At this time, his hungry head was dizzy, and since he crossed over, he has never landed in a field like today.

Seeing Ji Wuye's exhausted face and her servant's appearance, Tian Mi didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly ordered the maids to go down to prepare.

These maids are quite efficient in their work, but after a while, they brought a few side dishes and a pot of rice.

Yes, rice is served in pots.

Seeing Ji Wuye's appearance, it was obvious that using a bowl was not enough, so the maids thoughtfully filled a bowl with 4.0.

Just after putting the food on the table, before Tian Mi could use a bowl to fill him with the food, Ji Wuye brought the basin directly.

Eat it first and then talk about it. As for whether or not to finish it, that's not what he thinks about.

Seeing Ji Wuye's appearance as if she had been hungry for several months and devoured, Tian Mi waved her hand lightly and dispersed the maidservant who was standing beside her.

He sat down, put his hands on his cheeks, and looked at him quietly.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 330 Why didn't I see it

Although Tian Mi has some scheming, but now she is just a girl who is not satisfied with the double decade.

During the time she spent with Ji Wuye, she not only felt a sense of security that she had never felt before.

Ji Wuye can also meet and meet all her needs.

A woman, trying her best to become the head of a farmhouse, not only lacks a sense of security, but the right to hold a house can bring her the sense of security she needs, and there is also an element of seeking excitement. .

From the top to the bottom of the farmhouse, there are all the big men at the top, but as a woman, she can stand out among the big men.

It is to get rid of the other two big men whose strength is far superior to him and become the head of the hall. This kind of feeling, feeling, feels very exciting and exciting when you think about it.

There is no doubt that Ji Wuye not only gave her the things she wanted.

Even some things that she never thought about, all kinds of fancy styles made her feel exciting... In a certain aspect, she was deeply and deeply fascinated.

It can be said that when 03 thinks of Ji Wuye, she has a feeling of rapid heartbeat.

Tian Mi's strange, independent and strong character is naturally inseparable from her childhood.

How could a child who is loved by both parents and has a perfect family achieve such a character as her.

Tian Mi's character, the type she likes, is obviously not a handsome guy.

Otherwise, Wu Kuang, who is handsome in the original book and has a very gentle and kind personality, would not have been pitted by her.

There is no doubt that the most basic condition that can make her heart move is to be an uncle.

And Ji Wuye no doubt fascinated her in every aspect.

During the period of Ji Wuye's absence, she had already become the head of the hall. Without pursuing her goals, she naturally felt that she was really empty and missed Ji Wuye very much.

So, to the disciples of Kuiwei Tang, the nose is not the nose, and the eyes are not the eyes.

No wonder the previous disciple was so excited when he saw Ji Wuye, the chief executive, come back.

Obviously, during this period of time, the disciples of the Kui Kui Hall were not less tossed by Tian Mi.

After a while, Ji Wuye, who had swept away the food on the table, hiccupped, patted his stomach, glanced at Tian Mi, who was holding his cheeks with both hands, and said, "What are you looking at?"

"Look at you!" Tian Mi's eyes were like water, and the waves in her eyes flickered, silently watching Ji Wuye.

Ji Wuye stretched out his hand and squeezed Tian Mi's face, and said with a smile, "I have nothing to look at."

Ji Wuye stretched out his hand and squeezed Tian Mi's face, and said with a smile, "I have nothing to look at."

Tian Mi smiled sweetly and said, "Look at why you have become so empty, you even need someone to help you when you walk. Could it be that during this period of time, I don't know which woman has hollowed out your body and body."

Ji Wuye gave Tian Mi an angry look, and said, "After you try riding a horse for hundreds of miles a day, will you still be as energetic as you are now?"

Tian Mi said curiously, "I just told you to come back as soon as possible, and I didn't limit the time for you to come back. Why are you in such a hurry."

Ji Wuye said, "Because I miss you."

"Really?" Tian Mi was overjoyed, grabbed Ji Wuye's big hand and played with it lightly, and said, "Then what do you think of me?"

"I miss you..." Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, he just said casually, who knows what he misses her?

"Huh?" Tian Mi raised her head suspiciously and squinted at Ji Wuye.

Seeing the suspicious look in Tian Mi's eyes, Ji Wuye's mind flashed, looking at her affectionately, and said, "How do I know what I miss you?"

"Your voice, face, smile, everything about you, I think, you have to let me pick one of them, how do you let me pick."

Ji Wuye stretched out his hand and lightly stroked Tian Mi's cheek twice, then said with a smile, "In short, I just want you, everything you have, everything about you, as long as it's yours, I want everything."

"Don't ask me why I miss you, just like you don't ask me why I breathe. I can't answer this kind of question."

Tian Mi slammed into his arms, her long eyelashes trembled lightly, and her arms hugged Ji Wuye's neck: "Uncle, I love you so much, I can't help myself, I love you hopelessly. "

"Really? Why didn't I see it?" Ji Wuye's face rose with a wicked smile, and he gave Tian Mi a meaningful look.

Tian Miyu's face rose to Xia, she bit her mouth and lips, gave him a charming look, and exhaled, "Really? Then I'll show it now for you to see."

.................................Limited time 550 Rectification in progress....... ......................................

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