"Yes, that's it, get me a few more straight characters.

"Um, yes... where to go to the legs..."

"Hey, yes, you don't need to write the last straight character, just leave two strokes..."

Ji Wuye's eyes lit up, with a wretched and trivial smile on his face, and he danced and directed Sakuya...

I don't know how long it took, Sakuya, the dutiful maid and head servant, finally completed the task he gave him perfectly under the command of Ji Wuye.

Ji Wuye looked at the motionless, perfect statue-like work in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Sakuya, there is still 0.4 of the last step of work to be completed. Thinking about it, you are tired too."

"Just rest here for a while, and leave the rest to me."

After saying that, Ji Wuye smiled and hugged a princess, picked up the statue-like Nu Ying, and headed to board the carriage.

Under Sakuya's dazed gaze, he lifted the curtain of the car and drilled in and out...


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 320 Come out to pick up guests

I don't know when, the carriage that was standing on the side of the road began to vibrate and move violently, and the light, swaying and moving curtains revealed a touch of endless spring and light from time to time.

Looking at the vibrating carriage, Sakuya's jade-like face became red and dizzy, and she lowered her head lightly...


The twilight is fading, and the setting sun is like blood.

In the lush green grass, colorful wildflowers bloomed, and a cool breeze blew, setting off a green wave.

The setting sun sets, and the earth shrouded in the twilight is like a shy virgin, quiet and stable.


A shrill cry, startled the countless wild birds among the weeds.

Not far away, a deer was gnawing on the grass with its head lowered. It was also screamed and raised its head in shock, looking around vigilantly.

On the grass beside the road, a beautiful woman with messy and messy clothes was kneeling on the grass in a state of madness, screaming hysterically.

"Ah... jerk... I want 03 to kill you... kill you... ah..."


"You're my... little ya little apple..."

"How to love you......"

On the way back to Xinzheng, Ji Wuye was lying on the roof of the carriage, holding an unknown weed in his mouth, swaying Erlang's legs, and humming the divine song that had been spread all over the streets in his previous life. .

I thought that the way back to Xinzheng would be as boring as going to Jicheng.

Unexpectedly, on the way, a girl who will relieve her boredom will jump out.

Although he still doesn't know why Nuying finds herself.

But does it matter?Not important at all.

Although he really wanted to bring Nuying back together, he thought about it, after a period of time in the future, after the gang of women in Xinzheng settled down,

He should be immersed in the boring leveling.

At that time, there will be no time to tune and teach this girl, so...

After Ji Wuye was done, she threw Nuying into the grass by the roadside.

The driver was killed by Nu Ying, so he had to drive the car by himself, and when he got to the next town, he paid to hire another one.

As for Sakuya, such a useful head maid, he really wanted to stay.

After the trouble was resolved, he was sent back to Gensokyo like Yuyuko.

Unlike the last time when he was sent back to Yuyouko, in the process of returning to Sakuya this time, Ji Wuye was extremely reluctant to give up, and his heart was like a knife.

After grabbing the 'system elf' and complaining for a while, he finally learned from the impatient 'system elf'.

After his strength reaches a certain level in the future, it is not that he has no chance to go to Gensokyo before he gives up.

Entering the Marquis of Xinzheng, the carriage followed the broad avenue, slowly heading towards the General's Mansion.

When passing by Zilanxuan, Ji Wuye, who was sitting on the roof of the car, suddenly shouted at the second floor of Zilanxuan: "Zi Nu, your man is back, and you haven't come out to pick up the guests..."

When passing by Zilanxuan, Ji Wuye, who was sitting on the roof of the car, suddenly shouted at the second floor of Zilanxuan: "Zi Nu, your man is back, and you haven't come out to pick up the guests..."

It was very late at night, and Zi Lan Xuan had just opened for business, and it was a lively time.

As soon as Ji Wuye said this, not to mention the girls who were standing at the door to welcome guests from Zi Lanxuan, even the pedestrians on the street stopped one after another.

He stared at Li Jue who was sitting on the top of the carriage, dumbfounded.

Purple Girl has many admirers in the aristocratic circle of Xinzheng, but it is estimated that the power behind Purple Girl is useless.

They can't get it, but that doesn't mean they can tolerate others getting it.

Hearing someone play the goddess in their minds like this, the playboys who were hugging the girls in the hall of Zilan Xuan couldn't sit still.

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