When Wei Liao heard what Ji Wuye said in front of him, a trace of disappointment could not help showing on his face.

He didn't feel disdain for Ji Wuye's flattering remarks, but the reason why he followed Ying Zheng to the Duke's Mansion on this trip was because he was a little curious about Ji Wuye.

As a matter of common sense, people who betray their country and seek glory, no matter how high-sounding they say, and what reason they have, shouldn't do things like surrender the city directly without fighting.

Wei Liao didn't know Ji Wuye very well at first, only "Zero One Zero" was heard that he was known as the strongest general in Korea and the country for a hundred years, and at the same time he was also a chaotic and powerful minister.

Yi Wei Liao, a person with a noble and pure nature, naturally disdains to associate with Ji Wuye.

What's more, with the title of the strongest general in Korea and the country for a hundred years, Ji Wuye actually did something like offering the city to betray the country without even fighting.

It can be said that it is simply a disgrace to the soldiers.

But it was such a humiliation that Li Si and Ying Zheng were full of praise for him.

Wei Liao still knew Li Si and Ying Zheng very well, if Ji Wuye was really the person he thought.

Li Si and Ying Zheng would definitely not even bother to look at him, let alone compliment this person in front of him.

Later, Ji Wuye refused to continue to hold military power, and Wei Liao became more interested in Ji Wuye.

However, although what he said just now is somewhat reasonable, he can't escape the suspicion of flattering.

But when he heard the last words and looked at Ji Wuye again, Wei Liao couldn't help but have a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Wei Liao lightly stroked his beard, squinted at Ji Wuye, with a faint smile on his face, nodded secretly.

Sure enough, this person is the same as what Ying Zheng and Li Si said in their mouths. What they pretend in their hearts is only the people of the world, and there is no so-called country.

With the latter remarks and the flattering remarks in front, in Wei Liao's ears, he felt that he was deliberately promoting Ying Zheng so that he could be driven by vanity and treat the people of the world kindly.

In fact, what Ji Wuye said just now was exactly as Wei Liao thought, and this was indeed his original intention.

Now that the world is unified, as long as Ying Zheng dies, this world will be his Ji Wuye's world.

The people of this world are naturally also the people of his Ji Wuye, can he not hope that Ying Zheng treats them well?

Of course, according to the current form, no matter how much Ying Zheng changed his attitude, the rebellion that should have happened would still happen.

The Seven Kingdoms have just been destroyed, and the world has just been unified. At this time, many conflicts cannot be resolved simply by applying benevolent government.

Qin's unification of the world is fundamentally different from the division and integration of later dynasties and dynasties.

In later generations, no matter whether it is divided or combined, even if it is like the last year of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it will take more than a hundred years, as long as the current ruler is reunified, he will be able to make the people accept him from the bottom of their hearts.

After all, those are the common people, and they have the brand of Han people in their hearts, and the rulers just changed their surnames.

The [-]-year-old Han Dynasty has already fused the blood of the people all over the world.

The [-]-year-old Han Dynasty has already fused the blood of the people all over the world.

But this time is different. The people of the seven countries, that is, the people of the seven countries, have different characters, currencies, and cultures.

You suddenly told them that from now on, we are all a family, do you think he can accept it?

Some things have to use time and means to run in.

Since the Han Dynasty, there have been many divisions and integrations, but in the end, as long as the Han regime is unified, and where it is unified, the rulers can easily make the people accept him.

But look at the beginning of the Yuan and Qing dynasties, they were all suppressed with massacres and blood.

Is it because their rulers don't know it's about benevolent governance, because they know it's useless.

Since the Han Dynasty, no matter how chaotic, as long as the Han regime is unified, in the hearts of the common people, it is ruled by one's own people, which is acceptable.

But when you came from a foreigner, at the beginning, no matter how good your attitude was, in the hearts of the people, you were still an outsider who occupied your own homeland.

You occupy my home, if you treat me well, can I recognize you as the owner of this home?This is not bullshit.

And this is the situation the Qin country is facing at this time. The people of the seven countries have the blood of the seven countries flowing through them.

It is not something that can be solved simply with some so-called benevolent governance.  …

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Ying Zheng's approach after reunification.

The book is the same in the text, the car is in the same track, and the line is in the same class. This is all to erase the imprint of the seven countries in the blood of the people of the seven countries, so that the world is truly unified, and the cohesion of the people in the world is increased.

In the hearts of the people of the Central Plains, the Qin state is the barbarians in the west. They are ruled by barbarians. Naturally, no matter what you do, they will rise up and resist.

Moreover, the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period have been chaotic for hundreds of years, and how could the blood feud between the people of various countries be so easily resolved.

All the males of Zhao State died in Changping and were slaughtered by Bai Qi. How could this kind of blood feud be eliminated if there was not enough time.

Bai Qi's death was doomed from the time he slaughtered Changping. It wasn't because some monarch listened to slander, and it wasn't because Fan Sui hated him.

Although Fan Sui was notorious for his revenge, Bai Qi did not offend him.

Moreover, Fan Sui is also a smart person. Under the command of King Zhaoxiang, he excludes dissidents and becomes a powerful minister. There is no difference in courting death.

With Bai Qi's prestige in Qin, even if he hated him and Fan Sui's IQ, it was impossible to kill him.

For Fan Sui, Bai Qi could be dismissed from office and exiled, but he could not die.

When he knew that Bai Qi couldn't die in his hands, he still wanted to kill Bai Qi, which was nothing more than willingly making a knife and doing what he wanted but couldn't do for King Zhaoxiang.

Killing Baiqi, like Chu Sangui, he just did what the King of Qin wanted to do but couldn't, just like the promise he made at the moment of 5.3 when he defected to the King of Qin.

He wants to make King Qin become a king who is unconstrained and can really do whatever he wants.

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