Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Nu Ying's face suddenly became more ugly.

"Sister...you left me alone for a quiet time."

Having said that, Nu Ying left on her own.

Once upon a time, she had imagined countless times that Emperor E would be able to give up Xiangjun to her as her sister because of her sisterhood.

Now, finally the day has come.

But now, can she still accept it?

Not to mention whether Xiangjun can put aside those rumors and change his mind.

Even if Xiangjun changed his mind, what did she use to accept Xiangjun, or in other words, how could Xiangjun accept herself?

There are other men's names engraved on the body, and there are also some special places. What do you want Xiangjun to think.

Going to TM's Xiangjun, my mother wants to kill Ji Wuye.

Even if he can't do it this time, he will find an opportunity to kill him in the future.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 333 Brothers Meet (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

A few days later, Ji Wuye and his party finally arrived at Xinyi. Looking at this quaint Xinyi city, Ji Wuye was filled with emotion.

The Shang and Zhou dynasties used this place as their capital until Qin destroyed the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and established Sanchuan County, which took more than [-] years.

Although today's Xinyi is not what it used to be, it can still be seen that it was prosperous in the past.

After sighing, Ji Wuye and his party rushed to the pre-agreed place with a disciple sent by a farmer to respond.

When Ji Wuye arrived at the meeting place, the Nong and Mo families had already arrived.

"Brother Ji, you are finally here!"

Seeing Ji Wuye who pushed in the door, Tian Meng greeted him with a smile on his face.

It has to be said that Tian Meng can have such a high prestige in the farm family, and there are still some means.

Ji Wuye is no better than the chief general of Kuiwei Hall, so there is no need for one of his hall masters to stand up to greet him.

What's more, this general manager is not from his Lieshan Hall.

Looking at his hearty and friendly smile, it immediately made people feel good and felt extra kind.

This may be the legendary arrogance that can make people bow down.

Ji Wuye smiled in his heart, and greeted him with a smile: "Some things have been delayed on the way, so you have been waiting for a long time, and I hope you forgive me."

In fact, everyone knows that he can delay anything, and this is just an excuse made up casually.

But sometimes, even if they know each other is false, there is still an excuse, even if you just make up.

After all, you can't tell others that you're late on purpose.

"Oh, they're all my own brothers, so I'll see you outside." Tian Meng smiled and dragged Ji Wuye inside, and said with a smile, "Come on, let me introduce you to the brothers of the Mo family, this is …”

"Brother Ji?"

Before Tian Meng could speak, Yan Dan, who was pushing the cup with Tian Hu and the others, raised his head. After seeing Ji Wuye, he lost his voice: "Are you really Brother Ji?"

Seeing Yan Dan's appearance, Tian Meng was stunned, looked at Yan Dan in confusion, and then looked at Ji Wuye: "Do you know each other?"

Ji Wuye smiled and nodded, then with a faint smile on his face, he came to Yan Dan and said, "Brother Yan, I never thought we would meet again here."

"Are you really Brother Ji?" Yan Dan stood up excitedly and said, "When I heard that there was a manager named Ji Ye in the farmhouse, I thought it was just the same name, but I didn't expect it to be you."

"When I heard that Brother Yan became a giant of the Mo family, I felt a little unbelievable." Ji Wuye said with a smile: "How is it, how are you doing in recent years? Brother Yan and Mrs. Sister-in-law are okay?"

When Ji Wuye asked this, it was obvious that he was uneasy and kind. He knew that the relationship between him and Concubine Yan had become stiff to a certain extent, but he couldn't help but ask.

Who made him feel angry when he thought that he would give up Yan Dan, and Yue'er was still born just like in the original book.

If you have a chance, you must check it out. If this Yan Dan is really cured by the doctor again, then he will be abolished again.

Hearing Ji Wuye's mention of Concubine Yan, Yan Dan's face darkened, and then he thought that his brother Ji might really just care about him with good intentions, so he said perfunctorily: "Okay...it's okay.... ..Well, you and my brothers will meet again today, let's not mention these things."

"I wanted to have a drink with my brother back then, but I never thought that I couldn't do it. Come on, your brother and I will definitely have a drink today. If you don't get drunk, you won't return."

"I wanted to have a drink with my brother back then, but I never thought that I couldn't do it. Come on, your brother and I will definitely have a drink today. If you don't get drunk, you won't return."

Having said that, Yan Dan enthusiastically pressed Ji Wuye to the seat, picked up the wine jar, poured two bowls in a row, and handed one of the bowls to Ji Wuye.

Ji Wuye laughed loudly, took the big bowl that Yan Dan had lowered, and after slamming with him, he raised his head and drank it all.

"Haha...Okay!" Yan Dan laughed, wiped the drink from his mouth, and said, "By the way, brother, what happened back then, and why did you become a farmer?"

Ji Wuye sighed softly and said, "When I went to chase the person who attacked Brother Yan, I never thought that I was caught in their ambush and was seriously injured."

"Later, it was the master Tian Mi of Kuiwei Hall who saved me. The master Tian Mi had saved my life. Therefore, when the master Tian Mi needed me, I joined the farm."

Making up the story is nonsense, Ji Wuye can be said to come with his mouth open, without even blinking his eyes.

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