At the time of Duke Xiao of Qin, Ying Si, the crown prince, broke the law. According to Qin law, the crown prince Fu Yingqian should be punished, that is, cut off his nose.

Yingqian was the god of war in the Qin state at that time, and he had a very high prestige in the army. Even when all the old clans and people in the army supported him to succeed him as Qin Jun, he took the initiative to give up the Qin Jun position. Duke Xiao of Qin.

When Duke Xiao of Qin supported Shang Yang to implement the reform in Qin, the whole court, including the army, were opposed to it.

Yingqian came forward again, suppressing all opposition, and supported Duke Xiao and Shang Yang.

It can be said that Yingqian not only made illustrious military exploits for Qin Guoli, but also supported Duke Xiao and Shang Yang.

However, because of such a thing, Shang Yang had to punish him.

Of course, since the law is set in 09, it must be followed, and it is understandable to win pious.

But he is a person with good face, how can he bear it when his nose is cut.

So he discussed with Shang Yang and said if he could use one of his arms to change his nose.

Shang Yang was stunned and refused to agree. He cut off his nose by shutting off Ying Qian, an important Qin official who supported him, and even Qin Xiaogong's elder brother.

At that time, with Yingqian's prestige in the army and the court, coupled with his identity as Qin Gongzi, if he wanted to rebel, no one could stop him.

However, for the sake of Qin, he endured it, cut off his nose, and lived in seclusion from then on, no longer involved in the affairs of the state.

At the beginning of Ying Si's succession to the throne, he clearly knew that the old clan in the court was going to rebel, and even Ying Ji, the wise general at the time, suggested that Ying Si should strike first to be stronger.

But Ying Si is just a simple sentence, have they reversed it?

If they are against it, they are against it, and if they don't, they will not be against it. As long as they haven't violated Qin's law, there is no reason to punish them.

In Qin state, Qin law is above all else.

The Qin Dynasty can be said to be a country that truly made the rule of law greater than the rule of man, developed to the extreme, and showed it most vividly.

The real prince breaks the law and commits the same crime as the common people. All dynasties and dynasties have been shouting, but there are only a few who actually do it.

But in Qin country, if you violated Qin law, even if you are really the prince, it is useless.

According to Qin Lu, what should I do, what should I do.

Even if Ji Wuye was in Xianyang, it was impossible for him to kill the son of some scholar-officer because of such a trivial matter.

It's not that I dare not, it's that I can't commit it.

He is now in a latent state, and there is no need to make trouble with a high profile.

He is now in a latent state, and there is no need to make trouble with a high profile.

Even if he wanted to kill him, he would frame the blame and use Qin Lu to kill him.

"Prime Minister?" Ji Wuye squinted his eyes and said lightly, "Has Li Si been promoted to Qin State's Prime Minister?"

Yan Lingji nodded and said, "A few years ago, after Wang Wan was dismissed from his position, Li Si and Feng Quji became the two prime ministers of Qin."

Ji Wuye nodded, and it was not surprising that Li Si would come forward to solve the matter for him.

Leaving aside the Xu friendship between Li Si and him, Li Si knew how much Ying Zheng valued him, Ji Wuye.

With Li Si's character, given this opportunity, it is impossible not to come and befriend him.

Now that Zi Lan Xuan of Zi Nu has established a firm foothold in Xianyang, then, he only needs to wait quietly for the progress of the plot, seize the opportunity of Gai Nie to take Tianming away, and officially enter the court.

Until then, let's enjoy the present life.

"I still have some things to discuss with Mrs. Hu. You can go to other places first. On my way back, I saw that this Xianyang city is much more prosperous than the original Xinzheng."

Ji Wuye glanced at Yanling Ji indifferently, and said: "Why don't you go shopping, buy whatever you like, it will be counted in my account, and it will count as the gift I gave you, how about it?"

Hearing this, Yan Lingji, who was swinging in the pool, suddenly froze, and cast a disdainful glance at Ji Wuye.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for seven years, how did you become more reserved?"

With Mrs. Hu's docile personality, she could have something to discuss with her, what was in his mind, how could Yan Lingji not know, and glanced at Ji Wuye with disdain.

Yan Lingji was still kicking herself in the pool, and she didn't look like she wanted to leave.

Hey, when did Yan Lingji become so colorless? 660, sample, can't labor and capital really take care of you?

Ji Wuye laughed loudly and said, "The laborers and the wife want to go to Wushan to see the clouds and rain. If you are interested, you can come together."

After all, Ji Wuye didn't care about Yan Lingji beside him, and directly threw Mrs. Hu, who was wearing a veil and a red glow on her face, and fell to the edge of the pool.

Ji Wuye's mouth twitched and his corners raised, don't you go, right? You dare to stay here, and with the violent temper of labor and capital, you dare to give you a live broadcast.

"You..." Yan Lingji's expression was stagnant, her pink face rose, she glared at Ji Wuye angrily, and gritted her teeth: "Shameless..."

As soon as the voice fell, Yan Lingji flashed and disappeared in front of the two of them.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 366 Ying Zheng's Visit (For Flowers, For a Monthly Pass)

"Mother, I heard that Dad is back... um..."

I heard that Ji Wuye, who had been away for seven years, came back, and Nongyu rushed to the backyard where the bath and pool were located. He had just turned around the rockery. When he saw the scene by the pool, Nongyu's footsteps were stagnant and his hands were tight. He tightly covered his small mouth and stared blankly at the two by the pool.

I saw that by the pool made of jade, her mother, Mrs. Hu, was dressed in a semi-transparent and transparent gauze, and her blue silk was scattered and scattered on the ground.

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