Throughout Fan Sui's life, many of his actions were the same as those of villains, but it was not unreasonable that he could be listed as the famous minister of the Qin state alongside Shang Yang and Zhang Yi.

The contribution he made to the Qin state was not only a distant ally and a close attack, but only one distant ally attacking was not enough to be able to rank with Shang Yang and Zhang Yi.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 370 Doggy Romance? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

At the beginning of Qin's unification, the chaos in the world was not just because the so-called Qin law was harsh, it was just an excuse.

Even if Ying Zheng changed Qin's law, the result might not be much better.

Many things require the baptism of blood, and then through the integration of practice, there may be qualitative changes.

After the unification, all Ying Zheng had to do was to use strong means to clear some things that had to be cleared up.

At the beginning of Shang Yang's reforms, even though the Qin state at that time was already a broken jar that was unbearable to a certain extent, almost most people could accept the reality of the reforms, but they still shed a lot of blood.

For Ying Zheng to integrate the seven kingdoms, the difficulty is no less than a large-scale reform.

So, in any case, in the beginning, the blood that should be shed must be shed.

Therefore, Ji Wuye is not worried that the Qin state will not be chaotic. At such a time, whether the King of Qin is a bright or a dim monarch, chaos is inevitable.

All he had to do was to wait for Ying Zheng to baptize the Seven Kingdoms with tough means, and then he would go pick peaches.

Picking peaches is much easier. After the bloodbath, it is his place to exercise benevolent governance. That is the Daqin, and it will be completely unified like the Han Dynasty.

The reason why Liu Bang was able to have a completely unified Han Dynasty, Ying Zheng played a great role.

Liu Bang was just plucking the peaches that Ying Zheng had planted for Fusu.

Of course, the process of picking may not be so easy, but grabbed from the hands of many people.

The reason why Ying Zheng was called the Emperor of the Ancients was not merely the unification of the seven kingdoms by force.

After all, with the national strength of the Qin state at that time, even if the king of Qin had a dog on his seat, he would be able to unify the seven kingdoms.

Ying Zheng's greater contribution was the things he did after unifying by force.

Without the series of policies after his unification, he is just a rich second-generation dipped in the light of his ancestors.

Counting up to six generations, any king of Qin can overtake him.

Of course, after he was unified, and after integrating the means and policies of the people of the seven kingdoms, his light could overshadow the Qin kings in front of him, and even many emperors of later generations, and become the first emperor of the ages.

The reason why Ji Wuye decided not to rebel when Ying Zheng was there was that Ying Zheng was a wise ruler, and the difficulty factor was a little high.

It's also partly because he doesn't want to step in now to clean up the mess.

It is a big project to integrate the people of the seven kingdoms, and even if he can do it, he will be exhausted.

It is a big project to integrate the people of the seven kingdoms, and even if he can do it, he will be exhausted.

After all, Ying Zheng still has the hearts of the Qin people on him. If Ji Wuye intervenes at this time, it will really start from scratch.

He is such a powerful minister, and even the people of Korea at the time could not support him.

Since someone has the ability to plant trees and let the saplings grow before that, why not take it easy, wait until the fruit is ripe, and go straight to picking the fruit?

With his character, letting him eat fruit starts with planting trees and taking care of saplings. He may prefer not to eat or do such things.

Or wait until someone else has planted everything on the fruit tree, and after the fruit is ripe, he will pick it again, which is in line with his character.

Ji Wuye knew very well that in matters like the dynasty, force could not solve everything.

If force could solve everything, then the Yuan Dynasty would not just be a flash in the pan, but wither in an instant.

Ji Wuye looked at Ying Zheng's eyes at this time, like a gardener who planted trees for himself and took care of the orchard, respecting him from the bottom of his heart.

Therefore, what he said about the fan's praise of Ying Zheng was not all for flattery, but also with a bit of sincerity.

After Ji Wuye's remarks, although the expression on Ying Zheng's face did not change, there was a flash of joy in his eyes, but after a while, Ying Zheng sighed softly and said, "I once promised Mr. After that, people all over the world will be treated equally, and this will never change.”

"I am also working hard in this direction at this time, but why don't some people understand this?"

"Oh?" Hearing this, Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, then looked at Ying Zheng with doubts in his eyes and said, "Some people?"

If Ying Zheng can say these words, this person's status in Ying Zheng 183's heart will naturally not be low.

Hearing Ying Zheng's words, the first figure that appeared in Ji Wuye's mind was Li Ji.

This has nothing to do with the so-called history, but because he was too poisoned. In his previous life, he was too poisoned by those remakes of romantic idol dramas.

Why Ying Zheng likes Li Ji, and Ai Li Ji loves her life and death, even if Ji Wuye didn't think about that.

Those very demonic TV dramas in the previous life had inadvertently led his thoughts in that direction.

Ji Wuye couldn't help but feel tired and crooked in his heart for a while, what the hell, this buddy Ying Zheng is not really like the villain of the previous life, Da Qinzhong, that bloody drama like a Korean drama, is too deep for Li Ji.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 371 Gai Nie's Defection (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

Ying Zheng sighed softly and shook his head: "It's Gai Nie, the gentleman I met in Korea and Korea."

"Gai Nie?" Hearing this name, a strange color flashed across Ji Wuye's face.

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