The members of the Korean royal family, except for Red Lotus, who was taken as an apprentice by Zi Nu, were all taken to Xianyang as prisoners of war.

Hu Meiren and Mrs. Mingzhu, as family members of Ji Wuye, were escorted by the Qin army with Mrs. Hu and Nongyu to the Duke's Mansion in Xianyang.

Nei Shi Teng is a Qin general who was promoted by Ying Zheng, and like Meng Tian and others, he is Ying Zheng's confidant.

Naturally, he also learned some information about Ji Wuye from Ying Zheng's mouth.

Originally, he scoffed at what Ying Zheng said was a hermit of the world, a great sage who cared about the country and the people, thinking that he was just a man who sold his name for glory.

But when he learned from Li Si's mouth that the other party not only refused the reward of continuing to lead the troops and horses of Han and Guoyuan, but even the position of the prince was forced to accept him, he immediately felt awe in his heart. Respectfully.

When Ji Wuye's family moved to Xianyang, he naturally tried his best and arranged it properly.

Xinzheng is a long way from Xianyang, and the journey is not very peaceful. Most of the girls in Zilan Xuan are just ordinary people. Naturally, they all go to Xianyang with the family members of the general's mansion, escorted by more than a thousand Qin troops.

Although they were escorted by the Qin army, there was no need to worry about safety issues, and I believed that no bandits would pay attention to attacking this group of people.

But it is impossible to guarantee that there will not be some other schools of thought.

Ji Wuye naturally called back all the killers who were out at night and accompanied them in secret.

After all, the identity of such a large group of people is somewhat special, and there is no need to say more about the dead loyalists of Korea and the country in the dark, all of them are staring at this group of people, trying to find a chance to rescue King Han.

Even some people with other thoughts and a hundred schools of thought have set their sights on such a group of people.

After all, this is a good opportunity to alienate the relationship between Ji Wuye and Ying Zheng.

As long as such a group of people had an accident, no matter what the reason was, Qin State would have been inadequately protected.

Even if Ji Wuye doesn't think too much in his heart, will Ying Zheng believe that Ji Wuye has no resentment towards him in his heart?

Therefore, it is undoubtedly the best chance to create a rift between Ying Zheng and Ji Wuye.

At the very beginning, Ji Wuye didn't plan to recall all the killers outside, and even he himself felt that it was a bit of a fuss.

However, the information of killing Ji Wuye's family was actually passed on to Ji Wuye.

This made him cry a little.

It turned out that although Tian Guang, the hero of the farm family, had died, and the battle between the Zhu family and Tian Meng had escalated, they still chose to unconditionally implement the Qinglong plan that Tian Guang had made with the Mo family during his lifetime.

Naturally Tian Meng need not say more, Tian Guang's confidant and loyal supporter.

In order to compete for the position of Xia Kui, the Zhu family was worried that if they did not resolutely implement the plan made by the previous Xia Kui, they would fall into disrepute, so they could only bite the bullet and follow.

In order to compete for the position of Xia Kui, the Zhu family was worried that if they did not resolutely implement the plan made by the previous Xia Kui, they would fall into disrepute, so they could only bite the bullet and follow.

The decisions of the two farmers were so consistent, Tian Mi had no right to speak, so naturally he had no choice.

Tian Mi, who didn't know Ji Wuye's true identity, had no choice but to contact him using the contact information Ji Wuye had previously left.

The expert that Kui Weitang can produce is now only Ji Wuye.

Therefore, the matter of killing Ji Wuye's family naturally falls on Ji Wuye's head.

Ji Wuye, who originally planned to let his family members go to Xianyang first, but he took the time to level up, looked at the letter from Tian Mi and called him back to discuss the interception of his own family members, with a strange expression on his face.

Let him go back to the farmhouse and discuss the interception of his family members together, this kind of thing... It's really nonsense.

Ji Wuye took a deep, deep breath and called, "Black Crow!"

"Subordinates are here!"

Mo Ya, who was sitting on the top of a carriage and in charge of guarding, jumped and came to Ji Wuye.

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"I'm afraid it will be a little uneasy on the way to Xianyang."

With that said, Ji Wuye handed the letter from Tian Mi to Mo Ya.

Mo Ya, who had brought the letter over, looked at it, with a strange expression on his face: "General...this..."

What made Mo Ya more unbelievable than the farmers coming to kill them was that they actually asked Ji Wuye to discuss with them how to kill their own family members.

What the hell is going on in the minds of this group of people in the farmhouse.

Ji Wuye said: "Although I don't know what the Qinglong plan is, if it doesn't go as I expected, this matter should have nothing to do with the Mo family."


"That is to say, this time, we may not only have to face the killers sent by the farm family, but also the masters of the Mo family."

"It's just what we know now, what we don't know, and how many people are watching us."

"With us alone, it may be difficult to stop them."

Hearing this, Mo Ya couldn't help but have a heavy expression on his face. Although he was very confident in the strength of the killers of Ye Mu, he was not arrogant enough to face the masters sent by Nong and Mo alone.

This group of people is already large in number, and it is already the limit to send a thousand Qin troops to escort them.

Although Nei Shi Teng has an army of [-] people, this army of [-] people can't do nothing, just come and escort his family.

With an army of [-] people, not to mention how terrifying the daily expenses will be, he still has the task of attacking Zhao State.

Naturally, it is impossible to send more Qin troops to escort the family members.

Ji Wuye pondered for a moment, then said: "You ask Bai Feng to send this news to Xianyang, I believe that Ying Zheng will not sit idly by."

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