Nongyu couldn't help but let out a soft sound, and the jade face rose to the sky, only to feel her face burning, and she couldn't help but feel a little annoyed in her heart.

It's really unrepentant, at such a tender moment, can't you let me wait in peace?

Anger turned into annoyance, but she hadn't seen him for months, and she really thought about him so much that she didn't care about him anymore.

Nongyu closed her eyes lightly, hugged him tightly, leaning against his arms and quietly indulging in the moment that only belonged to her.

"Holding the grass? This girl has turned sex? It's all like this, but she didn't jump away directly?"

Ji Wuye was a little surprised that Nongyu didn't jump away as usual, but instead let him take advantage of it without resisting, but he didn't think much about it.

Since a woman is willing to take advantage of you, why would she think so much.

Such a great opportunity, if you don't grasp it, but use it in your wild thoughts, it will be really stupid.

Seeing that Nongyu didn't resist, Ji Wuye was even more aggressive. Gradually, he became a little dissatisfied. He was satisfied with her clothes and objects, and instead probed into her skirt.

"' 々 YOU!"

This time, Nongyu couldn't bear it anymore, and pushed Ji Wuye away in a violent manner, her face flushed, and she looked at him with embarrassment.

In order to maintain this rare warm atmosphere, she has already made concessions and tolerated some of his small actions.

But I didn't expect him to be so aggressive, making Yu hate a little itchy.

"Cough cough..." Ji Wuye coughed lightly, looked at Nongyu and said, "Well, father has been away for so long, he is concerned about his daughter, and he will check her body and body to see if she has lost any weight. , have you been doing well recently, it seems..."

(Well, Zhao) " seems reasonable."


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it.


Chapter 322 Someone from Qin State (For Flowers, For a Monthly Pass)

"Reporting to the general, there is a person outside the door who claims to be an old acquaintance of the general from the Qin state. He is asking to see the general. Now he is waiting in the front hall."

When the atmosphere between Ji Wuye and Nongyu was a little awkward, Mo Ya appeared in front of Ji Wuye in time.

"Old acquaintance? From Qin country?" Ji Wuye smiled.

I have just returned to the mansion, and this so-called old acquaintance has come to the door.

How can there be such a coincidence, it seems that this person has been waiting for him in Xinzheng for a long time.

"Okay baby, don't be angry, Dad will come when you go."

Ji Wuye smiled and pinched Nongyu's face, turned around, and said to Mo Ya, "Let's lead the way."

Since this person claimed to be from Qin, it seemed that Ying Zheng was planning to attack Han.

It just so happened that Ji Wuye was planning to send someone to go to Qin State. Since Qin State has already sent someone over, he has saved himself a lot of trouble.

When Ji Wuye rushed to the front hall, he saw a man in a black cloak, whose face could not be seen clearly, was standing in the hall with his back to him.

"Ha ha......"

Ji Wuye laughed and stepped into the hall: 663 "Ji does have a few old acquaintances in Qin State, who is your Excellency?"

Hearing the words, the man in the black cloak turned around slowly, lifted the wide hood, bowed his hands to Ji Wuye, and said with a smile, "General Ji, it's been a long time."

When he saw this person's face clearly, Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, and then laughed: "It turned out to be Tonggu, oh, yes, I should call you Lord Tingwei now."

The person who came was Li Si. After Li Si helped Ying Zheng get rid of Lao Su and Lu Buwei, he was appointed by Ying Zheng as the Qin Guotingwei.

According to the time, Li Si should be busy planning the unification of the six countries for Ying Zheng at this time, why did he suddenly come to Korea and Korea?

The arrival of Li Si surprised Ji Wuye quite a bit.

Li Si shook his head with a smile, and said, "General Ji can still call me directly. Without General Ji's guidance and recommendation, how could Li Si be today."

"Haha... Well, let's sit down and talk. The outsiders in the province say that I, Ji Wuye, don't know how to treat guests."

Ji Wuye walked to the middle of the lobby with a smile (adfj), sat down, looked at Li Si with a meaningful smile on his face, and asked, "I think you have been waiting for me in Xinzheng for a long time, talk about it. , is King Qin planning to attack the Six Nations?"

"I really can't hide anything from the general." Li Si smiled, then looked solemn, and said, "Your Majesty is going to use the name of helping Yan to attack Zhao, and borrowing it from Han and Guo, I wonder what the general thinks?"

Now, let alone the power and opposition of Han and Guo, even if it is the other six countries, which one does not know, the person who can really call the shots in Han and Guo is Ji Wuye, and the current King of Han is just a decoration.

Li Si actually came to Xinzheng half a month ago, but Ji Wuye had not returned at that time, so he waited in the post house until now.

Not to mention that Ji Wuye himself has an appointment with Ying Zheng, even if there is no previous agreement, it is useless to find King Han in today's Han Dynasty, but it is just a waste of time.

"Fake Dao to kill Guo?" Ji Wuye said with a meaningful smile on his face, "If I don't expect it, this battle between Yan Zhao and you, Li Si, can't get rid of it, right?"

Now, when the Qin family is dominant, the two countries of Yan and Zhao actually started fighting by themselves.

Now, when the Qin family is dominant, the two countries of Yan and Zhao actually started fighting by themselves.

If there is no shadow of Qin State behind it, who would believe it?

"I really can't hide anything from the general." Li Si smiled awkwardly, and said, "But this is not my work alone. Mr. Yu Liao also contributed a lot from it."

"Guowei Wei Liao?" Ji Wuye's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Exactly!" Li Si nodded with a smile, and said, "The general also knows about Mr. Yu Lao?"

Ji Wuye nodded, Wei Liao, could he not know, this is a real boss-level figure.

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