The "Wei Liao Zi" written by him was highly praised by military strategists in later generations, and together with "Sun Tzu", "Wu Zi" and "Sima Fa" were called "Seven Books of Wujing" in the Song Dynasty.

Wei Liao could not help but be proficient in the art of war, and also proficient in the study of physiognomy.

At the beginning of being appreciated by the King of Qin, he once believed that the King of Qin had a strong face, and he could be humble and sincere when he asked others, but when he was offended, he would become extremely cruel, and he was not soft to the enemy.

When Wei Liao first entered Qin Dynasty, he met Meng Tian on the road. Meng Tian personally led a horse for him and would invite him back to the mansion, which shows his status in the minds of soldiers.

I remember that Yan and Zhao fought together at this time in history, it seems that besides Li Si, there is indeed a shadow of this person.

Thinking of this, Ji Wuye couldn't help feeling emotional.

Before Hu Hai, Qin State was really an open country.

The country is strong, the soldiers are strong, the emperor is bright, the ministers... The civil servants and military generals are all big-shot figures.

It is hard to imagine such a country not uniting.

Ji Wuye said: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome. You can ask the King of Qin to send someone directly to accept Han Guo. When the Qin army arrives, I will order the Han army to give up resistance."

"However, I have a request. After the Qin army enters the country, they must not disturb the people. King Qin will also treat the people of our country well in the future."

The reason why Ying Zheng asked Li Si to come is nothing more than this.

After all, Li Si and Ji Wuye are old acquaintances. Having him come to contact Ji Wuye saves a lot of trouble.

Hearing Ji Wuye's remarks, Li Si was overjoyed and quickly said: "The general really understands the righteousness. Don't worry, the general, my Qin army is strict and disciplined, and naturally I won't do anything to intrude on the people."

"The king has long known that the general will love the people, so he asked Li Si to tell the general that as long as the Han and the country are willing to submit to my Daqin, my king will treat the people of Han and the country like the people of my Daqin."

Hearing this, Ji Wuye nodded in satisfaction.

Li Si added: "Before Li Si came here this time, the king ordered Li Si to bring an appointment edict to confer the title of General Ji Zheng Guogong. The original troops and horses of Korea and the country are still commanded by General Ji."

"I hope that General Ji can continue to help me in Daqin and make great achievements again."


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 323 Unintentional court? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

Xinzheng is the old land of Zheng State, and it is normal to give Xinzheng and other places to Ji Wuye as a fief.

But the title of Duke Zheng is somewhat intriguing.

Although there is not much land left in South Korea today, it is still a country.

Moreover, the land of Korea and the Kingdom is strategically located at the pivot of the world, and it is an indispensable place for Ying Zheng, who wants to rule the world.

Ji Wuye made the whole country to agree with each other, such a great contribution, coupled with the previous recommendation of Li Si, to help Ying Zheng return to the country safely, and even made a national plan for Ying Zheng to get rid of Laoyu and Lu Buwei~.

Theoretically speaking, conferring the title of a duke is still reluctant to say - pass.

However, since the reform of Shang Yang, the Qin state has long since changed the titles of Duke, Hou, Bo, Zi, and Fifth to the [-]th-level military meritorious title system.

The highest title of the [-]th-level military merit title system is Marquis Che, which means that the title of duke has long been banned in Qin.

Even if it is not banned, with Ji Wuye's credit, it is enough to seal the Marquis of Che, there is no need to give it to the Duke at all.

Ji Wuye didn't believe that Ying Zheng was the kind of person who, because he had helped him before and dedicated Korea and Korea to him, he would miss his old love and treat himself so kindly.

What's more, it's enough to seal the duke, and he will actually let him, the subordinate general, continue to lead the original soldiers and horses of the Republic of Korea.

The number of soldiers and horses in Korea and the Republic of China was nearly [-] in regular army alone.

Make him a prince, and let him continue to command [-] horses.

This is not just to show his favor, or to take credit for it.

Why continue to make unparalleled achievements for the Qin state?

If you make another contribution, what reward will you give?

Above the prince, if he rewards him again, he will be crowned king.

Ying Zheng, what is this going to do?Tentative?Or kill?

Perhaps, Ying Zheng was worried about himself.

Ji Wuye was sure that if he truly accepted this reward, Ying Zheng would order him to lead his army to attack Zhao.

After that, only God knows what Ying Zheng will do to him.

Ji Wuye shook his head with a smile, and said, "I also ask Master Li to tell King Qin that I, Ji Wuye, still yearn for an unrestrained life, and my heart is not on this temple."

"It's okay to reward me. If King Qin really wants to reward me, then ask him to treat the people of this world kindly as he promised me before."

Is he really unintentional?If it is really unintentional, he has traveled through the present, and everything he has done is for what.

Now Ying Zheng is at the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period, and Ying Zheng is just as Wei Liao said, a mean and unkind monarch.

Now holding a heavy army, other than causing Ying Zheng's fear, it will not do him any good.

As for not wanting anything and joking, he just said it.

He decided that even if he shied away like this, Ying Zheng couldn't give him nothing.

Ying Zheng really wanted to give it to him, and he would give it to him, but there was only one title.

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