But now that he has made such an appearance, he does not want to stay here for a long time.

After all, the most important combat power under his command is here.

But the people of the Zhu family only came to a painless flower shadow.

If something really happened, even if he could go back alive, he would lose the ability to compete with the Zhu family.

The farm family is in the hands of foreigners, which is unacceptable to him no matter what.

Seeing that these two bosses have already spoken to this level, Ji Wuye knew that it would be a waste of words to continue.

So, Ji Wuye sighed softly and said, "Okay, what should we do next?"

Since it is impossible to keep them here, let's take the next step to inquire about their retreat route.

It's not a good idea to intercept kills on the way.

Yan Dan said: "I suggest that we leave here as soon as possible and evacuate separately. Brother Ji, you can go to Yan country with me this time. It's been a long time since I haven't seen you. Fei Yan also misses you a little."

Yan Dan said: "I suggest that we leave here as soon as possible and evacuate separately. Brother Ji, you can go to Yan country with me this time. It's been a long time since I haven't seen you. Fei Yan also misses you a little."

Speaking of this, Yan Dan turned his head, looked at Tian Meng with a smile, and said, "The two of us haven't seen each other for a long time. Let Brother Ji go back to Yan Kingdom with me temporarily. Hall Master Tian Meng shouldn't mind."

After all, Ji Wuye was already a member of the farm family now. If he took him away in front of the farm family, he had to say hello to the farm family.

Tian Meng laughed and said, "The reunion of brothers is a happy event. How could Tian Meng be the villain who destroys the reunion of brothers."

Having said that, Tian Meng patted Ji Wuye's shoulder heavily, and said, "You can go to Yan Kingdom at ease. On the side of Hall Master Tian Mi, let me talk to her."

"In this way, there is Hall Master Laotian!" Ji Wuye smiled.

Yan Dan said: "Since that's the case, it's not too late, then we'll go back and pack up and set off today."

Ji Wuye nodded and sighed.

These people are really thieves, and they are evacuated separately.

Now that it has been agreed to split up and evacuate, it is naturally impossible to ask other people's retreat route, otherwise others will suspect that you have bad intentions.

The disciples of Kuiwei Hall that he brought were naturally brought back by Tian Meng.

And he, along with Yan Dan, rushed to the country of Yan.

Originally, I thought that I could take this opportunity to hit the farmers and the Mexican families hard.

It's better now, because he covets two white tigers, but he didn't expect the two to withdraw so decisively.

Now I just hope that the Yin Yang family and Luo Wang's people can help, find out their retreat route, and intercept them on the way.

Although this kind of change happened in this trip, it was not nothing, at least two agencies, Baihu, were obtained.

I just don't know whether the two white tigers were taken away by Mo Ya and the others according to the method they had spread out (it's fine), or were they taken away by the Yin Yang family.

If they were taken away by Mo Ya and others, the two white tigers would naturally belong to him, Ji Wuye.

Ying Zheng would never confiscate his spoils of war.

If it was taken away by the Yin Yang family...

TM's, Gaiming must push all the women of the Yin-Yang family to dispel the hatred in his heart.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 342 Return to Jicheng

In a lush forest, an evil and handsome young man waved his hand casually, and the blue air blade that emerged from his arm cut off a farmer disciple.

"Is this the number one? This group of rebels is really cunning, and they actually fled away."

A look of anger appeared on the cheeks of the young Junxiu, and glanced at the corpse lying on the ground in disgust.

"Okay Star Soul, it seems that it is impossible to get rid of this group of traitors this time."

"Our mission is not to get rid of this group of rebels, as long as Ji Wuye's family and King Han are safely escorted to Xianyang."

"These rebels, let them go."

Wearing a long aqua green dress and wearing a sky blue eye veil, Luna looked indifferent. After leaving a light sentence, he wiggled his sleeves, turned and walked out of the jungle.

On the side, Ehuang, Nuying, Xiangjun, Da Siming, Yunzhong County, and a group of Yin and Yang disciples who were in ambush around, after seeing the Moon God leaving, they also turned around and followed them, slowly and slowly facing Walk outside the jungle.

Although the status of the star soul is not low, but in the presence of the moon god, he naturally can only stand aside.

Luna had already ordered, so these people naturally gave up the idea of ​​continuing to pursue and kill 773.

In the past few days, not to mention how hot the Star Soul is.

It's just that the two families of Nong and Mo are evacuated separately, and those ordinary disciples are also scattered from east to west.

Every time I got news that when they found traces of rebellion, a large group of masters of the Yin and Yang family rushed over with their disciples, they just killed a few ordinary disciples.

So far, they have killed no less than dozens of ordinary disciples of the farmers and the Mo family, but they haven't even found a decent leader-level person.

The entire Songshan mountain range is absurdly large. If one were to evacuate individually, it would be unrealistic to want to keep the Nong and Mo families in such a large mountain range.

There are people with nets guarding each intersection, but if they are scattered and evacuated from the mountains, these people from the Yin and Yang family can't do anything about it.

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