Ji Wuye laughed loudly and said, "Of course I'm thinking of you, come on, it's still early, let's fight another three hundred rounds."

After saying that, Ji Wuye turned over and pressed Tian Mi under him.

"Yeah...you hate it!"

After the unsuspecting Tian Meng exclaimed, his smooth and clean lotus arms wrapped around his neck, and his long and beautiful legs were tight and bent close to his legs, constantly moaning, moaning, and whispering softly. ......

For a time, Jinta shook gently, and was turned over by red waves. The whole house was full of spring and color...


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 332 You asked me to wait quietly (for flowers, ask for a monthly ticket)

After being warm with Tian Mi for two days, Ji Wuye rushed to Xinyi with a large group of Kuiweitang disciples.

There was also news from Mo Ya. When Ying Zheng learned that someone was going to kill Ji Wuye's family on the way, Long Yan was furious.

Today's great Qin Wei is in the world, and there are some things that don't know whether to live or die, conspiring to kill the family members of the important officials of the Qin state on the way, which is amazing.

If they let it go, won't they go to heaven next?

Immediately, Luo Wang and the Yin and Yang family went to meet him.

Ying Zheng knew very well that to deal with these sects in the Jianghu, he still had to rely on these sects.

The Yin-Yang family who had a close relationship with the Qin State immediately came out with all their experts, led by Luna, and the five senior elders, except for the temporarily vacant Kibe, also rushed to Xinyi.

Even Emperor E, who was monitoring Concubine Yan in Yan Kingdom, was temporarily called back.

After all, this time, it was the masters of Nong and Mo.

And this was the first thing Ying Zheng ordered their Yin and Yang family to do, and it was something Ying Zheng attached great importance to.

If 260 even messed up this matter, the Yin Yang family would be a little embarrassed in front of Ying Zheng in the future.

On the way to Xinyi, Nuying seemed a little gloomy all the way. Seeing this, Emperor E floated over and said with a smile, "What's wrong with you?"

Originally, because of Xiangjun's reasons, the sisters fighting each other were blushing and thick necks, and even had a posture of not getting along with each other.

But since the two sisters fell out with Xiangjun because of rumors, maybe it was because of the same illness, or because the two sisters had a deep relationship before, the two got back together again.

Seeing that Nu Ying was in a low mood along the way, and even had a somewhat indignant look on her face, Emperor E naturally couldn't help but be concerned.

A trace of anger flashed in Nu Ying's eyes, she gritted her teeth and said, "Why are we going to protect that bastard's family?"

"That bastard?" E Huang was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "You mean Ji Wuye? Although this Ji Wuye is not very famous, but in the end it is the person that the King of Qin wants to protect, and the person that the King of Qin wants to protect is naturally also It is the person our Yin-Yang family wants to protect, our relationship with Qin State (adef), you should know."

Not long after Huang E came back from the State of Yan, he did not know that Ji Wuye was the one who spread rumors about the two sisters.

Seeing Nuying's indignant appearance, Emperor E thought that Nuying hated this person because of the rumors about Ji Wuye.

But Nuying was different. Although Ji Wuye did not tell her her true identity, the name tattooed on her Yuexiong mouth was indeed the three characters Ji Wuye.

Nu Ying's lungs exploded when she thought of the three words in Yuexiong's mouth, and the words she accidentally discovered from the back of her buttocks to her thighs and legs when she was bathing.

She wished she could tear Ji Wuye into pieces and eat it raw. It would have been good if she hadn't helped the Nong and Mo families to kill them together, but now she wanted her to protect the enemy's family.

But she had no choice but to obey the orders of the Yin Yang family.

This time, the Yin and Yang family, apart from the East Emperor Taiyi, have all come out with masters, which is enough to prove how much the Yin and Yang family attaches great importance to this matter.

If her Nu Ying dared to interfere, she believed that what she had committed was definitely more serious than Concubine Yan who betrayed the Yin and Yang family.

The Yin Yang family will definitely pursue her endlessly.

At this moment, Nu Ying felt more grievances in her heart. She gritted her teeth and gave Emperor E a deep, deep look. She really wanted to express her grievances.

But how can she speak?Show Emperor E the words on her body?

But how can she speak?Show Emperor E the words on her body?

She would rather die than let another person know what was on her.

Looking at Nu Ying, whose eyes were slightly red, Huang E smiled comfortingly and said, "Alright, although from the information of the Yin Yang family, this Ji Wuye is indeed a person who makes it difficult to gain a good impression, but he is not Isn't it our business?"

"We just need to do what we need to do, and don't think about it."

Nuying looked at Emperor E full of grievances. It's none of your business, but mine.

Emperor E smiled and comforted: "Okay, don't think about those messes, so, if you complete this task well, I won't rob you of Xiangjun, how about it?"

After getting along with Concubine Yan for a long time, Emperor E also thought about it.

Concubine Yan did not hesitate to betray the Yin and Yang family for Yan Dan, and sacrificed everything, but in the end.

Yan Dan still abandoned her.

And she, for the sake of Xiangjun, did not hesitate to fall out with her twin sister, but in the end.

Xiangjun would actually alienate the two sisters because of some rumors.

For such a man, is it really worth it to have a lot of trouble with your own sister?

Ehuang also figured out that if Nuying still likes Xiangjun, then she will let go and fulfill her sister.

I thought Nu Ying would regain her spirits after hearing the news.

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