Speaking of this, Ji Wuye paused, looked at Yan Dan pretending to be puzzled, and said, "Brother Yan, have you offended someone? I learned from those people that they seemed to be coming for you back then. of."

Hearing this, Yan Dan was stunned for a while, who could offend him, he has always been a man...

Suddenly, Yan Dan suddenly thought that he did not offend anyone on weekdays, but his identity was destined to offend some people.

When he thought of when he was abolished back then, a figure gradually emerged in his mind.

Yanchun Jun!

The more Yan Dan thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. Besides him, who else would not want to return to the country of Yan?

0 ...... 0

Besides him, who else would do such a thing as abolishing him?

If his prince became a waste, Yan Chunjun would be the beneficiary.

It is impossible for King Yan to pass the throne to a crippled person. Apart from Yan Dan, the only person who has the most hope of inheriting the throne is Jun Yanchun.

Over the years, he has been secretly trying to track down the whereabouts of the murderer who deposed him, but he has not made any progress.

After all, the matter of becoming a cripple cannot be disclosed to anyone, and investigations can only be conducted secretly.

It was not that he had not suspected Yan Chunjun before, but through his investigation, he could only find out that Yan Chunjun had indeed sent someone to intercept him.

After that, the clues were cut off, and he didn't have any evidence to prove that he was abolished by Yanchun Jun.

It was normal that he couldn't find out. Yan Chunjun really didn't want the prince Yan Dan to return home safely, but the people he sent out to kill were all secretly eliminated by Concubine Yan.

After sending a few waves of people, it was like a stone sinking into the sea. After there was no news, Lord Yanchun gradually gave up.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 334 How do you feel about being cheap?

Seeing that Yan Dan was lost in thought because of his own words, Ji Wuye was stunned.

He just said it casually. Could it be that Yan Dan really thought of other people?

Thinking of this, Ji Wuye asked curiously, "Why, Brother Yan knows who did it?"

Yan Dan took a deep, deep breath, looked at Ji Wuye, and said a little apologetically, "Brother Ji, it's all me who has troubled you and caused you serious injuries, I..."

Hearing what Yan Dan said, Ji Wuye became even more curious, who did this buddy think of.

Ji Wuye patted Yan Dan on the shoulder, and pretended to be dissatisfied: "You and my brother, if you talk about this, you will be seen outside. Is it because you look down on Ji's "eight-five-three", and you can't treat Ji as a brother? ?"

Yan Dan hurriedly said: "Brother Ji, what are you talking about, you and I met like each other, Dan has recognized you as a brother from the bottom of his heart, it's just..."

"Just what?" Ji Wuye said loudly: "Since Ji is regarded as a brother, then don't say these foreign words, brother, if you have any difficulties, just say, no matter what kind of enemy, Ji is willing to fight with him. Brother, you face it together."

"Brother..." Yan Dan was moved to tears, his face flushed, and excitedly said: "I..."

"Okay..." Ji Wuye patted Yan Dan's shoulder with a smile, and said, "Tell me, who is it, and why do you want to do something to Brother Yan?"

Yan Dan sighed softly and said, "Brother Ji doesn't know anything. Now that the powerful ministers of Yan are in power, some people naturally don't want me, the prince, to return to Yan."

"Although there is no real evidence, I heard from Brother Ji today that the people who attacked us back then were probably the killers sent by this person."

"Apart from him, Dan thinks he has no other enemies in his own way."

Ji Wuye pretended to be surprised: "Jun Yanchun?"

Yan Dan nodded and said: "Since Brother Ji also knows this person, then you should know that he is Dan's uncle. If I, the prince, cannot return to Yan Kingdom alive, the throne of Yan Wang will naturally fall here. Human hands."

"It can be said that in this world, the person who wants my life the most and wants me to return to Yan Kingdom alive is this person."

Ji Wuye said angrily, "Such a traitor is really hateful. Brother Yan, don't worry. After this matter is over, I will go to the country of Yan to get rid of this thief for you."

Yan Dan was suddenly excited, and then seemed to think of something again, and said with some embarrassment: "Brother Ji is already a farmer at this time, will this matter..."

"Brother Yan, don't worry!" Ji Wuye said with a smile: "Let's not mention the relationship between the Nong and Mo families for the time being, you and I are more brothers, helping the brothers, this is an obligatory thing, presumably not even our hall master. I'll blame Ji Mou."

"It's a big deal, then I won't be the head of the farmhouse Kuiwei Hall, I'll handle this matter as my own."

The reason why Ji Wuye decided to help Yan Dan get rid of Yan Chunjun was not out of kindness, nor because of the so-called brotherly love.

Instead, he thought that since Jun Yanchun had not died, it meant that Xue Nu was not a member of the Mo family, and should still be in Feixue Pavilion.

Instead, he thought that since Jun Yanchun had not died, it meant that Xue Nu was not a member of the Mo family, and should still be in Feixue Pavilion.

Even Snow Maiden can kill Yanchun-Jun. If you think about it, that Yanchun-Jun is just a piece of shit. As long as he can sneak into Yanchun-Jun's mansion, it should be easy to kill him by himself.

The farmer, now has his people.

There are also two people who are unclear about the relationship between the Yin Yang family and him. As long as the opportunity is seized in the future, after the two unclear relationships are clarified, the Yin Yang family will also have his people.

Taoists don't need to think about it for the time being. In his impression, the only Xiaomeng who can hook up is still early before she leaves the mountain.

Among the hundreds of schools of thought, the strength is relatively strong, and now there is only one Mo family left...

After Xue Nv entered the Mo family, it would be too late to try to hook up with her. Who knows where the broken city is.

In any case, he had to get Xue Nv before Xue Nv entered the Mo family.

Even if it can't be done, give yourself a chance, at least leave an indelible memory for Xue Nu, so that she can't accept Gao Jianli.

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