
The sound of the piano was soft, crisp and pleasant to the ear, brushing past the ears like a fairy sound, and the noisy and playful sounds in the pavilion stopped instantly.

At this moment, the entire Feixue Pavilion's guests sat there dumbfounded like petrification, and silently cast their eyes on the Feixue Jade Flower Stage in the center of Feixue Pavilion. .

The red Shaman hangs down from the sky, and when he looks faintly, he sees a beautiful figure standing quietly behind the veil.

Before seeing him, he smelled a pleasant Xiao sound coming from the gauze curtain.

Xiao's voice was clear and beautiful, fluctuating high and low, with a gentle twist, as if sandwiched by the air of an ice spring, advancing layer by layer like waves.

White snowflakes fell from the sky, like feathers, hovering in the air and flying.

After a song, the gauze curtains dissipated, and on the jade flying snow jade flower stage, a beautiful woman in a water blue gauze skirt appeared.

The long snow-colored hair fluttered and fluttered in the wind, and the flawless face was extremely beautiful.

A pair of silver eyes are like the rippling water of a river under the moon, clear and deep, like a fairy like a spirit, like Fairy Guanghan coming from the Moon Palace.

I saw this woman gently moving the lotus steps, sometimes raising her wrists and lowering her eyebrows, and sometimes gently stretching her hands.

The wide, wide sleeves open and close to cover up, which brings out her beautiful appearance.

The entire Feixue Pavilion was silent, and everyone was so fascinated by her graceful dance that they almost forgot to breathe.

Seeing this woman's beautiful eyes filled with anticipation, everyone present was beating hearts, and they thought she was looking at him.

When everyone was immersed in a beautiful realm, a crisp applause suddenly entered everyone's ears, pulling everyone back from that wonderful realm.

"Who? What a disappointment." A noble boy muttered in dissatisfaction.

"I'm here to disrupt the situation."

"I'm here to disrupt the situation."


This sudden applause interrupted this beautiful dance, and dozens of noble sons showed dissatisfaction and complained one after another.

With a bang, the wine bottle in the hand of a middle-aged strong man in military uniform fell heavily on the table, and shouted dissatisfiedly: "Which bastard disturbed the general's Yaxing, and let the labor and capital roll in."

At this moment, a series of neat footsteps entered the ears of everyone, and I saw a team of armored soldiers with long Ges coming in from outside Feixue Pavilion.

A gorgeous sedan chair appeared in front of everyone in the escort of a team of soldiers.

The woman on the Feixue Jade Flower Stage also stopped at this time, turned around, and cast her eyes on the sedan chair.

Seeing this sedan chair, the middle-aged general, who was still shouting just now, trembled all over, and fell to his knees with a thud.

"The last commander, Yan Yi, didn't know how disrespectful Mr. Yanchun was when he arrived, and I hope your lord will forgive you."

The sedan chair fell to the ground, only to hear a low voice coming from behind the curtain.

"Oh? It's General Yan, what do you want me to forgive you for?"

When the general named Yan Yi heard this, he trembled all over, lying on the ground not daring to speak.

I only heard the people in the sedan chair say lightly: "Zhao Guo's music and dance are unparalleled in the world, the Yan country's youth, Handan's learning to walk, did not get the essence of it, and became a joke of the Seven Kingdoms."

"And the snow girl's Zhao Wu, alone and proud of the crowd, the world is fortunate to be able to see it with their own eyes, also..."


Before the man could finish speaking, a wine jar smashed in front of the sedan chair and shattered.

Immediately, everyone present couldn't help being shocked, and they all secretly guessed, who dared to die in front of this adult, really impatient to live 360 ​​years.

They can even imagine what kind of tragic end the person who throws the wine jar will have next.

The voices and voices in the sedan stopped, and the guards around the sedan also looked around vigilantly and shouted, "Who would dare to be so presumptuous in front of Jun Yanchun?"

At this moment, a voice full of dissatisfaction came down from the second floor.

"Yan Chunjun, who went to NM, dares to disturb Lao Tzu's Yaxing. I think you TM are impatient, and you want to rush to reincarnate, right?"


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 351 Where does the confidence come from (for flowers, for a monthly ticket)

Everyone looked for the sound and saw a man in black with a stubborn stubble on the second floor of the viewing platform. One foot was on the table, like a hooligan. sit.

I saw that on the table next to this person, there was a very public weapon wrapped in black brocade, shaking the wine bottle in his hand, tilting his head, and looking at the sedan chair downstairs with disdain.

When they saw this person's face clearly, everyone was stunned and found that they didn't know this person at all, and had never seen such a person in Jicheng.

He thought to himself that he might have come from a foreign country, and he didn't know what kind of power Yanchun in front of him had in the country of Yan, so he dared to say such arrogant words.

They all sighed in their hearts, and they could even think of how this person would die at the hands of the assassins under the command of Jun Yanchun.

He even imagined what kind of posture he was in when he fell to the ground.

He was interrupted inexplicably, and he was so arrogant in front of him.

Yan Chunjun in the sedan chair was obviously also angry, and shouted in a low voice: "Zuowei!"

After receiving the order, a swordsman in sackcloth who was standing still beside the sedan chair suddenly jumped and flew towards the second floor.

Unfortunately, before he jumped up to the second floor, he heard a bang, and a bronze wine bottle smashed into the face of Zuo Wei who was already flying in the air.

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