"And I will go to the farmhouse to find out their specific plans."


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 329 Your tm just left? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

If Ji Wuye remembered correctly, the Yin and Yang family had joined the Qin state from the very beginning.

Although the Taoist Tianzong did not know exactly when he began to take refuge in Qin, it was not important.

In Qin Shizhong, the strength of the Yin-Yang family was among the hundreds of schools of thought. It can be seen from the original work that it was definitely one of the top ones.

Plus the snare is enough to deal with it all.

What's more, this group of people is accompanied by his Ji Wuye's night.

Again, in the territory of Daqin, even shadow guards can be absolutely foolproof.

Besides, he Ji Wuye was in the farmhouse, and he was barely considered a high-level person.

After knowing the detailed plan in advance, you can communicate the location of the ambush in advance, and then send someone directly to the ambush to kill it.

"It's the "[-]" army, I will let Bai Feng send the news to Xianyang."

Mo Ya also knew the seriousness of the matter, and did not dare to delay for a moment, even flew away.

After glancing at the long dragon-like convoy, Ji Wuye and Zi Nu and the others said hello, then turned and rode alone towards Dongjun.

Not long after the convoy left Xinzheng, they rushed to Dongjun. If they were quick, they would be able to arrive in less than a day.

He went all the way to Dongjun, but it was related to the safety of his family members, so Ji Wuye naturally did not dare to delay.

Starting in the morning, until late at night, the warhorse hissed hot air, kept wagging its tail, and the sound of its hoofs gradually weakened.

Traveling hundreds of miles a day, even if people can handle it, the horses can't handle it. After all, this is not a sweaty BMW that travels thousands of miles a day.

Ji Wuye's body was covered with dust, and he looked up at the Kuiwei Hall, where the lights were flickering in front of him, and he couldn't help letting out a long sigh of relief.

When he finally arrived, the galloping all the way, his body almost fell apart, and his legs were rubbed by the saddle and rubbed faintly, causing pain.

(PS: Don't worry about the fact that there was no saddle in the Warring States period. This is the world of Mingyue in the Qin Dynasty. There are all kinds of beasts, and this saddle is not bad.)

Ji Wuye pulled the reins of the war horse, and the war horse let out a long neigh and slowly drove towards the Kuiwei Hall station.

At this moment, two peasant disciples suddenly jumped out of the tree and stopped in front of Ji Wuye.

"Who is coming, why..."

Before this person could finish speaking, Ji Wuye took out a black wooden sign from his arms and threw it towards this person.

Ji Wuye waved his hand impatiently and said, "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and bring in the labor and capital, the labor and capital will have numb legs."

After saying that, Ji Wuye turned over and dismounted, threw the reins in his hand towards this person, his legs trembled, and walked straight towards the two of them with his legs in circles.

After seeing the wooden sign in his hand clearly, the disciple hurriedly bowed to Ji Wuye with a flattering smile on his face, and said, "It turns out that the chief executive has returned, so I will inform the hall master."

After saying that, the person trotted towards the courtyard.

"I...you just left like this?"

Ji Wuye was stunned for a moment when he looked at the disciple who had already run away without even a shadow, and then turned to look at the one who stayed behind, holding the reins of the war horse, with a simple and honest face.

"Hey, you, come and help the laborers."

"Hey, you, come and help the laborers."

Ji Wuye waved at the disciple, and in the blank eyes of the disciple, he pulled him over, put his arm on his shoulder, and limped toward the courtyard.

He swore that he would never ride a horse again, and even if he did, he would not be able to travel like this.

If possible, he would never want to ride a horse again in his life, and the carriage had better be shock-proof.

Although riding a horse is very handsome, but if you really ride it and try it on the road, the skin on your big and legs can be worn off.


When Ji Wuye entered the Kuiwei Hall, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw a purple light flashing in front of him, and a purple figure flew straight into his arms, throwing Ji Wuye, whose legs were numb, directly. Throw on the ground.

"Uncle, you are finally back, but you want to kill me."

"Where have you been during this time? You don't know. I'm about to go crazy during your absence."

Tian Mi was obviously dragged out of her sleep by someone. She was wearing a thin purple shirt and pajamas, her arms were tightly hugging Ji Wuye's neck, and she kept rubbing against his face.

"Sister... If you don't get up again, you will have to prepare a funeral for me tomorrow..." Ji Wuye cried out in pain, stretched out his hand and patted Tian Mi's buttocks. shoot.

Hearing Ji Wuye's wailing with a hint of pain, Tian Mi finally came back to her senses and said in shock, "What's wrong with you? What have you been doing this time? Was this thrown by me?"

Ji Wuye said, "Can you help me up first?"

Tian Mi, who had regained her senses, quickly got up from Ji Wuye's body, lifted him up from the ground nervously, and carefully supported him towards the room.

With Tian Mi's help, Ji Wuye, who entered the house, moved towards the stool and said, "Hurry up, don't say anything, get me something to eat first."

"Anything is fine, leftovers are fine, as long as the speed can be faster."

This morning, he himself hadn't eaten much. He rushed to Dongjun on the way. Because he was busy on the road, he hadn't eaten a single bite until now.

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