Sakuya's mouth and corners twitched, just like your binding method, no matter which woman you change, I'm afraid she will kill you.

Although there are some opinions on Ji Wuye's binding method, the other party is his master after all, even if it is only temporary.

As a qualified head maid, one should not go against the wishes of the master.

So... just when Nu Ying was about to make a move.

"Time Sign. Perfect Space!"

Time stopped again...


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 319 Playing Bad Female Heroes (Part [-])

Looking at the motionless Nu Ying, Ji Wuye lightly stroked the stubble on his chin, with a sinister smile on the corners of his mouth, staring at Nu Ying's tall, full, full moon, swallowed. Swallow, water.

"Hey, Sakuya, since you're also from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, you must be able to use some simple magic or something."


Sakuya was stunned after hearing this, looked at Ji Wuye inexplicably, and said, "Since you even know about the Scarlet Devil Mansion, then you should also know that in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, in terms of magical attainments, everyone has to be highly skilled. pass me."

Ji Wuye grinned at Sakuya and said, "Sakuya, you are being too modest. The guard at your house seems to be inferior to you."

"Do you even know about China?" Sakuya glanced at Ji Wuye in surprise, "It seems that you know a lot about the Scarlet Devil Mansion, so you should also know that the one who is best at magic in the Scarlet Devil Mansion is Miss Patchouli, I don't know much about magic."

Sakuya's ability to control time and space is not a magic method, but its own ability.

Aside from abilities, what she is best at should be flying knives.

So, strictly speaking, she is more of a warrior than a magician.

Ji Wuye waved his hand and said, "It's fine, you don't need to be very proficient, you can understand a little bit of fur. If it really doesn't work, you can help me carve it with your craftsmanship."

"Carving?" The more Sakuya listened, the more confused she became, and she looked at Ji Wuye in confusion.

"It's actually very simple, my name is Ji Wuye..."

With that said, Ji Wuye picked up a branch, wrote and drew on the ground, and said while writing: "Ji, this Ji... Wu... it's this Wu... ...the night ... it's the night, that's how my name is written."

"And then?" Sakuya glanced at the name written on the ground, then looked up at Ji Wuye.

Ji Wuye smiled, pointed at Nuying's tall and towering Moon Hungarian department, and said, "You use simple magic to write my name on her, the kind that can't be washed away... "

"The size of the font... well, it's just right, it's better to look pretty."

"If you know what artistic fonts look better, that's fine. In simple terms, it's like what's engraved on it..."

Ji Wuye carefully explained it to Sakuya while making gestures.

The corner of Sakuya's mouth twitched, and she said, "You mean, get a tattoo? Something like a tattoo?"

"Huh?" Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, and said in surprise, "Do you know about tattoos?"

TMD, since you know about tattoos, you didn't say it earlier.

Labor and management are afraid that you haven't heard of this stuff, and explain the gesture of dancing in front of you like a fool.

Sakura glanced at Ji Wuye lightly and said, "I know about tattoos, is it weird?"

"Is it weird?" Ji Wuye was stunned when he heard this.

After thinking about it, it seems that Sakuya knows about tattoos, which is not a strange thing.

After thinking about it carefully, doesn't Kaguya's house even have game consoles or something? They don't seem to be lagging behind.

Compared with Sakuya, it's even more strange that an ancient person like me knows about tattoos.

Compared with Sakuya, it's even more strange that an ancient person like me knows about tattoos.

TMD, it's all about Gensokyo's rotten place, where there are all kinds of weird clothes.

So much so that he preconceived that the place was a kind of place similar to ancient times.

After thinking about it, the human world they seem to be connected to doesn't seem to be that far behind.

I remember an article about the war on the moon, Yakumo Zi seems to have stayed in the modern city.

Ji Wuye waved his hand impatiently and said, "Since you know about tattoos, it's even better. It's tattoos. I mean tattooing my name on her Yuexiong."


Sakuya glanced at Ji Wuye strangely, a simple small magic circle appeared in her hand, and then pressed down on Nuying's tall, towering Moon Hungry...


Looking at the beautiful tattoo in front of Nu Ying Yue Hung, and how it looks, it looks like the three characters of a handsome guy's name, Ji Wuye nodded with satisfaction.

Ji Wuye, who caressed the stubble, inadvertently glanced at Nu Ying's round, plump, and straight buttocks, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Sakuya, and, and..."

Ji Wuye looked at Sakuya and said, "One more hip, top, bottom, top..."

"Yeah, that's it... um, down, down..."

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