I saw the woman's left leg resting on top of her right leg, covering up the spring light, looking at him with a smile, and said, "Why, are you willing to come back? Look at your sloppy appearance, you are the ones outside. The woman doesn't want you anymore and drove you back?"

That's right, this person is Ji Wuye, and it's not because of that fucking system.

Although the characters posted later are not very difficult, they are actually in some deserted mountains and old forests.

Like collecting medicinal materials, collecting animal skins, etc. For seven consecutive years, he spent most of his time in deep mountains and old forests.

It’s okay to collect animal skins and the like, find the beasts you need, and kill them.

But collecting herbs and the like made him stumped.

He came from later generations, how could he know any herbs?

I thought about going directly to the pharmacy and paying for it, but this fucking system has only just been unearthed, and there are still dewdrops on the leaves.

In desperation, he could only remember the location after finding it, and then dig it early the next morning.

Over the years, let’s not say how much the strength has increased, at least basically what most herbs look like, he knows all, even if he can’t remember, he has probably seen them all.

Of course, the sin he suffered was not in vain, and his strength soared directly from the eighth-order elementary level to the ninth-order peak.

If it is not an advanced demigod and needs to complete the demigod advanced task, he will probably brush his level to more than [-] and come back.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 363

"Okay, everyone get up!"

Ji Wuye waved his hand lightly, then glanced at the woman sitting on the courtyard wall, passed by Mo Ya and Bai Feng, and strode towards the courtyard... ..

In the luxurious bath in the backyard of Zheng Guogong's mansion, Ji Wuye soaked in the pool water comfortably, completely emptied himself, thinking about nothing, raised his head, silently looking at the blue sky, the blossoming white clouds floating by.

Seven years of fighting monsters and upgrading, although the difficulty is not very high, but mentally, it can be said that he has been tortured.

When he thought about the life of Lao Lin in those seven years, he had a feeling of nausea.

In his previous life, when he was in elementary school, when he learned some pastoral poems, he also longed and envied the lives of those poets who had retreated to the countryside.

Now, if any poet really dared to appear in front of him, tell him how good and comfortable the mountain life is, and persuade him to let go of his rights and go with them to go to those pleasant pastoral lives.

He doesn't mind screwing their heads off to kick the ball. Now, he doesn't even have the patience to argue with them or convince them.

Mrs. Hu, dressed in a semi-transparent and transparent light veil, sat by the pool, with Ji Wuye's head resting on her rich and full moon, and her white fingers were heavy or light on his shoulders. Knead and squeeze.

Following Ji Wuye's side for many years, these women, like Madam Hu and Nongyu, naturally knew his preferences.

In the former General's Mansion, the most luxurious thing was the luxurious large bath and pool built with jade in the backyard.

And whenever Ji Wuye wanted to relax and rest, he would soak in the spring water.

Therefore, when they first came to Xianyang and moved into the imperial mansion, when they were renovating the backyard, they naturally asked the craftsmen to build such a luxurious large bath and pool according to the scale of the original general's mansion.

Ying Zheng was naturally responsive to the demands of the Duke's government, or, in other words, this was exactly what he wanted.

I believe that there is no king who does not like a person who does not like the military and government, but is simply greedy for pleasure, and is also very capable.

At the time of the second attack on Chu, the reason why Ying Zheng put [-] troops into the hands of Wang Jian was because Wang Jian was in front of the battle, and he kept going to the table and asked Ying Zheng for a reward?

Coveting material pleasures proves that you have no ambitions and have no other ideas.

No king will put his heart down on a person who is both capable, ambitious and enterprising.

Therefore, when it was learned from Mrs. Hu and others that luxurious large baths and pools were Ji Wuye's preference, Ying Zheng was even more luxurious.

Including the mansions surrounding the former Duke's Mansion, they were all requisitioned by Ying Zheng when they were repairing the Duke's Mansion, and they were all included in the Duke's Mansion.

On the original basis, the government office was nearly doubled.

Perhaps this is precisely because Ji Wuye gave up all military power and sent all his family to Xianyang.

Perhaps this is precisely because Ji Wuye gave up all military power and sent all his family to Xianyang.

Let Ying Zheng feel that Ji Wuye is sincere and unwilling to govern and is loyal to him, so he made such compensation.

Of course, it is not necessarily that Ji Wuye used this method to keep Ji Wuye as a great talent in his eyes in order to prevent Ji Wuye from retreating into the mountains as he said before.

Because of Ying Zheng's series of actions and the importance he attaches to the Duke's government, Ji Wuye, the only Duke of Qin, has not been seen in Xianyang for seven years, but no one is unaware of his existence. He was full of curiosity.

"It's quite enjoyable. That's why Mrs. Hu is so used to you. If you had to rely on me, I would have thrown you out long ago."

Yanling Ji walked to the edge of the pool with a smile, and half-squatted gracefully in front of Ji Wuye, with a charming smile on her face, looking at Ji Wuye with a smile.

"You haven't seen anyone for seven years. If those women outside don't drive you out, do you plan to never come back for the rest of your life?"

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

"I haven't seen you for seven years, why can't I hear anything good from your mouth?" Ji Wuye glanced at Yanling Ji, stretched out his hand and took out a cigarette from the cigarette case by the pool , put it on his lips, and said lightly: "Fire..."

Yan Lingji rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction, but she still stretched out her fair little hand in front of Ji Wuye, and with a flash, a small flame rose from her green fingers.

"Huh..." Ji Wuye took a deep, deep breath, turned his head sideways, and blew the blue smoke from his mouth on Yan Lingji's little face, glanced at it and put it not far away , the silver jug ​​filled with wine, nodded.

........ 0

"I've been soaking for too long, I'm a little thirsty, go... pour me a glass."

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