They came out scolding and scolding, wanting to see what kind of thing it was.

As soon as they walked to the door and saw the face of the man on the carriage, they immediately changed one by one, Xiang Ji with a flattering expression.

Say hello every night.

"It turns out that General Ji is back."

"My little nephew has seen General Ji."

"My little nephew greets General Ji on behalf of my father."


Ji Wuye is now a powerful man in Korea. After getting rid of Zhang Kaidi and Han Yu, all the civil and martial arts in the hall are basically all cast.

Entered Ji Wuye's door.

Of course, at the beginning of the period, there were indeed some so-called loyal people who had high self-esteem and were unwilling to join Ji Wuye's sect.

Without exception, they were all secretly eliminated by Ji Wuye.

Therefore, the fathers of these playful sons and daughters, who can still stay in the court, can basically be called Ji Wuye's.

"Okay, okay, you guys play yours, don't bother me."

Ji Wuye had no interest in wasting time with these people, and after dispersing all the gangsters, he shouted at the second floor of Zilan Xuan.

967 said: "Purple girl...dear...heart...she came out to pick up the guests."

With a bang, the carved wooden window on the second floor was slammed open from the inside of the room, and the purple girl appeared in front of the window with a black line on her face, gritted her teeth and said, "Have you had enough?"

Ji Wuye grinned at Zi Nu and said, "No!"

The purple girl's face was ashen, she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, you can continue to shout, this time let you shout enough, don't come to see me in the future."

Although she usually looks very indifferent and does not panic, but she is a woman after all.

Being teased and played by a man in front of so many people, she still couldn't help herself.

"Okay, okay, I won't shout anymore." Ji Wuye smiled and said, "I'll go back to the mansion first, and I'll see you later."

Ji Wuye waved his hand at the coachman, and the carriage continued towards the General's Mansion...


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 321 Seems to be reasonable

Before stepping into the General's Mansion, far away, he heard an ethereal sound of the piano entering his ears.

The clear and clean sound of the piano is flowing, the soothing tones, the soft sound of the piano, as if it came from a deep valley and a mountain, flowing quietly.

Looking for the sound, I saw a pavilion in the backyard, a beautiful woman in a pale yellow dress, sitting in front of the guqin, slender and white jade fingers, caressing the surface of the qin,

The jade finger dances lightly, plucks the strings, and the sound of the piano is melodious, like mountains and flowing water.

After a few months of not seeing this girl, this girl has become more and more handsome. Looking at the graceful figure, Ji Wuye secretly swallowed his mouth and water, smiled, and crept behind the woman who was Fuqin. With a swipe, he covered his hands with his hands her eyes.

"Baby, guess who I am?"

The woman heard his voice, her shoulders trembled lightly, the piano sound stopped abruptly, and she said in a trembling voice: ""

During the time when Ji Wuye left, Nongyu seemed to feel that there was something missing in this mansion, her heart was empty, and she felt a little uneasy all day long.

When Ji Wuye was there, she thought of taking advantage of her when she had nothing to do, so that she would never tire of it.

Even sometimes, when she is around Mrs. Hu, she will secretly do some small actions to her.

It made her grit her teeth with hatred, wishing that he could travel far away, it is best never to come back.

But when Ji Wuye really left, she missed him very much.

Even if she recalled Ji Wuye's actions against her, even some more unbearable actions, her heart would be very sweet.

When he heard this familiar voice again, Nong Yushen felt a little uneasy, for fear that he was dreaming again.

During the days when Ji Wuye left, she had not less dreams of Ji Wuye.

There is no way to do this. When Ji Wuye was there, after all, the father-daughter relationship between each other was there, so she could only press the taboo emotion in her heart to the bottom of her heart.

During the period of Ji Wuye's departure, the emotion that Nong Yuqiang was pressing in his heart broke out completely.

"Yeah, I'm back, think I'm not'"? "Ji Wuye smiled and hugged Nongyu from behind, smelling the faint fragrance from her body, her face was intoxicated.

Nongyu turned around and looked at Ji Wuye with deep, deep eyes like water, as if she wanted to imprint this figure in her heart.

"miss you!"

Nongyu let out a soft sound, and threw herself into his arms suddenly, exhausting all her strength, hugging him tightly.

"Huh?" Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, but Nongyu actually said that he missed him?There's something wrong with this opening.

"Huh?" Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, but Nongyu actually said that he missed him?There's something wrong with this opening.

However, whatever it is, feeling the protruding front and back of the bosom, Ji Wuye felt an itch in his heart, he stopped the hand that Nongyu was about to put on, and he couldn't help but slowly slip. She went down and landed on her round, plump buttocks.


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