Her life, after meeting Yan Dan, was really full of tragedies.

The moment she met Yan Dan, she changed from a high-ranking yin-yang family Dongjun, a fairy-like character, to an ordinary woman who only had her own man in her heart.

When everything that she could use was used, the man she saw abandoned her like a shoe.

Fortunately, in desperation, there is another daughter as a spiritual sustenance.

When I thought that I could spend my life peacefully just like this, the Yin Yang family found her again.

Because of her daughter, she had no choice but to cooperate with the Yin-Yang family.

She had just put down the person she had always hated in her heart, and this person appeared in front of her eyes again, and then in a despicable way, she once again made her reminisce about the feelings and feelings of the past.

That's all, she endured it.

Originally thinking of accomplishing what the Yin-Yang family asked for and making up for the mistakes made in the past, he guarded his daughter and lived out this life in a calm way.

Who knows, she hasn't waited until Yan Dan's body has completed the things entrusted by the Yin Yang family.

Who knows, she hasn't waited until Yan Dan's body has completed the things entrusted by the Yin Yang family.

She thought that she was useless to Yan Dan, but she was inexplicably drugged by Yan Dan and sent to the bed of a man who had given her several humiliating memories.

The reason is just because she still has some useful value, and can also be used as a reproductive tool to give birth to a child for Yan Dan.

From the dignified yin and yang family Dongjun to her level, her heart is no longer hated, but calm, and the calm makes people feel terrible.

After a long time, a cold voice came from Concubine Yan's mouth.

"Why not? Doesn't he want an heir? Then give it to him."

Although from Concubine Yan's mouth, he heard the answer he really wanted to hear, or in other words, after he never thought of the answer he could hear.

What rose in Ji Wuye's heart was not joy, but a chill gushing from the bottom of his heart.

Concubine Yan suddenly became so calm, it really made people feel a little abnormal.

What is she trying to do?

Ji Wuye couldn't help but feel a little uneasy at this time, Concubine Yan, he could say that he knew a lot about this woman.

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Although it is indeed a good wife and a good mother, even if it is replaced by a docile girl, after blackening, it will become very scary.

Not to mention that she originally came from the somewhat evil sect of the Yin Yang family.

Such a woman with a hint of evil in itself, and a strong strength, who knows what will become after blackening.

If it's just for Yan Dan, it's okay to say, he still wants Concubine Yan to torment him as miserably as possible.

But at this time, after all, Ji Wuye also joined in, who knows if Concubine Yan will count him as well.

Ji Wuye coughed lightly and said, "What do you want to do? I can tell you, for a scumbag like Yan Dan, no... it should be said that a scumbag like Yan Dan doesn't It's worth anything you do."


"If, I mean, if you really want to vent your anger, I can help you, don't mess around with yourself."

"You know, if something happens to you, or if you change so much that you don't even know yourself, what will Yue'er do."

"Don't think that I will help you raise her. Of course, if you don't mess around, I will raise her for you."

"However, if something happens to you, I will never care about Yue'er, because I like you, not her."


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it.


Chapter 349 Give It To Him (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

Concubine Yan's current appearance is obviously not normal. If she really messes up to get revenge on Yan Dan, who knows what she will do.

If it was to kill Yan Dan, of course he would agree with it.

But listening to Concubine Yan's tone, it seemed like she was going to give Yan Dan's son.

If Concubine Yan ran out for this so-called son, anyone would fall asleep.

It wasn't Yan Dan who wore the hat, but Ji Wuye.

Up to now, I had no choice but to take Yue'er out to contain her.

Sure enough, after hearing Yue'er's name, Concubine Yan suddenly fell silent.

After a long time, Concubine Yan said lightly, "Are you worried about me?"

This is no nonsense, if you run out and put hats on the labor and management, who will the labor and management find reason, Ji Wuye caressed Concubine Yan's long hair tenderly, and said, "[-]", "I know what you have in mind. There is hatred, but there are many ways to eliminate hatred in your heart, there is no need to do it yourself, right?"

In order not to be put on a hat, Ji Wuye persuaded bitterly: "Think about it, you can use others, think this kind of small trick, it should be very easy for you, Dongjun."

"As for the target of use, you see, there is one in front of you, you can use me to help you dream of Yan Dan."

"I am willing to be used by you, and it doesn't cost you any energy."

"You just take advantage of my feelings for you and give an order casually, and I'll help you with the rest."

"how do you feel?"

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