"Cough cough..." After being choked on by the smoke, Yan Lingji covered her nose with her hands and gave him a dissatisfied look, and said, "You really use me as a servant girl?"

"Isn't it?" Ji Wuye's eyes glanced at Yanling Ji Naxiu, the long Meiyue retreated and the tall buttocks, the mouth and corners raised, and said meaningfully: "If you want, I will Can you use anything else from you back then?"

Swept away by Ji Wuye's scorching gaze, Yanling Ji suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Farewell, you can just treat me as a maid."

Yanling Ji Wumei gave Ji Wuye a glamorous white glance, stood up and walked to the side, picked up the jug, poured a glass for him, and brought it to his mouth.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 364 What you want to ask is the purple girl (for flowers, ask for monthly ticket)

"How are the girls in Zilanxuan?" Ji Wuye stretched out his hand to take the wine bottle that Yanling Ji handed over, drank the fine wine in the cup, and lay down on Madam Hu's moonlight, squinting his eyes. , asked casually.

"What you want to ask is the purple girl."

Yan Lingji giggled, with a hint of fascination on her face, her soft little hands rested on his shoulders, and said in an infinitely seductive voice: "Tsk tsk, that purple girl. Body, body, even me, a woman, looks a little heartless, itchy, and patient, don't you want to..."

Saying that, Yan Lingji leaned down and leaned into Ji Wuye's ear, exhaling softly, "Put her on the ground from behind and press her on her back..."

"Pfft..." Hearing this, Ji Wuye just drank the "eight five seven" drink in his mouth, and sprayed it all on Yan Lingji's face without wasting it at all.

Darling, Yan Lingji, this stubborn little goblin, really... won my heart.

"Cough cough..." Ji Wuye coughed twice, looking at Yan Lingji, whose face was full of wine, with a trace of anger on her face, and said with a smile: "Don't talk nonsense. , I and the purple girl are just very simple, very pure ordinary friends."

The matter of the girl Nongyu hasn't been completely resolved, and the matter of Zinv can still be hidden for a while. After all, the relationship between the three of Zinv, Mrs. Hu, and Nongyu is a bit complicated.

If the girl Nongyu knows about the purple girl, with her sensitive personality, even if she can solve the matter perfectly in the future, I am afraid it will take a lot of thought.

Ji Wuye said solemnly: "Zi Lanxuan can be regarded as the mother's family of jade, after all, the sisters of Zi Nu and Zi Lanxuan are far away from their homeland because of me, and came to this unfamiliar place in Xianyang."

"For the sake of getting jade, I have obligations and responsibilities to settle them." Speaking of which, Ji Wuye glanced at Madam Hu and said, "Madam, do you think so?"

"The husband is in charge of these matters, and I listen to the husband." With a gentle smile on her face, Mrs. Hu moved the hand that kneaded and pinched Ji Wuye's shoulder to his head, gently and softly. Pressing his temples for him, he said softly, "Zi Lanxuan has a kind of nurturing kindness to Nongyu after all, and my husband should really take care of them more in the future."

"After all, girl Zi Nu is just a woman, and it's really not easy for her to take care of so many girls in Zi Lanxuan."

Ji Wuye nodded again and again and said with a smile: "Mmmm, Madam is right, don't worry, my husband will take good care of her sisters and the purple girl for Nongyu in the future."

Still Mrs. Hu was caring, Ji Wuye smiled and arched in her arms, and the big hand, which was placed between her necessities, also slowly slid towards her plump buttocks.

"You're really helpless." Seeing Madam Hu's happy face, Yan Lingji shook her head helplessly and said, "Don't worry, since the girls from Zilan Xuan came with us. After Xianyang, they all had a good time."

"Zi Nu opened Zi Lan Xuan again in Xianyang, just east of the city."

"Over the years, with the name of the Duke's Mansion, no one in Xianyang dared to trouble them."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, and said, "I haven't shown my face for seven years. It can be said that I have never shown my face in Xianyang, and I still have such a great deterrent power in Xianyang. ?"

This made him a little surprised. Xianyang was the capital of Qin State after all.

Among the capitals of a country, the most indispensable thing is all kinds of powerful people.

Among the capitals of a country, the most indispensable thing is all kinds of powerful people.

If a place like Zilan Xuan wants to open in the capital of a country, if there is no power behind it, it is simply untenable.

When he thought about it, although he had never been seen in Xianyang as a prince, at least he had the name of a prince, but it wouldn't make Zilan Xuan unable to open.

However, what he didn't expect was that no one would look for trouble, which made him a little surprised.

No matter how prominent the duke is, the playboys in the families of the dignitaries will not be shocked by such a duke who has never been seen, or who has surrendered to the country without even fighting.

Yan Lingji took off her shoes, sat down by the pool, put her feet in the water and kicked lightly, and said slowly: "If you say that you have never been troubled by anyone, it is not all 0 . ........"

"In the first year of Zilan Xuan's opening, there were still some playboys who came from aristocracy and made trouble in Zilan Xuan."

"The first person to make trouble seems to be the son of a scholar-official family, but that night, he was thrown into the moat outside the city by the people of the night."

"The son of a scholar-bureaucrat was thrown into a moat on a cold day. Naturally, he wouldn't let it go."

"Unfortunately, it was suppressed by Lord Xiangguo in the end. In addition, after someone found out the relationship between Zilanxuan and the Duke's Mansion, naturally no one would go to Zilanxuan to make trouble."

The son of a mere scholar-officer dared to cause trouble in Zilan Xuan, but the killers in the night did not kill him directly, but just threw him into the moat. It seems that this should be the meaning of the purple girl.

Otherwise, how could the killers in the night have such an IQ.

Ji Wuye can also understand the purpose of Zi Nu doing this, after all, the Qin state is not like the Han state.

In Han and Guo, no, it should be said, in any country of the six countries other than Qin, or in other words, even in any dynasty of later generations.

Powerful and powerful, you can do whatever you want.

In the six countries of Shandong 2.0, it is not a matter for the powerful and powerful.

But it was not feasible in Qin State. In Qin State, after Shang Yang reformed, Qin Lu was above everything else.

The Qin Dynasty can be said to be the dynasty with the strictest and most stringent laws in the past five thousand years in China.

Strict to the point of being completely inhumane, the content of Qin's law, no matter how it is stipulated, must come as it is, there is no possibility of any change.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 365 If You Are Interested, You Can Come Together (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

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