Especially like Tian Meng and other masters at the level of the hall master, they are like playing with flying over the eaves and walls. There is no such thing as a roadless situation in the mountains.

(adeh) After running back and forth countless times, even Star Soul knows that there will be no result if he continues to hunt down.

He had no choice but to sigh lightly, take the next step, and head towards Xinzheng with the people of the Yin and Yang family.

After all, their main task was to escort Ji Wuye's family, King Han and An Ran to Xianyang.

As long as this group of people is safe, the Yin Yang family has already made great contributions.

Ji Wuye and Yan Dan's group naturally don't need to say much, whether it is Yin Yang Family and Luo Net, or Nightfall, after receiving the direction that Ji Wuye evacuated, they naturally don't ask which way.

After more than ten days of rapid travel, Ji Wuye, who was with Yan Dan all the way, finally came to the capital of Yan State, Jicheng.

In Prince Yan's mansion, a maid hurried to the backyard.

"Madam, the prince is back!"

"Madam, the prince is back!"

"Understood, you can go down." After concubine Yan replied indifferently, she waved her hand lightly.

If it was before, and Yan Dan came back, she would naturally go out to greet him very happily.

But after going through so many things, Concubine Yan, who was already heartbroken, heard those provocative words from Ji Wuye's mouth not long ago.

Today, she only has hatred for Yan Dan in her heart, and she didn't kill him because she was thinking of her previous relationship.

How could she have any mood swings because Yan Dan returned to the house.

The maid looked at Concubine Yan with some embarrassment and said, "But, the prince..."

"What's wrong with him?" Concubine Yan glanced at the maid with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

In the past, every time Yan Dan came back to see Yue'er, she had the same attitude, and the maid would consciously retreat.

Today, this maid's attitude is a bit abnormal.

The maid said: "Prince, he brought the guests back, and specially instructed the servant to let you go to the front hall."

Concubine Yan's face turned cold, what did Yan Dan think of himself?When he has guests, he must go out to entertain them?

The temperature in the whole house dropped instantly, and the maid trembled, knelt down and said, "Master said that this guest is also your old acquaintance, so... so..."

As for the relationship between Yan Dan and Concubine Yan, this little maid who has been waiting by Concubine Yan's side is naturally very clear.

If Yan Dan hadn't specifically instructed her to let Concubine Yan go out, she wouldn't be able to make herself uncomfortable.

"Old acquaintance?" Concubine Yan was stunned. She didn't remember any old acquaintances she had. Could it be that someone from the Yin Yang family came?

Glancing at Yue'er, who was already asleep, Concubine Yan nodded lightly.

"Understood, I'll be there in a while."

In name, Yue'er is still Yan Dan's daughter after all, and she also promised to help the Yin and Yang family find out the secret of Canglong Qisu and find the magic sound treasure box from Yan Dan's mouth.

At this time, it was not easy for Yan Dan to turn her face. In front of outsiders, it would be better to give him some face.

In order to find the Magic Sound Treasure Box, the Yin-Yang Family spent countless hours and finally found out that the whereabouts of the Magic Sound Treasure Box may be related to the Mo Family.

And Yan Dan is now a giant of the Mo family, and if he wants to know the whereabouts of the treasure box, he must naturally start from him.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 343 Request (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

In the front hall of Prince Yan's mansion, Yan Dan screened everyone back, looked at Ji Wuye a little embarrassedly, and said, "Brother, this time I invite you to Yan Kingdom, in addition to reminiscing with you, Dan has one more thing, think about it. Ask Ji brother."

Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, and sure enough, he knew that your grandson had something to ask for labor, otherwise, with your character, how could you be so enthusiastic about labor and management.

Ji Wuye said righteously: "What do you mean by begging? If you say this, you will be seen outside. Do you and I need to use the word begging? If there is anything you need me to do, you can tell me. that is."

Yan Dan glanced at him gratefully with a complicated look on his face. After hesitating for a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "I wonder if Brother Ji still remembers the question I asked you in Xinyi?"

"Problem?" Ji Wuye asked with a puzzled face, "What's the problem?"

Ji Wuye reflected on his self-study, it seems that when he was in Xinyi, Yan Dan didn't ask himself any questions.

Yan Dan gritted his teeth and said, "That's... What do you think about Feiyan?"

"Mrs. Sister-in-law?"

Hearing Yan Dan bring up this question that he thought Yan Dan asked casually, Ji Wuye smiled and said, "Didn't I say it? Very well, even brother, I envy you for having such a lady. ."

Seeing that Ji Wuye didn't seem to understand what he meant, Yan Dan gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Really? you... spend the night with her...?"

I cao?Ji Wuye was shocked. Could it be that the matter between himself and Concubine Yan made him aware of it, so he came to test himself?

Ji Wuye stood up and pretended to be angry: "Brother Yan, in your eyes, who do you think of me as Ji Ye? No matter how good Mrs. Sister-in-law is, she is also my sister-in-law, so how could I give birth to her? That kind of thought?"

"No, brother Ji, don't misunderstand." Yan Dan said quickly: "I know that brother Ji is a gentleman, and that's why I want to ask you so much, sigh...what should I do? Say."

Seeing Ji Wuye's angry expression, Yan Dan suddenly panicked, not knowing how to explain for a while.

After a long time, Yan Dan gritted his teeth, thumped, fell to his knees, and said, "Brother Ji, I can only ask you for this. I hope you can help me with this for the sake of my brother."

The scene in front of him made Ji Wuye completely stunned. Yan Dan's pleading look didn't seem to be cheating.

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