If the one in the arms was replaced by Yan Lingji, or Mrs. Mingzhu, Ji Wuye would slap her buttocks up.

But this one in Huai and Zhong is different, and pumping her will probably only make things worse.

Hearing Ji Wuye's words, Concubine Yan raised her head and gave him a complicated look.

Looking at Concubine Yan's complicated eyes, Ji Wuye said: "Don't think about doing something stupid, you should know very well about me, if something happens to you, without you by your side, it will be hard to protect. I won't do anything strange to Yue'er."

Speaking of this, Ji Wuye licked, licked his lips, and said, "Looking at Yue'er's cute appearance, if she grows up, she will definitely be the same as you, she is a great beauty and a lovely little loli. What, I really don't know what that taste will be..."

Before Ji Wuye finished speaking, he felt a terrifying killing intent enveloped him, looking at Concubine Yan's icy gaze, Ji Wuye hurriedly smiled and said: "So, you have to be there to protect him. By her side, otherwise, what her future will be like, who knows."

Although Concubine Yan also knew in her heart that the other party deliberately said this because she cared about her.

It's just that when you mentioned the cute little loli, you actually reacted, which has to make people wonder if this is your most real thought.

Concubine Yan, who was in Ji Wuye's arms, naturally felt clearly about Ji Wuye's reaction.

It is conceivable that when she heard the other party mention Yue'er, she actually had a reaction, how strong the killing intent in Concubine Yan's heart was.

Concubine Yan looked at Ji Wuye coldly, gritted her teeth and said, "If you dare to have any other thoughts about Yue'er, I will definitely make your life worse than death."

Hearing this, Ji Wuye didn't do what he thought. In his opinion, it was normal for Concubine Yan's character to regard her daughter as her life, because her daughter was working hard with him.

Only Concubine Yan knew in her heart what was the reason for her strong killing intent.

Ji Wuye smiled and said, "If you don't want Yue'er to have something to do with it, then you can stay by Yue'er's side, and leave the rest to me."

"You should know that I have this strength."

"You should know that I have this strength."

"Of course, it's not free, you have to accompany me..."

Ji Wuye was still thinking about letting Concubine Yan sleep with him, but after thinking about it, he should not stimulate her too much at this time.

So, halfway through the words, he swallowed the next half of the sentence.

"Sleep with you?" Concubine Yan glanced at Ji Wuye with no mood swings.

"This..." Ji Wuye smiled and said, "If you are willing, I naturally can't ask for it, if you are not willing, there is nothing..."

Anyway, as long as people are still there, there will always be hope, and there is no rush at this time.

Before Ji Wuye finished speaking, Concubine Yan's faint voice entered Ji Wuye's ears.

"I promise."

"..." Ji Wuye stared at Concubine Yan in amazement.

This way of opening, something is not right.

Such words should never come from Concubine Yan's eloquence.

Ji Wuye reached out and touched Concubine Yan's forehead, and said curiously, "You don't have a fever? What's wrong with you? Could it be that Yan Dan's medicine is too heavy and your brain is damaged?"

Concubine Yan said lightly: "What? Isn't this what you want?"

"Back then, he used the so-called Seven Insects and Seven Flowers Cream to deceive me, and not long ago, he threatened me with the so-called Ten Fragrant Soft Tendon Powder."

"Isn't this what you want?"

"Now, you don't have to go to great lengths to make up all kinds of drugs, and you don't have to go out of your way to coerce me by any means."

"I'll give you what you want, is there anything you're not satisfied with?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied, very satisfied, but..." Ji Wuye frowned, looked at Concubine Yan suspiciously, and said, "But if you don't say why, what do you think, I dare to ask for it?"

Ji Wuye would definitely not believe such nonsense as a pie from the sky.

He didn't believe that the things he said to avenge her could make Concubine Yan give such a return.

There's nothing wrong with this kind of thing on other women.

0.0 But Ji Wuye knew very well that Concubine Yan was definitely not within the scope of these women.

Seeing Ji Wuye's vigilant look, Concubine Yan couldn't help sneering, she knew that if she didn't make it clear, the other party probably wouldn't dare to accept it calmly, but it would ruin the plan in her heart.

Concubine Yan said lightly: "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you."

"As I said before, isn't Yan Dan going to give it to the heir, just give it to him."


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 350 Yan Chunjun

As the night got darker and the lanterns first came on, a gorgeous pavilion stood in the east of Jicheng in Yanjing.

It is four stories high, decorated with lanterns and colorful, magnificent and extremely luxurious, no less than the Zilan Xuan in Han Xinzheng City.

Before getting close, you can hear the laughter of men and the tender laughter of girls from a distance.

This is the luxurious place in Jicheng, Feixue Pavilion.

In the center of the hall of Feixue Pavilion, there is a jade platform carved from white jade, with exquisite patterns carved on it, floating on the water like lotus leaves.

This is the treasure of Feixue Pavilion, Feixue Jade Flower Terrace.

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