Looking at Ying Zheng's appearance, could it be that the plot has already begun?

It can be seen from the original work that Gai Nie's betrayal was a big blow to Ying Zheng.

It can be said that Ying Zheng never thought that Genie would betray him.

At this time, Li Si opened his mouth and said, "I don't know anything about the Duke, but not long ago, Gai Nie suddenly defected and took a traitor's child with him."

"The child of a traitor?" Ji Wuye glanced at Ying Zheng, his mouth and corners raised slightly, and said lightly, "Gai Nie would betray Your Majesty for a child, presumably this child's identity is definitely not simple."

"However, no matter what the identity of this child is, or what Gai Nie betrayed Da Qin for, this minister believes that Ga Nie's betrayal is not necessarily a bad thing for Da Qin."

Having read the original book, he naturally understood why Genie betrayed him, but Tianming's identity was indeed a little more sensitive.

His wife was slept in by someone else and gave birth to a son. This is an unacceptable thing for ordinary people, let alone Ying Zheng.

Moreover, because of Zhao Ji's unrestrained behavior in the past, Ying Zheng left a deep shadow on him when he was young, and there is nothing Ying Zheng hated the most.

Therefore, Ji Wuye did not mention Tianming's identity too much, anyway, Tianming's identity is not important to him.

When Ji Wuye said this, the whole room was stunned. Gai Nie was the first chief swordsman master of the Qin Kingdom. He had followed Ying Zheng for many years and was deeply trusted by Ying Zheng.

Not to mention the monarch-subject relationship between Ying Zheng and Gai Nie for so many years, that is, many of the top secrets of Da Qin in the hands of Gai Nie, for Da Qin, they are all people who must be killed.

Such a person's defecting, for Da Qin, no matter how you look at it, it is a bad thing that can't be worse.

Ying Zheng was stunned for a while, then slowly raised his head, looked at Ji Wuye, and asked inexplicably, "Oh? Why did you say this, sir?"

Ji Wuye waved his hand, and several maids brought the brewed tea up.

"Your Majesty, taste the taste of the tea in the court, does it still suit your Majesty's taste?" Ji Wuye did not answer Ying Zheng's question, but smiled and held up the tea cup in his hand, and gestured towards the crowd.

When it comes to the critical moment, what tea to drink?Although Ying Zheng felt a little dazed, he didn't rush to ask, instead he took the tea cup in his hand indifferently.

In Ying Zheng's eyes, Ji Wuye was just like Wei Liao, a great talent who was not born.

But every great talent, every move, must contain some kind of deep meaning.

Although Ying Zheng hated this kind of betrayal, he also knew very well that when dealing with such people, he had to come here, and he couldn't be in a hurry.

Although Ying Zheng hated this kind of betrayal, he also knew very well that when dealing with such people, he had to come here, and he couldn't be in a hurry.

Otherwise, it will make the other party look down on you.

Ying Zheng picked up the tea cup in his hand, took a sip, the tea juice was fragrant when he entered the mouth, and the fragrance lingered on his teeth and cheeks, like an orchid on his tongue, which was refreshing.

"Good tea!" Ying Zheng couldn't help but exclaimed, looked at Ji Wuye, and said with a smile: "I can't believe that there is such a good tea hidden in the mansion, even in my palace, I can't find such fragrance Sweet, delicious tea."

With a faint smile on the corner of Ji Wuye's mouth, he gently shook the tea cup in his hand, looking at the tender sprouts that were churning up and down in the cup, and said with a smile: "If you want to come, Your Majesty should know, sir. In addition to being the Duke of Daqin, he also has an identity, the chief director of the farmhouse Kuiwei Hall."

"This tea is called 'Shen Nong Tea' and comes from a farmer."

"Shen Nong tasted all kinds of herbs, and encountered seventy-two poisons every day. He got tea to cure it. He said that the tea mentioned is this tea."

"It is said that this tea can detoxify, sober the lungs, and prolong life."

"This thing, even in a farmhouse, is a rarity."

"' 'If it weren't for the fact that the minister had such an unclear relationship with the head of the Kuiwei Hall, even if the minister was the general manager of the farmhouse Kuiwei Hall, he would not be able to get such rare things."

As soon as Ji Wuye said this, everyone in the hall suddenly showed a knowing smile.

The matter of Ji Wuye and the head of the farmhouse Kuiwei Hall is no secret in the arena, let alone the big guys here.

Ji Wuye didn't intend to hide his identity as a farmer in front of Ying Zheng.

On the rivers and lakes, many people may not know who Ji Ye is, but they can't hide Ying Zheng.

The net's influence spreads all over the seven countries, and the important figures among the hundreds of schools of thought are basically recorded on the record.

The farm family is a huge and complex sect, and it has long been infiltrated by the (Mod's) snares.

What's more, when Ji Wuye's family moved from Xinzheng to Xianyang, in order to cooperate with the Yin-Yang family and Luo Wang, he had already exposed his identity as a farmer in front of Ying Zheng.

Even if it wasn't exposed, Ji Wuye didn't plan to hide it. After all, this kind of thing can be found out with a little bit of investigation.

Moreover, when he will use the net and the Yin-Yang family in the future, there is no need to hide it from Ying Zheng.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 372 What do you mean by this Mr. (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

The identity of Ji Wuye and Ji Wuye may not be found on the rivers and lakes, that is because the news that Ji Wuye is Ji Wuye can be blocked in the court of Qin.

When they checked Ji Ye to death, they could only find the place where Yan Dan saw Ji Wuye for the first time, and then it was blank.

But it is much easier for Ying Zheng to investigate, so this kind of thing cannot be concealed from Ying Zheng, and there is no need to conceal it.

Ying Zheng Huan turned towards the tea cup in his hand, and smiled, "I can't help but envy Mr.'s womanhood. There are already several people in the government's government, and there is another farmer waiting for you."

"As far as I know, the snow girl of the Mo family seems to have a relationship with her husband, and it's not very clear."

As soon as Ying Zheng said this, everyone in the hall burst into laughter.

He was a courtier that Ying Zheng valued very much, and his every move would naturally attract Ying Zheng's attention.

Moreover, what he did in Yan State was not a secret matter, and it could be found out by checking.

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