"My heart aches when I think of you staying with other women all night." Saying that, Yan Lingji caressed her high and towering heart with a sad look on her face, and she was about to cry.

"You can pull it down." Ji Wuye waved his hand in disgust and said, "If you are really hurt, then give you a chance, I will stay with you for one night tonight, so that you can be happy, happy, and alive? "

Since Yanling Ji entered the mansion, Ji Wuye knew her better.

He has an extremely bad personality, and often makes him feel dry and hot, when he is about to explode.

And then...the people are gone.

There were many times when Ji Wuye couldn't help but want to use force on her.

However, people just give you endless hope and make you infinitely have the illusion that she will follow you next time.

So that Ji Wuye doesn't know what she said is true and which is false.

But fortunately, this girl seems to be in her own home now, and is no longer clamoring to find Tianze or something.

This is good news for Ji Wuye.

As long as people are around, there will be opportunities sooner or later, so why rush at this moment.

Anyway, now he is not so hungry and thirsty when it comes to women.

When she couldn't bear to be teased, she could still go to Mrs. Hu. Mrs. Hu was very obedient to him.

When she couldn't bear to be teased, she could still go to Mrs. Hu. Mrs. Hu was very obedient to him.

After that, Ji Wuye stopped paying attention to Yanling Ji and walked towards the mansion on his own.

"Hey, little brother... handsome... uncle..."

Seeing Ji Wuye ignoring her, Yanling Ji jumped, jumped off the wall, and came to Ji Wuye. Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly shrugged her nose: "Huh? The smell of rouge gouache. ?"

Yan Lingji's mouth and corners rose slowly, and she said meaningfully: "Where did you go last night?"

"What? You want to know?" Ji Wuye walked towards the house and said, "This is the top secret of my general's house, and I can only tell the people closest to me. Come to my room tonight, and I will tell you slowly. "

"Let me guess..." (adab) Yan Lingji who followed Ji Wuye put his hands on his back and put his feet on his back, "Although I don't know what kind of rouge Mrs. Pearl and Hu Meiren use Gouache."

"But the rouge gouache on your body is very mixed. If you are with the two of them, it should not have such a mixed taste."

"Well, after thinking about it, there is only one place to think about the rouge gouache that can make your body smell so much."

Saying this, Yan Lingji suddenly jumped in front of Ji Wuye, squinting and smiling: "Zi Lanxuan, you stayed with Zi Nu last night, didn't you?"

Yan Lingji squinted her eyes with a playful smile on her face, and said meaningfully: "Tell me, if you let Rongyu know the news, what kind of expression will she have? I really want to see it. "

Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, he slept with Nongyu's mother, and then went to sleep with the purple girl who Nongyu regarded as his mother.

This... is not a piece of news that would make Nongyu happy.

Ji Wuye glanced at Yanling Ji, coughed lightly, and said: "You also said that the fragrance on my body is very complicated, can't I hold those girls in Zilan Xuan to sleep all night, and have to go to Zilan Xuan? Female?"

The reason why he has such a messy smell of rouge and gouache on his body is not because when he saw a girl in Zilan Xuan, he wiped some oil easily.

Yan Lingji smiled and said, "Although the rouge and gouache on your body is very messy, there is one smell that is the heaviest."

"Zi Lanxuan, there are only two women who can make you look at General Ji, and one is already in our mansion."

"Who is the other one, needless to say?"

It is also true that these women around Ji Wuye are not the peerless beauty of the owner.

Who would believe the ordinary girls who said he would look at Zilanxuan?

"Want to know?" Ji Wuye raised his mouth and corners slightly and waved at Yanling Ji.

Yan Lingji smiled and leaned over to his side. Suddenly, Ji Wuye made a lightning-like shot, and with a thunderous force, he slapped Yan Lingji's buttocks with a slap. a slap.

This slap, the weight of the force and the way, directly jumped Yanling Ji to the side, hid to the side, covered his hips with his hands, gritted his teeth, and stared at him angrily.

"Don't ask around if you have nothing to do, and obediently give birth to children for laborers, that's what you should do."

Ji Wuye glanced at Yanling Ji's body lightly, and walked straight towards the backyard.

Looking at his leaving back, Yan Lingji gritted her teeth and said, "You bastard, can't you be lighter?? You use so much strength every time, are you going to die?"


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 328 Interception (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

A few days later, Qin general Nei Shi Teng led a [-]-strong army to the border of South Korea and China. As a person in power who can really make decisions, Ji Wuye naturally went to hand over to Nei Shi Teng in person.

As for the new King Han, he has long since been left wondering where he was thrown.

When Ji Wuye took control of the entire Han Dynasty, King Han was already kept in the deep palace as a mascot.

With Mrs. Pearl watching, he naturally couldn't make any waves.

The Qin army in black clothes and black armor is like a long black dragon, slowly advancing into Xinzheng.

Since the three families divided Jin and Han Qiangong established South Korea, at this moment, the Han Dynasty, which existed for more than [-] years, was completely destroyed.

The royal family of Han and Ji Wuye's family were also escorted by the Qin army to Xianyang.

Of course, the treatment on both sides is different.

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