In Zi Nu's cognition, this is a business for him.

"It seems that you have clearly misunderstood me."

Ji Wuye smiled, let go of the purple girl, walked to the top of the purple girl, sat down, and said with a smile: "Although for me, taking advantage of you is indeed a serious business."

"But this time I'm here, and I do have other things to discuss with you."

Speaking of this, Ji Wuye looked very serious and said, "Have you considered moving Zilan Xuan to Xianyang?"

"Huh?" Ji Wuye asked so abruptly that Zi Nu didn't respond for a while.

Well, what did she do when she moved Zilan Xuan to Xianyang?

Seeing Zi Nu's puzzled look, Ji Wuye smiled and said, "Perhaps, my general's residence will be moved to Xianyang soon."

Hearing this, Zi Nu finally understood and looked at Ji Wuye with a shocked expression: "Is Qin State ready to attack Korea?"

Ji Wuye had already told her about the fact that she had joined the Qin State. After the Qin State captured the Han State, Ji Wuye, as the hero who dedicated the Han State to Ying Zheng, would naturally join Qin as an official. .

Ji Wuye had already told her about the fact that she had joined the Qin State. After the Qin State captured the Han State, Ji Wuye, as the hero who dedicated the Han State to Ying Zheng, would naturally join Qin as an official. .

Ji Wuye nodded and said, "Qin General Nei Shi Teng's army of [-] people has already assembled in Nanyang. I believe that within half a month at most, they will enter Korea in large numbers."

"I also discussed it with Li Si. He promised that after the Qin army entered the country, they would definitely make no mistakes."

"I promised you that I would take good care of your young ladies from Zilan Xuan, and naturally I mentioned this to him on purpose."

"He also agreed, and promised that if you intend to open Zilan Xuan to Xianyang, no one will harass you."

"Besides, with me here, I believe that even in Xianyang, everyone should dare to touch you Zilan Xuan."

Ever since Ji Wuye told her that he had taken refuge in Qin, she already knew that such a day would come.

It is a matter of time before Korea and China fall, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly.

After staying in Xinzheng for so many years, I still have some feelings for this place.

Letting her leave here suddenly and move Zi Lanxuan to an unfamiliar place, she will inevitably feel a little reluctant and melancholy in her heart.

But what if you don't move?

Now the people she knows in Xinzheng are dead, and their whereabouts are unknown.

If Ji Wuye's family moves out again, will this Xinzheng, to her, still be the original Xinzheng?

"Okay, don't be melancholy, it doesn't matter if you really want to stay in Xinzheng." Ji Wuye said with a smile: "Anyway, this Xinzheng is my fief, even if you want to stay here, I will still be your backer. "

"Fiefdom?" Zi Nu, who was in deep thought, was stunned when she heard this.

Ji Wuye smiled and said, "Yes, King Qin named me Duke Zheng, and this will be my fief in the future."

"Guo Gong?" Zi Nu was shocked when she heard the words: "It seems that the Qin country does not have the title of Guo Gong, right? Qin Wang, for the first time in history, named you a Guo Gong, which may not be a good thing."

The purple girl, who knew something about the court, was keenly aware of the danger behind this reward.

Under normal circumstances, the higher the title awarded, the better.

But if the title awarded is already higher than the highest limit in this country, it is not a good thing.

The monarch at this time was just the king, and the monarch at this time was no different from being named a king with a different surname in the dynasties that followed.

In the past dynasties, who was awarded the king for military merit, which one would have a good end?

Even Li Shimin, who has always been the best in dealing with heroes, has given those famous generals who have made illustrious achievements in battle, the title is only the position of the prince.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 326 You Are The Most Important (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

Ji Wuye was not surprised that Zi Nu had such an opinion.

Ji Wuye smiled and said, "For others, it's really not a good thing, but for me, it's not a bad thing either."

The purple girl was puzzled. What does it mean that it is not a good thing for others, but it is not a bad thing for you?

Are you more special than others?

You know, no matter how nice you say it in front of the King of Qin, you are still a surrendered general who surrendered before a battle and betrayed his own country.

Maybe you did not seek glory at first, but that doesn't change the fact that you are a seller.

For a seller, no matter who it is, it is impossible to trust him.

After all, if you can sell it once, you can sell it a second time and a third time.

Generally speaking, the award of a general for surrender is nothing more than an intention to express one's attitude to the people of the world.

Prove that as long as you come to rely on me, I will not treat you badly, so that more people can rely on me.

Even if you really want to recite Ji Wuye's credit, it's enough to make a prince, there is no need to make an exception to get the title of a prince.

Ji Wuye knew exactly what Zi Nu was thinking.

Ji Wuye said with a smile: "I have no plans to enter the court for a short time, so it is beneficial and harmless to me to be named a prince."

"And I rejected the reward of continuing to lead the original troops of Korea and the Republic of Korea, and to prove to Ying Zheng that I have no intention of being powerful, he will only trust me more."

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