Previously, Ji Wuye called Ying Zheng the king, including Ying Zheng, and everyone didn't say anything. After all, they all knew that Ji Wuye only returned to Xianyang yesterday.

With his savage appearance, he must have spent the past seven years in the deep mountains and forests, and it is normal for him to be poorly informed.

But when he heard that he was still calling Ying Zheng the king, Li Si reminded him kindly.

"Oh?" Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, then gave Ying Zheng a salute, and said, "I have spent the past seven years in the deep mountains and forests, and the news is somewhat blocked. I hope Your Majesty will forgive me."

Ying Zheng waved his hand unconcernedly and said with a smile, "It's okay, I have already said that you don't need to care about those false courtesy today."

After a lapse of seven years, Ying Zheng was really happy to see Ji Wuye again.

When Ji Wuye was in his most difficult time, he gave him directions and recommended talents for him. It can be said that he gave him a lot of help when he regained control of the government.

After dedicating Han and the country to him, he retired. This kind of talent with no desires and no desires, since Ying Zheng stepped into the palace, he has always called him Mr., and it can be seen that Ji Wuye is in his mind. position in.

The meaning of Mr. in this era is very different from that in the future.

In this era, calling the other person "Mr." means treating him with respect.

No matter what Ji Wuye had done before, or what his intentions were, the things he did in front of Ying Zheng were indeed worthy of Ying Zheng's respect as a teacher.

For Ying Zheng to treat himself with respect from his teacher, Ji Wuye also accepted it calmly, without any psychological pressure.

After all, even his attempts all along were to usurp the throne.

But at least he didn't plan to capture his Da Qin when Ying Zheng was in power, didn't he?

As for Ying Zheng's death, he doesn't care about Ji Wuye's affairs. Even if he does not replace Ji Wuye, there will still be a gangster like Liu Bang who will stand up and make trouble, right?

He Ji Wuye has always wanted a complete Daqin, so at least he will really keep Daqin wholeheartedly in the future.

And he didn't plan to usurp power when Ying Zheng was in power, so in a sense, when Ying Zheng was in power, Ji Wuye was a loyal minister to Da Qin and Ying Zheng. Bar.

He is such a loyal minister of the Great Qin, and he has made great contributions to the Great Qin, so why can't Ying Zheng treat him with the courtesy of a teacher?

"Emperor...Emperor..." Ji Wuye murmured softly, and then smiled: "Virtuous and three emperors, meritorious five emperors, a good title."

Hearing this, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed lightly, he squinted at Ji Wuye, and said slowly, "Oh? Mister thinks so too?"

The title of his emperor was changed by himself. Originally, when he asked Li Si to think of a more noble title for him.

The title of his emperor was changed by himself. Originally, when he asked Li Si to think of a more noble title for him.

Li Si, who was Tingwei at the time, and Wang Wan, the prime minister, and Feng Quji, who was a censor, discussed for a long time, but they just came up with the title of 'Thai Emperor'.

The reason is very simple, the title is more noble than the five emperors, that is, the three emperors.

Among the three emperors, the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Earth, and the Emperor of Thailand, the Emperor of Thailand was the most expensive. Therefore, Li Si and the other three planned to give Ying Zheng the title of Emperor of Thailand.

The order is called 'system', the order is called 'edict', and it is called 'I'.

After Ying Zheng heard it, he did not accept all of them, but went to 'Tai' to stay 'Emperor', and adopted the title of the ancient emperor, called 'Emperor', and 'King' was renamed 'Emperor'.

In addition to changing 'Thai Emperor' to 'Emperor', the rest also adopted the opinions of Li Si and others, calling the order 'system' and the order 'edict'.

Although Ying Zheng was very satisfied with the title he changed, he also wanted to hear the opinions of Ji Wuye, who had helped him a lot.

0 ・・・・・・・ Ask for flowers 0 ・・・

Ji Wuye naturally knew what Ying Zheng was thinking. For him, it was extremely simple to say good things and flatter him.

Ji Wuye smiled and said, "Whether it's the Three Emperors or the Five Emperors, although they are the co-lords of the world in name, the realm they control is only a thousand miles away."

"Whether it's Houfu or Yifu, those who come to worship, or those who don't come to worship, the emperor has no ability to control them at all."

"Since the Spring and Autumn Period, the world has been in turmoil for hundreds of years. Your Majesty sent forth a righteous army to slay the robbers and pacify the entire world, so that the four seas are unified, and there will be no more wars."

"Today's grand occasion is unprecedented. Even the five ancient emperors have never been able to do it like His Majesty."

"Your Majesty deserves the title of Emperor."

. 0 ......

"Even if the minister is still there, he will persuade His Majesty to change his title. Although the king is an extremely honorable title, let's not mention that all the princes in the Central Plains used the title of king for the time being."

"Barbarians such as Wu and Yue also call themselves kings."

"Now that Your Majesty rules the world, if you still use the king's title, how can you show His Majesty's merit?"

Speaking of this, Ji Wuye suddenly paused, and then continued: "Of course, the more honorable the title, the heavier the responsibility."

"The original people of the Seven Kingdoms are now the people of Daqin, and they are His Majesty's people. I hope His Majesty can treat them kindly."

"Hopefully, we must be able to treat everyone equally as we treat the people of Qin."


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it.


Chapter 369 Shame? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

After hearing Ji Wuye's words, everyone in the hall had different expressions.

Especially in the previous remarks, Li Si, Feng Quji, and Zhao Gao looked indifferent and did not feel any surprise.

After all, in front of the emperor, it is natural to say something nice.

Besides, those compliments were not abrupt when applied to an ancient emperor like Ying Zheng.

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