After a heavy landing sound, the swordsman fell on the floor of Feixue Pavilion like a bird hit by a stone, and his life and death are unknown.

Seeing this scene, the whole hall was in an uproar, not surprised by this person's skills, but surprised that someone dared to attack Yan Chunjun's person.

"Ah, what the fuck? It's okay to disturb the labor and management of Yaxing, but still want to kill the labor and management, such an arrogant 々ˇ?"

A wine bottle smashed the swordsman to the ground and jumped down from the second floor. In the eyes of a noble boy, he raised the short case in front of the noble boy, step by step. came towards the sedan chair.

This person is Ji Wuye, who first came to cultivate and cultivate feelings with Xue Nu before he planned to kill Yanchun Jun.

He looked at the graceful dancing posture of Snow Maiden, and he was making up some pictures that were not suitable for children, and he even made up several kinds of poses.

He was about to close the door, but was suddenly interrupted by someone inexplicably.

You can imagine how bad his mood was at this time.

It's okay to interrupt, this person doesn't learn anything, but he wants to learn from those sons, and pretend to be forceful in front of him.

How can you let him, the big guy who used to cover the sky with only one hand in Korea and China, bear it.

In the past, it was him who was arrogant and pretending to be in front of others.

Now not only do people want to pretend in front of him, but they also want their subordinates to kill him.

Ji Wuye, who was full of anger, couldn't take it anymore. After jumping down, he grabbed a short case with one hand and walked towards the sedan chair.

Seeing this unfamiliar face walking towards Yan Chunjun with a short case in his hand, he had never seen it before, and instantly made everyone in Feixue Pavilion stunned.

Look at this fierce posture, is this going to court death?

Look at this fierce posture, is this going to court death?

They don't think that this person has the strength to teach Yan Chunjun, Ji Wuye's behavior, in the eyes of these people, is just a way of death.

Even the Snow Maiden who was standing on the Fei Xue Jade Flower Stage, looking at Ji Wuye, couldn't help but flash a trace of regret in his eyes.

Seeing Ji Wuye walking towards the sedan chair, the armoured soldiers on the side seemed not to worry about the safety of Lord Yanchun at all, and still stood on both sides of the sedan with expressionless faces.

At this moment, a man in black with long messy hair who was standing by the sedan chair suddenly moved.

I saw two strange-shaped daggers suddenly appear in this person's hands, and the wind was blowing under their feet, and they appeared in front of Ji Wuye in an instant. The daggers in both hands also stabbed towards Ji Wuye's neck.

At that time, before the person's dagger reached Ji Wuye's neck, he felt a shadow shrouded his head.


A heavy roar sounded, and the short case in Ji Wuye's hand smashed heavily on this person's head.

At what time, the short case in Ji Wuye's hands was instantly shattered into countless pieces, and sawdust flew.

Before the killer could react, he felt dizzy and fell to the floor.

Ji Wuye slowly leaned down, opened his big hands, grabbed the killer's head, and slammed it heavily on the floor.

boom!boom!boom! , a series of heavy crashing sounds sounded.

Ji Wuye grabbed the man's head and smashed it on the floor, whispering softly: "''You TM... in the end... where did... come from... .....confidence."

" can...kill me!"

At the end, Ji Wuye grabbed the man's head and slammed it on the floor.

In an instant, the brain cracked, and the killer with two strange daggers in both hands died in an instant and could no longer die.

At this moment, seeing this scene, let alone the noble sons in Feixue Pavilion.

Even Xue Nu was stunned and dumbfounded, looking at the scene in front of (Li Zhao's) incredulously.

"Jueying, the first killer under the command of Jun Yanchun, just died like this?"

Ji Wuye didn't know who he killed. Judging from the speed at which the other party rushed towards him just now, he thought it was a little bit stronger. He didn't even bother to check his level.

He directly knocked him down with a short case, and then grabbed the opponent's head and smashed it hard on the floor, and that was the end.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 352 Don't Be Nervous (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

At this moment, the soldiers on the side were not calm, and they rushed to the front of the sedan chair, trembling all over, looking at Ji Wuye who was slowly getting up with a vigilant look.

The reason why they were so calm before was because they thought that there was Jue Ying, and no one could hurt Yanchun-Jun.

But at this time, Jue Ying just died in front of their eyes, which made them calm down.

After getting up, Ji Wuye clapped his hands, looked proudly at the sedan chair not far away, and said lightly: "The laborers heard that you have a number one killer, what is the name of Jueying, let him come out, maybe he Maybe it can stop labor and capital.”



At this time, the entire Feixue Pavilion was dead silent, and everyone looked at Ji Wuye with a strange expression.

Although I don't know what the strength of Jueying is, I think that even the young Xiao Gao can't beat him.

A long time ago, he killed a vulture like he was playing, and he still cares about an absolute shadow?

730 After a long time, Ji Wuye, who couldn't get a response, said impatiently: "What? What is that Jueying, you didn't bring it with you?"

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