She finally mustered up the courage to tell Yue'er's life experience, but when he interrupted her like this, she could only sigh in her heart, leaned into his arms, and closed her eyes lightly. , no more words.

At this moment, Concubine Yan did not realize that Ji Wuye was looking out of the window in a trance, as if thinking of something, with a wretched and trivial smile on his face.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 361 The Form of the World (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

On the second day when Xue Nu returned to Feixue Pavilion, Yan Dan, who was ready to show off his skills, went to Feixue Pavilion in person.

In order to highlight the importance attached by the Mo family to Gao Jianli, this time Yan Dan brought all the leaders of the Mo family, including Master Xu, who was in charge of forging swords.

He had promised Yan Dan for a long time that he would join the Mo family's Gao Jianli after Yan Dan found the Snow Maiden.

Although Snow Maiden has locked herself in the house since she came back, she hasn't spoken to anyone.

No one knows what she experienced and how she got out of the hands of the other party.

But Yan Dan knows, not only does Yan Dan know, but he is also a politician.

As we all know, as a politician, an indispensable skill is shamelessness.

After arriving at Feixue Pavilion, in front of Gao Jianli, Yan Dan was like a hype.

How did he not sleep all night, how many people he mobilized, and personally searched every corner inside and outside Jicheng.

In the end, after all the hard work, the hard work finally paid off, only to find out that it was his brother Ji Ye who killed Yan Chunjun.

It was his brother named Ji Ye who took away the Snow Maiden.

For this, he was deeply apologetic and apologized for his brother in front of Gao Jianli with tears in his eyes.

But he also swore to Gao Jianli that his brother was definitely not a bad person except for his unruly character and unruly behavior.

He is an upright gentleman, and his brother Ji has repeatedly assured him that he will never do anything out of the ordinary to Xue Nu.

Xue Nu came back with a different look, maybe something else happened after leaving his brother.

In front of Gao Jianli, Yan Dan can be said to let go of the blow. Anyway, even if it proves that Ji Wuye did something outrageous to Xue Nu in the end, it has nothing to do with Yan Dan.

Anyway, what he said was that Ji Wuye assured him that he didn't do anything out of the ordinary, not his Yandan promise.

At that time, at most, he can only say that Yan Dan saw the wrong person and believed the wrong person.

The dual identities of Prince Yan Dan and the Mo clan tycoon, coupled with his good-natured face, made Xiao Gao stunned for a while.

Unconsciously, Gao Jianli was fooled by Yan Dan to join the Mo family and became one of the leaders of the Mo family.

On the other hand, after Yan Dan's persuasion failed, Xue Nv inexplicably agreed to join the Mo family after hearing that Ji Ye was Yan Dan's brother.

At this point, even Yan Dan was a little surprised, and had no idea what Xue Nu was thinking.

However, he didn't care about it at all.

In short, she promised to join the Mo family.

As for her and Ji Ye's affairs, after she joins the Mo family, it's okay to brainwash her if she has nothing to do.

If he really can't wash it, he will show in front of her that Yan Dan was completely deceived by Ji Ye, and he doesn't know what Ji Ye has done to her.

At that time, if you put on a decent appearance, and the mud on both sides, you will be able to fool the past.

This time, the happiest part of Ji Wuye's trip to the Yan Kingdom was Yan Dan, who had a great harvest.

Jun Yanchun, who was the greatest threat to his succession to the throne, died, and the Mo family also recruited two masters.

To say that the only fly in the ointment is that his brother Ji walked too hastily, and did not wait until his crown princess was pregnant before leaving.

Since the drug was given that time, he and Concubine Yan were completely torn apart.

Since the drug was given that time, he and Concubine Yan were completely torn apart.

On weekdays, the two basically did not meet each other, and even the opportunity to visit their daughter was deprived by Concubine Yan.

As for the issue of the heir, he could only pin his hopes on Concubine Yan. After all, with his current situation, it was impossible to take a concubine any more.

If he takes a concubine, the fact that he has become a waste will be completely spread.

And there is no way that there will be a second time for concubine Yan to take medicine. With Concubine Yan's strength, if he is wary of him, he really does not have the ability to do so.

Fortunately, Concubine Yan didn't seem to be very repulsive to his brother Ji.

He can only pin all his hopes on his brother Ji, hoping that his brother Ji can complete the task at hand as soon as possible, and come to Yan Kingdom to solve this final problem for him.

After leaving the State of Yan, Ji Wuye, like indulging in online games in his previous life, has completely entered a state of endless tasks, leveling and monsters, and upgrading.

In the Mo family, the farm family, the Qin state, the Yin Yang family, the most important forces in the future world, Ji Wuye, who is the entry point, is left behind.

In the time after that, it can be said that he did not hear anything outside the window, and only knew how to do tasks, fight monsters, and upgrade.

During the period when Ji Wuye was addicted to upgrading, the form of the world was gradually changing.

In the second year after Ji Wuye dedicated the entire country of Korea to Qin, there were successive earthquakes and famines in Zhao.

Ying Zheng ordered Wang Jian and Yang Duan to launch a full-scale attack on Zhao State. Wang Jian implemented a counter-strategic plan, bribed the Zhao Wang's favorite minister Guo Kai with a lot of money, and slandered Li Mu and others, saying that they were going to rebel, prompting Zhao Wang to kill Li Mu.

Afterwards, Wang Jian broke through the Zhao army, conquered Handan, captured Zhao Wangqian, and occupied the whole territory of Zhao State.

On the grounds that the State of Yan had sent Jing Ke into Qin to assassinate him, they aggressively attacked the State of Yan. After a long period of civil strife, the State of Yan has not recovered its vitality.

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