
PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 360 What do you know? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

Perhaps Ji Wuye's scheming and tricks in matters such as feelings are so shameless.

But he didn't care at all, when he knew that after he passed through, there was even a magical thing like the system.

He decided that no matter whether it was good or bad, he would not do anything like the previous life.

He wants to rule the world and sleep with the most beautiful woman in the world. These two are his goals in this life.

God gave him a chance to cross, and also gave him the golden finger. If he didn't pursue the goal that many men dream of, what's the point of living?

Save the world?Benefit hundreds of millions of people?To be a useful person to the world and society?

Go to TM, whoever likes to do it.

He Ji Wuye has a golden finger, and he will only live for himself.

His three views are so wrong.

Are you reluctant?maybe.

After listening to Ji Wuye's slightly teasing words, Concubine Yan pondered for a moment and sighed inwardly. Rarely did not refute, but leaned her head in his arms.

"If you don't speak, just let me lean on me quietly for a while, maybe there will be some reluctance to give up."

Hearing this, Ji Wuye was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, and said, "I'm really sorry, according to what you said, I really can't let you lean on for a while, you'd better Don't have any nostalgia for me."

"Huh?" Concubine Yan leaned against Ji Wuye's arms, closed her eyes lightly, and said lightly, "Why is this? Haven't you always wanted me?"

Ji Wuye's big hand caressed her back lightly, and smiled: "Yes, I really want to get you, all the time, even in my dreams, I want to get you."

"For this, I can do whatever I can. Until now, I still have this idea, and it hasn't changed at all."

"However, I know your character very well. You are a good wife and a good mother, although you have a deep hatred for Yan Dan in your heart."

"However, as long as Yue'er is there, you can't kill Yan Dan. In any case, with your character, it's impossible for Yue'er's father to die in your hands."

"It's because of Yue'er, even if you really like me, it's probably impossible to be with me."

"So, it's my business that I want to get you, but I don't want you to like me."

"Because that will only make you difficult and tortured."

"How can I put you in a dilemma because of my possessiveness and spend the rest of my life in pain?"

Ji Wuye was secretly proud in his heart. He believed that if he was so affectionate, even if he might not be able to impress Concubine Yan's heart, he would at least leave a deep impression in her heart.

As for whether Concubine Yan was what he said, because of Yue'er's existence, even if she liked him, it was impossible to be with him.

He didn't know either, it was just what he was talking about to support Concubine Yan.

Even if Concubine Yan is really that kind of person, when Yue'er grows up in the future, she will sleep with Yue'er as if she was treating Nongyu, and this will be solved.

Even if Concubine Yan is really that kind of person, when Yue'er grows up in the future, she will sleep with Yue'er as if she was treating Nongyu, and this will be solved.

For this kind of thing, he is completely familiar with it, and he is not worried at all.

Sure enough, after hearing Ji Wuye's words, Concubine Yan's heart was full of five flavors and extremely complicated.

She never expected that this man, who had only met three times in total, would know her character so well.

To a person of the opposite sex who is not very familiar, and has never even met a few times, I understand this level.

Even if the other party told her that he had no idea about her at all, she probably wouldn't believe it.

He wanted to get her, but he gave up getting her because he was afraid that she would be in a dilemma.

Isn't this the love she's been longing for before?

Could it be that the reason why he gave up the legitimate opportunity to sleep on himself and left Yan Kingdom in such a hurry was also for this reason?

As soon as this thought came out, the expression on Concubine Yan's face became more complicated, and she did something that she herself could not imagine.

She never thought that she would raise her arms on her own initiative, and put them in Ji Wuye's moonlight.

Although he couldn't see the expression on Concubine Yan's face at this time, after feeling the change of Concubine Yan, Ji Wuye suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and clenched his arms tightly around Concubine Yan's shoulders.

"This is the first time you took the initiative to hug me. I am very happy to receive such a gift before leaving, and it is not in vain that I reluctantly gave up the rare opportunity to sleep with you indefinitely. ."

It's rare that I take the initiative to hug you, even at this moment, I still can't say anything good, should I really say something like the mud can't support the wall, Concubine Yan shook her head helplessly.

After pondering for a long time, Concubine Yan bit her lip and said softly, "Yue'er, she actually..."

"Okay...you don't need to say more, I understand!" It's rare for Concubine Yan to be so active. At this time, Ji Wuye didn't want to hear about Yan Dan, even though Yue'er was very kind Cute, but at this time, he felt a little disturbed when he heard about other people's daughters.

Ji Wuye clenched his arms and said, "Yue'er is indeed very pitiful. There is such a father who wants a son, and such a pair of parents who have such a complicated relationship. I also sympathize with her..."

"But, at the moment of 437, can you forget about her? Since I can't have you all my life, at least at this moment, it's not an exaggeration to want you to belong to me alone."

It is rare for labor and management to be so considerate. In the future, you mother and daughter should make good compensation for labor and management.

When she was in her teens, Yue'er seemed to be the cutest time. If at that time, the mother and daughter, Concubine Yan and Yue'er, were placed on top of each other, what kind of picture would it be?

you all know?What do you know?Concubine Yan was stunned for a while, thinking that he already knew Yue'er's identity, but after hearing what he said next, she could only sigh.

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