Han Fei, even if he knew the direction of history and opened the door to become the king of Korea, he would not be able to change anything.

Ji Wuye waved at Zi Nu, and Zi Nu came to Ji Wuye in despair.

Ji Wuye stretched out his hand to lift Zi Nu's chin, looked at Zi Nu with affection, and said, "Do you think I'm really greedy for this so-called power? I just don't want the people of Korea to make unnecessary sacrifices. "

"The trend of Qin's unification of the world has become a reality, and no human beings can stop it. I just don't want to see the people and my Korean life being ruined."

"Perhaps, I also have a little selfishness, I just want to give you a stable future."

He has been a politician for a long time, and now this kind of righteous and awe-inspiring words to fool people, Ji Wuye can be said to come with his mouth, his face is not red, his heart is not jumping, he even believes what he says, not to mention the purple girl.

Sure enough, in the deep purple eyes of the purple girl, the water mist as thin as silk rose slowly, and she stared at Ji Wuye without saying a word, her body gradually trembled, and her bright red lips were light.丨 Gently murmured and muttered to himself.

Unexpectedly, all this he did was not for himself.

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