"So, you can take your dowry Zilan Xuan with you at ease and go to Xianyang with me to enjoy the happiness. You don't have to worry about the rest."

"You have no intention of being powerful?" Zi Nu gave Ji Wuye a strange look, her face full of disbelief.

"What? Don't I look like that?" Ji Wuye smiled and said, "You know, I really yearn for the pastoral life of two thatched cottages and a few acres of thin fields."

"It would be even better if you could give me some more big fat boys."

"During the day I plow the fields, you weave, at night I plow you, you..."

Zi Nu's face darkened, she interrupted her directly, and said, "Please come back, I'm going to sleep."

Seeing the anger on Zi Nu's face, as if she was going to drive him away, Ji Wuye waved his hand quickly and said with a smile, "Okay, let's be honest with you."

"If I receive these two awards at the same time, then I will not be far from death."

"Refuse to lead the troops and horses, and enter the Qin Dynasty as a prince, it will still attract Ying Zheng's suspicion."

"But if I don't command the troops and horses, I won't enter the court of Qin for the time being."

"But if I don't command the troops and horses, I won't enter the court of Qin for the time being."

"Then, the position of this prince is more meaningful to me, and it will even exceed the original value of this prince."

"First of all, I am the only prince above the court of Qin. Even if I am not on the court, no one in Qin would dare to ignore my existence."

"It's convenient for your Zilan Xuan and my night."

"Furthermore, Ying Zheng will trust me even more. With time, I will enter the Qin Dynasty at the right time."

"By then, the speed of my rise above the Qin Dynasty will be unstoppable."

"Also, the title of the duke has some other special uses for me."

"As for that, you'll know when the time comes."

After hearing these words, the purple girl was dumbfounded and sighed.

Guo Gong, such a hot potato, was turned into a talisman by him in a second.

With such a method, it is no wonder that he was able to jump from a military man in the army to become a powerful minister above the Han Dynasty and the country with one hand covering the sky.

It is conceivable that with his previous performance in front of Ying Zheng and his series of actions, how much Ying Zheng will trust him.

The purple girl sighed softly and said, "' 々 It's really hard to imagine where your future end will be."

"My destination is naturally on your collapse, oh, to be more precise, it should be on your body, this is the only destination I want."

Ji Wuye grinned at Zi Nu, and then said: "I really want you to move Zi Lan Xuan to Xianyang, so that you can collect information on the court for me and prepare for my entry into the court in the future. ."

"Second, and the most important reason, I can't bear you, I want you to be by my side, and I can see you all the time."

The purple girl gave him a charming glance and said, "You still want to use me to collect information for you."

Ji Wuye came to Zi Nu's side with a smile, stretched out his hand and embraced her in his arms, and said with a smile, "How can you, for me (Zhao's), of course you are the most important. That's it."

"Really?" Zi Nu's mouth twitched, and she said meaningfully, "What about the women in your family?"

"Haha..." Ji Wuye sneered and said, "It's getting late, we should go to bed, we can't live up to this great occasion, right?"

Saying that, she pressed the purple girl to the windowsill...


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 327 Don't Ask Anything

"Bastard, can you not be here?"

"It's more affectionate here."


Since the last time, he hadn't seen each other for several months, and Zi Nu had already missed him a little, and symbolically resisted him twice.

Seeing his anxious appearance, I couldn't do anything about him, so I co-operated on the window sill, raised my hips, and let him play behind him...

As the saying goes, a small part is better than a newlywed, not to mention that the last parting was the day after the 'wedding'.

After reuniting after a long absence, the purple girl whose thoughts were suddenly ignited in her heart, this night, she was naturally accommodating and flattering, letting him ask for anything.

The tide ebbs and flows, several times of wind and rain, Ji Wuye's heroism is unabated, his ambition is not fulfilled, the purple girl blooms beautifully, and the flowers bloom several times.

After an unknown amount of time, she, who could no longer bear the grace of the rain and dew, fell into a deep sleep in Ji Wuye's arms.

In the early morning of the next day, Ji Wuye, who was full of spring and wind and refreshed, bought two buns from the street, hated Xiaoqu, and staggered towards the General's Mansion.

"Hey, isn't this General Ji, the little girl welcomes General Ji back to the house."

Before entering the palace, he heard a charming and charming voice that entered his ears.

Xunsheng looked at 870 and saw a beautiful woman in a long red and black dress sitting on the wall of the General's Mansion. She was gently swinging her calf and looking at him with a charming smile on her face.

"I said why you climbed the wall early in the morning, could it be that you waited for me there all night?" Ji Wuye smiled and raised the bun in his hand at Yanling Ji who was sitting on the wall: "Would you like to? one comes?"

Wearing such a high long skirt with such a split, you actually like to climb up high places when you have nothing to do. Aren't you afraid of getting lost?

Yan Lingji adjusted her sitting posture, dragged her cheeks with her hands, and threw a wink at Ji Wuye: "Yes, they've been waiting for you here all night, and I don't know how fast you're going to be without a conscience. live."

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